I just don’t know about this guy

| October 31, 2011

Several of you sent this video from Arizona to me over the past couple of days and I’ve been sitting here thinking about it. Someone asked me if I could do a FOIA on the guy. It should be easy…how many people went by the nickname “JT”? But, ya know how you can agree with everything someone says, but, there’s just sumpthin’ that turns you off? Well, here you watch it.

I put on some weight after the Army, too, but not that far outside of the weight standards. I know his boots are groaning. Here’s the link to his organization. Although i support what they’re doing and for what they say they stand for, they just look a little too eager, and I’m sure they’re keeping their neighborhood surplus stores in business.

Both JT and the video guy start talking about what a great organization the Oathkeepers is, and well, you know how I feel about Ron Paul’s militia.

I don’t like the way that JT and his band of surplus store refugees are facing the police, like they intend to stop the police from doing their jobs. The US Border Guard “Rangers” just look like a bunch who want to wear their camouflage and weapons in public with their friends. Maybe they do a good job on the border, but they should leave that shit for the illegals and not the police.

Category: Occupy

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Old Trooper

While I saw this on a conspiracy website, I had heard about this guy before and he has been linked to white supremists and I do believe he was one of the guys that was giving the minutemen guys a bad rep when he was involved with them.

Whatever his links, ties, associations, I still don’t like him for what he is doing at the occutards camp. You are just asking for trouble showing up armed and inserting yourself between the cops and the protesters, because if the protesters start getting out of hand; what will the police do? You can bet that whatever actions are taken, it won’t be good.

509th Bob

His name is Jason Todd Ready. He has a bad conduct discharge, and was sentenced to imprisonment for six months, but I don’t know enough about the charges he was tried for to be able to determine whether he qualifies as a felon under 18 USC 922(g)(1).

If the crimes he was convicted of could have resulted in imprisonment for a term exceeding one year, he qualifies as a prohibited person under the statute.

If he does, I’ll refer him to the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Arizona.


@1 and @2. Bingo-Bango. That covers it every which way from Sunday. Good job.


The Southern Poverty Law Center has a page on the guy…


USMC Steve

If he was convicted at ANY level of court martial he is a convicted felon. That was clearly explained to us in recruit training about the UCMJ. This bum is committing a felony by being there with any kind of firearm.


Take SPLC with a huge dump truck load of salt of course, but…..

In 1996, while serving in the Marine Corps as a lance corporal, Ready was court-martialed twice. The first time, after being absent for eight days without authorization, he was convicted of unauthorized absence, failing to follow an order or regulation, and larceny and wrongful appropriation. He was convicted, demoted to private and jailed for three months. Later that year, Ready was court-martialed again for conspiracy, assault, and wrongful solicitation and advice. He was found guilty, spent six months in detention, and was discharged from the Marine Corps for bad conduct.


>Take SPLC with a huge dump truck load of salt of course, but…..

LOL– I thought about putting that caveat when I posted it, but figure y’all would know it. TAH gets big enough- they might even be profiled on SPLC 😉


LMAO–My bad– I see in one of their articles, TAH has already been called to their attention 🙂

Old Trooper

@2 & 7: Oh, wonderful. So, we have a person with a BCD AND is armed standing in between the occutards and the cops? Lovely. Nothing bad can happen in THAT scenario, eh?

It’s not that a person is armed that makes me nervous, but rather a person with a history of lack of good judgement that bothers me. Plus; how many others in his group, there at the protest, are of the same stripe?


Melle- We are up on their page, or they are on ours?

God I would love for them to add us to their hate blog list. It would totally make my day, and the lack of pay here worth it.


He’s a Nazi. There are pictures of him wearing a Nazi uniform.


LOL– I’d have to do some more digging, but I did find you guys in one of their articles..


“In addition to including the misinformation in her April 15 column titled “You Might Be a Radicalized Right-Wing Conservative if…,” Malkin also proclaims the same falsehood in an item she posted the previous day on her blog. In it, she links to another blog called “This ain’t hell,” which she appears to have relied on for her “facts” — never mind that the blog doesn’t even get the SPLC’s name right. “This ain’t hell,” in turn, links to an SPLC blog post that doesn’t come close to asserting that the legion is a hate group. Instead, the story points out numerous misstatements and myths in a legion report on immigration enforcement. The legion later issued an updated report from which the most egregious mistakes had been removed.”

509th Bob

Not all BCDs are felonies. The federal firearm possession law, 18 USC 922(g)(1), prohibits a person “who has been convicted in any court of a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year[]” from possessing a firearm.


