Duff: I knew bin Laden was dead, but now I’m skeptical
We’ve watched Gordon Duff come down on both sides of an issue before, but this is probably the most breath – taking. While the hunt for bin Laden was an ongoing process, Duff claimed for years he was already dead, but now with confirmed reports that bin Laden is dead, Duff doubts it;
As to reports made today and the President’s speech, we are highly skeptical. Issues of “timing,” citing the release of Obama’s birth certificate and the crushing of top contender Donald Trump could be seen as sources for doubt but coincidence and circumstance can go either way, any way or no way at all.
How he has a readership is beyond me.
Meanwhile “CPT” Eric May is predictably warning of nuclear strikes by al Qaeda as a result of the death of bin Laden;
U.S. claims of a successful military operation that killed Osama bin Laden (OBL) come on the heels of a story out of Guantanamo Bay, according to which Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM) said that Al-Qaeda is prepared to launch a “nuclear hellstorm” against the United States and United Kingdom in the event that OBL was killed or captured.
As if al Qaeda would restrain themselves in using weapons of mass destruction against us until bin Laden was killed.
How anyone with a functional brain cell can be fans of these two mega-hacks is beyond me.
Category: Antiwar crowd, General Whackos
If Obama took a shit and called it a victory for the U.S., Gordon Duff would be skeptical that Obama has an anus, and call it a false flag operation.
Ah yes, 2 of the 4 horseman of the false flag apocalypse feel the need to speak. How does May know that what KSM supposedly said, about the nuclear hellstorm, wasn’t a false flag so that we wouldn’t kill Bin Laden?
At this time I will modify a Ron White statement and say: You can’t fix crazy. And with these 2, you get a truckload of crazy.
And here come the Deathers… incestuous cousins to the Birthers. Just read a bunch of crap on The Blaze which had some of the commenters saying that Bin Laden is probably in some hidey-hole being waterboarded and that this whole ruse is to keep the Arab street from going apeshit.
Who’s Gordan Duff?
Claymore: Deathers? Truthers, Birthers and Deathers. What’s next?
Way to go Gordon. Def a win there. Talking in circles must be a way of life. Not sure how he gets ANYTHING done but there you go.
As for a Nuke “Hellstorm”, yeah.. Good luck with that. If they had that capability they’d have done it long ago.
Best thing about winning a big game is the trophy that gets to sit on a mantle, to be regarded in the years to come.
I’d like to see the SEALs trophy: one each pic of OBL, ventilated. DNA charts are written in Chemistry, and I never learned gas chromotograph. Pictures are simpler, and easier to comprehend.
The Arab Street is going to blow up regardless, if the Mo-cartoons and Koran-burning (even rumours of same) are any hint. It’s not Deatherism, its America needs its trophy, so release the pic.