Solution to stop “green on blue” attacks; move your desk around

| March 29, 2012

The Associated Press reports that the military is taking steps to reduce the number of attacks by Afghan National Army and Police on US troops in Afghanistan;

In several Afghan ministries, Americans are now allowed to carry weapons. And they have been instructed to rearrange their office desks there to face the door, so they can see who is coming in, said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to describe the internal directive.

While [Marine Gen. John Allen, the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan] did not detail the new measures in a briefing earlier this week, he acknowledged that changes had been made.

“We have taken steps necessary on our side to protect ourselves with respect to, in fact, sleeping arrangements, internal defenses associated with those small bases in which we operate,” Allen said, adding that now someone is “always overwatching our forces.

Yeah, cuz you know when your desk faces the door, you’re impervious to lead injection poisoning. I guess it never occurred to them that telling the Afghan ministries where US troops aren’t allowed to carry weapons, that they won’t be able to supply US troops to their ministry any longer. i mean, why wouldn’t US troops be allowed to carry weapons if, obviously, ANA and ANP personnel are allowed to carry weapons there, since that where two Americans bought it a few weeks ago – with no way to defend themselves.

And, oh, by the way, please explain why no one was “always overwatching our forces” before. Don’t they have CQs and fireguards any more?

Thanks to Tman for the link.

Category: Terror War

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What the hell ever happened to “when in indian country, act like it”.
Americans should NEVER be unarmed once they exit the APOD.


I lived and worked with Iraqi Naional Police for an entire year. Even when we were “safe” in their compound, we still CCd our 9MM with extra ammo at a minimum…but most of the time had our M4s as well. We took nothing for granted. I don’t understand why these guys weren’t at least armed with pistols


Because wearing a pistol around an Afghani ‘Soldier’ is a indicator that we don’t trust them and disrespectful (yes I’ve heard field grades actually say that with a straight face). And most units have made cc in uniform downrange a UCMJ offense (I believe it was added to the ISAF list of no nos, but am unsure).

And some units have people practice drawing sidearms and engaging targets while seated.

It’s a GD greek tragedy.

Bah Bodenkurk

Afghans killing American citizens? Where’s the apology from Karzai? And when can their families expect their 50 grand from the Afghan government?

Usually it takes years for the people we train to start attacking us. In this case, I say since a few of them are already at that point, then fuck it, let’s call it a day and go home.


[…] all year and the Obama Administration’s solution was to allow coalition troops to turn their desks to face the door. That plan seems to be working […]