….just when i thought it was once again safe to say “i’m from arizona”

Old Trooper

Well, joe, there are a whole lot of good people in Arizona. This guy may have changed his life around since his being jettisoned from the Corps, but I doubt it if he is also a nazi as well, which it seems is indicated. Don’t go judging the entire state by a few people, because I don’t judge New York by the occutards that are protesting there (many aren’t even from New York); so why would this be enough to shame you into not admitting you’re from Arizona?


@11. I am sorry to inform you, TSO, that TAH will never make it to the list. It is reserved for radical hate groups. And around here, radical is a commenter from Dallas rooting for the Giants or Redskins.


Here’s a picture of JT in his Nazi outfit, marching with other Nazis…http://commonamericanjournal.com/?p=35114


>And around here, radical is a commenter from Dallas rooting for the Giants or Redskins.

Knowing the SPLC’s criteria for a “hate group;” that just might do it.. 🙂

AW1 Tim

I’m not at ALL surprised by the Nazis showing up at these rallies. Both groups are blatantly, if not genetically, anti-jewish, so there’s a LOT of common ground there.

Doc Bailey

He might be protecting the twinkey factory. But try to do more and he’ll probably have a heart attack.

SLPC would embrace him, Nazi or no (come on now do we really think SLPC gives a crap about actual ya know Jews). Assuming he didn’t actually defend the border.


[…] Gordon caps his attack on cops with the video of our recently discovered Neo-Nazi buddy Jason Todd Ready. Of course, in TSO’s email exchanges with Ready, we’ve discovered a bunch of other […]


Well on top of everything else he is wearing captain’s bars on his right sleeve and I’m pretty sure impersonating a commissioned officer is a federal offense. Game, set, match. Shitbag

Old Trooper

RAK: He may be wearing those train tracks, but many security companies as well as police departments, fire departments, etc. have “captains”, so just wearing those isn’t a federal offense. I’m sure he’s a “captain” in the group he formed (why do they always pick officer rank and not enlisted rank for themselves?). As for him being a shitbag……..yeah, I could agree with that.

Also; has anyone, other than me, noticed that the turd burglar is wearing the flag backwards on his hat?


Oh I’ve noticed that as well Old Trooper. This guy has caused quite a bit of trouble in Arizona, especially in the border areas. When I was stationed in Ft. Huachuca I’d see his little group in the papers conducting “border security operations.” The problem was they’d be harassing anybody who was brown instead of just the drug smugglers and cartel members they claimed. And alot of those “illegals” weren’t even illegal at all. In fact, there were people who were 3rd or 4th generation Americans of Hispanic ethnicity who didn’t even speak Spanish, LOL! He’d mostly be doing things along the I-8 between Yuma and Casa Grande. Then there’s his involvement in Neo-Nazi rallies. When his unsavory affiliations became known, the GOP policed itself up and kicked him out of his position in Mesa. This guy has created alot of problems for border security advocates by perpetuating the stereotype that we’re all racist white guys which couldn’t be further from the truth. What troubles me is guys like him are much more heavily involved in the OWS movement. It shouldn’t surprise any of us law enforcement found those “when is it okay to shoot a cop” fliers in the same occupy demonstration that clown set up shop at…


Old Trooper, police and fire departments are still state and federal entities. As for the security companies I’m sure you know your shit so I’ll take your word for it. Either way, some fuck nut, half assed vigilante, fat nazi piece of shit has no business wearing it. Captain cum guzzler needs to take a hike and let the cops do they’re job without waving his AR-15 around and making they’re jobs more difficult than it already is. As nice as being publicly armed sounds guys like this make you think twice about it you know?

Old Trooper

I hear ya RAK.

Old Trooper

Thanks for the info, HMINUS. I knew I had heard about him before and it had to do with giving other legitimate border security and immigration outfits a bad rep, because of his group’s antics.


Yeah, guys like that are bad news. But if you think this stuff is bad, just wait til you begin hearing about his thoughts on 9-11 and “who really did it.” This guy is a big time 9-11 truther…


Well, let’s look at the bright side–TAH has it’s first potential contestant for the 2012 MacBeth Award the same day as the 2011 award announcement. This could be indicative of a big pool of candidates if the trend continues.

Old Trooper

True story, Anon2. He mentions in the video about being a Vet, but can he really be considered one if he was such a shitbag that didn’t make it a whole year and a BCD?

Poohbah, Lord High Everything Else

I hate Arizona Nazis . . . (c8


[…] Last year, I told you that I didn’t like the looks of this guy before we knew his name. We did get his records, but he checked out – he was a Marine and spent a brief time in a Marine recon unit; […]