Boston Globe: “Thousands” of veterans support OWS

| November 3, 2011

Yeah, i don’t know how they arrive at that “thousands” number, but I’d counter that millions of veterans are NOT marching in the flaccid movement. And if you look at the veterans who are supporting the OWS theater, they’re the pepetually outraged mannequins of the Left – IVAW. Scott olsen who was injured last week in Oakland belonged to both VFP and IVAW. Matthis Chiroux who wrote in the Huffington Post yesterday about the OWS “leadership” or the lack thereof, was a creation of IVAW. In this Boston Globe article one of the veterans in the article, Jerry Bordeleau, is one of the remaining actual veterans of the war in Iraq, or so he says;

In the video, he says he wore his complete uniform to the protest….if he still fits in his uniform, I know why he’s not in service anymore. He must’ve cleaned the PMO out of donuts every morning.

“For 10 years, we have been fighting wars that have enriched the wealthiest 1 percent, decimated our economy and left our nation with a generation of traumatized and wounded veterans that will require care for years to come,” said Carter, who leads the national Iraq Veterans Against the War group.

Yeah, well, where is Jose Vasquez, the Executive Director of IVAW? He lives in New York City…why isn”t he leading the contingent. Maybe it’s because he never deployed to Iraq and he has no authority to speak for Iraq veterans, even though he heads an organization which has Iraq Veterans right there in the title.

And you’ll notice that the Left puts veterans right in the front of their movements in their uniforms and IVAW T-shirts, organizations like IVAW are merely mannequins for the fruit pie Left. The hippies think that hiding behind their uniforms give them some sort of credibility. But IVAW lost any credibility they might have had when their executive director was an AWOL Coastie stationed in Hawaii who couldn’t bring himself to patrol fisheries for The Man.

For a while IVAW started working for the health of returning veterans and I pretty much left them alone, but they’ve begun slipping back into their old habits. I guess, I’m going to have to order a whole new batch of FOIAs.

Thanks to The Mr Wolf for the heads up.

Category: Antiwar crowd, I hate hippies, Iraq Veterans Against the War

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Are you trying to make me puke at work? Thousands…ha-ha. I laugh at the Boston Globe…they think if they print it enough it will be true.


Pravda on the Charles has spoken.

b'emet or

Don’t know if you guys saw this, heads up!:

The Sheriff’s Department said an internal investigation unit is reviewing the incident, but it’s unlikely the identified deputies caused Olsen’s injury. Spokeswoman Eileen Hirst said 35 of the 37 Sheriff’s Department personnel on site for the raid were not carrying projectiles, and the two who were equipped with them did not fire.

Hirst also said the department has a policy against deputies using weapons for which they are not trained, or borrowing weapons from other law enforcement during a raid situation.

Read more at the San Francisco Examiner:

Doc Bailey

I’m sorry but at most you’re going to find hundreds. I would also care to wager that these were not squared away troops, and more than a few of them got Big Chicken dinners.


Why should we even allow that there are hundreds? There are some, that’s all one can say with certainty. I think there is one in West Virginia but no one knows who is is.


I don’t believe they are true veterans, the left has a history of producing fake soldiers to support their causes. Seriously, I would have to see their papers before I’d believe it, and even then I would bet they were dishonorably discharged.


[…] Bring the Wars Home” It gets to the crazy in short order. In Zuccotti Park, Army Specialist Jerry Bordeleau, 24, was sitting next to a table of IWW (Industrial Workers of the World) literature. On his sweater […]


[…] choose human life over war,” Jerry Bordeleau shouted through a microphone, before tossing the medals onto the street. Another man said he was […]


Yet to millions of Americans these sacks of shit are all of us. They will be the face of the Iraq/Ghan veteran just as the long haired, cammie wearing Vietnam “vet” came to be the personification of those who fought in that war.

I am not sure how we win this fight over image.


Naw, Jack. Last time all of us went about our business, ignoring the idiots because that was what we had been brought up to do. (Don’t dignify them by responding.)

That tactic didn’t work with them. They didn’t go away when we ignored them. So, here they come with the same tactics. Again.

Except all the rest of us learned from our mistake of ignoring them the last time around. Not happening now and they are confused by it. Some of them actually believe that they are the only ones with the right to take to the streets. It is a beautiful thing when a cop explains to them that the streets belong to any of us who have a permit (as required, when required) and we are just as free to assemble as are they. Then the cops herd them back to their corner and tell them to remain there and leave us alone.