Go see Baldilocks
The other day I wrote about Obama’s inability to follow through on his promises illustrating that point with the school in Obama’s father’s hometown named for the Senator. Of course, all I ever do is yammer…but Baldilocks decided to do something about it.
Now the senator and his wife make a lot of money, so I’m sure that this is merely an oversight. I’m sure that they meant to set up a fund on their own and/or have their supporters donate to assist his kinsmen. With the campaign and everything, I’m sure that this promise is just one thing that got lost in the shuffle.
Well. Since I am of the same tribe as Obama, I think that it should fall to me to assist in filling in this gap. I’d like to start a fund to help this village school—and others, if possible.
She’s gone to the trouble of setting up a not-for-profit organization.
The school’s principal suggested a minimum of 8.2 million Kenyan shillings which is equal to roughly $129,220 at today’s rate. That shouldn’t be too tough.
So here’s what we have:
• Domain name: obamaschool.org
• Email address: obamaschool@gmail.com
• Pay Pal Account;
So, stop by Baldilocks place and flip a coupla bucks in the jar. We have about 1600 visitors a day – TAH can easily put up 10% of fixing that school for a few dollars apiece.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Bloggers
Awesome, thanks for giving her some publicity.
You know that the criminals running Hussein O’s campaign will take credit for the site and the money donated. You are getting him off the hook and covering for his lies. The backwards people in the village will erect another shrine to Hussein.
Scrapiron You are one sick pup.
The Obama people can pretend it’s theirs all they want, they can have their own opinions, but they can’t have their own facts, and they’ll be exposed.
As for the villagers, give them a little more credit than that.
NH was a red state until 2006. We had a republican legislature for many years. It was corrected in 2010 and now there is only 2 dem state senators and the house is overwhelmingly republican.The new gov will be republican.