Nathan Lane called, he told me to tell you to stop acting like a girl.

| August 13, 2010

You know, I’ve been known to take a few on the chin here for my support of dropping DADT. I believe as the inestimably brilliant Uncle Jimbo once sagely noted that:

If I am lying by the road bleeding, I don’t care if the medic coming to save me is gay. I just hope he is one of those buff gay guys who are always in the gym so he can throw me over his shoulder and get me out of there.

That being said, look at this story from FoxNews:

The inspector general of the Naval Air Force Atlantic Fleet is under investigation for the handling—and dismissal—of a Navy ensign’s anti-gay harassment complaint, has learned.

Ensign Steve Crowston said he suffered months of continual anti-gay harassment and sexual discrimination from his fellow and commanding officers with Strike Fighter Squadron 136 at Naval Air Station, Oceana, Va.

The harassment began in August 2009, says Crowston, 36, when his fellow officers called him into a room for a review of call signs, a military moniker that easily identifies a service member. He says his name was written on a whiteboard with a list of call sign recommendations: “Cowboy,” “Gay Boy,” “Fagmeister,” “Cowgirl,” “Romo’s Bitch,” “TO,” “Terrell Owens” and “Redskins.”

First off, on the scale on inappropriate names those rank about as low on my give-a-shit-meter as it goes. VT Woody is one of my best friends, and I have called him FAR FAR worse. In turn he calls me “shit pants” probably due to the fact that I actually shit in his pants. But, that is neither here nor there. The harassment was so bad, Steve Crowston had to complain. Further,

Crowston said he was humiliated and offended by the call sign review and asked for an apology from officers responsible for coming up with the “Gay Boy” and “Fagmeister” suggestions.

“There needs to be acknowledgment that this is improper content — there’s obviously an issue with call signs — and I’m seeking acknowledgment that this is improper conduct within the aviator community,” Crowston said. “I believe I’m owed an apology for this.”

“I hope that people that have the courage to step up and know right from wrong and say something,” Crowston said. “I’m standing up for what I feel is right.

Steve, I could absolutely care less about your sexuality. I don’t care if you are the life of the party over at the Blue Oyster Bar, giving out handies in “Don’t Tell Mama” or if you are nailing cocktail waitresses two at a time. But dude, you need to be booted for having all the rugged manliness of Andy Dick. Seriously. Is the call sign stuff inappropriate? Sure, but, and here’s a distinction I like to note….YOU SERVE IN A FIGHTER SQUADRON, NOT AS THE HR MANAGER AT IBM. Jesus man, at least act like you have a pair.

If you are ever in any situation where either a superior or someone who works for you calls you “Gay Boy”, the appropriate response is to hit them in the side of the head with a chair. That’s it. Right there. You can give them a verbal warning if you must, but, I say swing. One of my dearest friends once called me chicken, and we ended up throwing punches in the mud at Ft. Bragg. After the fight we hugged and it was over. That man hug has been officially rated by Out Magazine as 1/345th as gay as complaining about a call sign.

If there was an entire squadron harassing you about being gay, assuming they never saw you playing tonsil hockey with a man, the most likely reason is that you are acting like a total phag. This is the kind of crap that is going to turn our military from the hard charging A types that we have now into a gelded fraternity of sphincter boys wearing polos and loafers. Don’t be that guy. If you can’t handle the interpersonal strife in a unit without resorting to IG complaints, you really need to rethink your occupational choice.

Maybe Perez Hilton can get you a job drawing white stuff on celebrities faces, because war is a team sport, and there’s no U in team.

Category: Politics

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AW1 Tim

First off… why is this Ensign still an Ensign at the age of 36? WTF, over?

Second, ALL of these sorts of situations can be laid directly on the feet of the Diversity Bullies at Naval Station Milington, TN. They have a whole division of modern-day Zampolits out painting our fleet in rainbow cammo and it’s affecting morale. It’s a frickin’ cancer that will take some serious surgery to carve out, otherwise you might as well kiss the Navy goodbye. Not that the CNO would mind that, if you get my drift.

It is seriously effed up, and this spineless jackwagon is the end result.

What’s embarrassing is how the proud Fleet Air Arm could foster such an individual, but hell, I guess anythings possible with the pussification that has been going on these past years.

Damned, but I need a drink to calm me down over this.


Thank you, TSO, for calling it like it is!


[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by dana l dillon, A Proud Veteran. A Proud Veteran said: Nathan Lane called, he told me to tell you to stop acting like a girl. Via This Ain't Hell […]


My understanding is that he is a mustang. Prior CPO picked up LDO or something. Which makes his behavior worse, in my mind. He made it far enough in his enlisted career to have had the opportunity to be welcomed in the Mess and this is how thin his skin is?

