Free Nasser

| September 4, 2010

Greetings from an undisclosed location in Indianapolis.

Someone sent me this link while I was on the road and I had to share it while I’m trying to find the liquor. It’s a link to a “Free Nasser” websiteto benefit Nasser Abdo, the guy TSO mentioned last night.

The person who sent me the link said something about “Abdo is not even in jail”. I responded that since James Branum is his lawyer, it’s only a matter of time. I’ll remind any potential donors that this website was probably created by Branum himself to line his pockets and more than likely he’ll end up getting Abdo the maximum sentence at any trial – the same thing Abdo could get with the worst possible military counsel for free.

But, as far as I know, Abdo isn’t facing any trial – a CO application is an administrative action in front of a panel. Maybe that’s why Branum weaseled his way intothiscase – it’s very unlikely that anyone can end up in jail – a first for Branum.

Category: Antiwar crowd

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Abdo is a mouthpiece puck, he’s part of a hairball effort to change the American public perception of Islam. His words, “As a Muslim, we stand against injustice, we stand against discrimination, and I feel it’s my duty as an individual to do this,” are merely propaganda for the news media…he’s really a good boy and doesn’t want to soil his hands in an unjust war. He is a classic impotent Muslim, displacing his inadequacy and hiding behind a hollow belief. He took an oath with no intention of keeping it. He is a coward.


My name is Larry and I said that.


Free Nasser!… from his voluntary enlistment in an all-volunteer organization…


Jonn, you said, “Maybe that’s why Branum weaseled his way into this case – it’s very unlikely that anyone can end up in jail – a first for Branum.”

I don’t follow you. If Abdo is ordered to deploy and he doesn’t deploy, it is VERY likely he will end up in jail…whether Branum is his lawyer or not.


But when was his unit deploying? Because if he found out that his unit was on stand by to deploy a year out, he could apply for CO status without UCMJ. It is how people can PCS to other Bases without getting into trouble as long as it is not within 90 to 120 days out from the deployment.


Sure, he can apply for it. Just like Kevin Benderman did. And if his commander is like many of them, he won’t get his CO status approved and will remain on orders to deploy. Then he will be charged with Missing Movement if he doesn’t go, and probably other charges as well. He’ll probably be court martialed then and most likely sentenced to a prison term. It might not be where things are right now, but it is a well-worn trail.


I’m gonna disclose your location. And why in the heck didn’t you tell me you wanted to stop for liquor. Sheesh!


has anyone given abdo kokesh’s contact info – it sounds like they would be a good match


“He’ll probably be court martialed then and most likely sentenced to a prison term”. And this would be a bad thing, exactly why? He enlisted voluntarily, into an all-volunteer Army, just as Scott said, and now he’s shocked, shocked I tell you, that the Army may want to deploy him? Then he had a revelation that his “religion” maybe wouldn’t want him to go, just about the time he found out that he would have to go. He’s a douChe, that’s all.
I hope the Army does land on his worthless ass with both combat boots. Not holding my breath waiting for that to happen, just hoping.


He’s on Facebook. Whatever the Army decides to do with him, most importantly, IMO, he should be watched. Not that I normally advocate that type of thing, but he has made clear that he cannot serve in the US Army because of his religion, which is Islam. Claims he’s a Conscientious Objector, right? But, um…the Islamic religion has never been opposed to use of force. Hello? We don’t need a repeat of Ft. Hood.



That’s the Army’s job to decide what to do with him; not mine. I was just objectively stating the situation as it appears to me without expressing an opinion on the matter.


[…] I just discovered that I did write about him – he was one of Branum’s clients and funding raising schemes. TSO also wrote about […]

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