LT Rusty

AW1 Tim – imagine my surprise, running into you outside of the Salamander pond! 😀

AW1 Tim

heh….. Same here, El-Tee! Good to see you. I’ve known this blog for a few years.

And I have to concur with the above… sadly….. if the officer in question was indeed a CPO before hand…

Jesus Wept.


First, it’s the Navy. Isn’t everyone called that?

Second, the phrase “poor Tony Homo’ is uttered verbatim on a weekly basis in my house, repeatedly on Sundays.

I’m not seeing the problem.


“If you are ever in any situation where either a superior or someone who works for you calls you “Gay Boy”, the appropriate response is to hit them in the side of the head with a chair.”

Gawd, you just won the game with that remark!


Someone needs a Tampon.


Then there is this chick. She is the exact reason and like the one above why I think dropping DADT is a bad idea. My questions, from what I know, heard, read, the first year is hell at West Point, if she is tough enough to make it through that how come she can’t handle anti-gay sentiments? It will still exist even if DADT is dropped. I thought you had to have a thick skin to be a Soldier. And two, why doesn’t she have to pay any money back? She knew she was gay when she was accepted at a military academy and how DADT works, so she knew she would be lying. Says she will go back, but really, truly? And why does she remind me of Hiliary Clinton?


JesusHTapdancinChrist–This “officer” would be curled up in a ball sobbing to himself in the darkest corner of the Engine Room on a boat if he knew some of the more “creative” ways submariners would break the cycle of boredom at the hands of a non-qual. Think X-Mas Eve underway, ty-wrapped to the overhead, FAG painted in neolube to the forehead, and underwear packed with Mobil Red grease.

AW1 Tim

Sparky, concur. This jackwagon is the type of officer who gives buggery a bad name. He needs his skipper to give him some serious counseling.

The worst part of this is, that it looks like he was a former CPO. Can you imagine the reaction in the Goat Locker about this situation? How he made it through the CPO initiation without crying to the JAG officer is beyond me.



You are allowed to attend the Academies for the first two years without having to repay the government. This is to allow people to decide whether or not they really want to be officers in the military. On the first day of class of Junior year you get locked in and have to repay the government from that moment on.

Not many people leave during this time because most of the people that are questionable have left long before.

It is similar to ROTC programs where the first two years are optional classes with the students having to lock into the program at Junior or Senior year.


Daniel–not a “two and screw” anymore. Now it’s “one and run.” After freshman year, you owe the government cost. If you drop out during your junior or senior years, you owe time and/or restitution to the government.



Old Trooper

This dude needs to have his man card revoked, not for being gay, but for being such a tender heart pussy. Me and my friends call each other far worse than what this nancy-boy had to deal with. Man up, punk.


The only person we ever called gay boy was this prissy little bitch in the unit (still can’t figure out how he made it through Infantry School). Hell, the one gay guy we had even called him nancy boy and such names. Now the things we called our friends, I am not sure I can write those in a public forum.


Quoting UJ is a bit risky in this context – logic wise.

With DADT he would never need know the proclivities of his rescuer.

Indeed, This is the kind of crap that is going to turn our military from the hard charging A types that we have now into a gelded fraternity of sphincter boys wearing polos and loafers. amounts to the soundest defense of DADT I’ve seen.


“I’d rather have a buff gay dude than a metrosexual popped collar douche any day of the week.”

Jagerbombs! Jagerbombs! Jagerbombs!


TSO asked: would not that they indict the acting faggy, rather than the gay?

Hmmm, I didn’t use the word indictment. And I dunno just who ‘they’ are? In truth I don’t quite get your point. Seems to me you are asking and answering?

Just what is the point? Is there written somewhere a thesis that our past military was been weakened by the rules they dealt with prior to DADT?


I’ll put it another way–it’s more about the REACTION than revelation. And I say this as a person who served with a bisexual guy in my division on my first boat. Did he ACT gay? No, but he still liked dudes, and it never became a problem, until he was DQ’d subs for being HIV-positive.


TSO said: Therefore my question is whether I actually defended the DADT policy, or endorsed a policy of booting anyone who acts like a complete pansy, irrespective of sexual orientation.

Aha, got it.

Yet, I don’t get your point. There has been a mechanism in place for decades to deal with those that don’t ‘fit in’. Sounds as though you are suggesting that the current diversity drama should supersede precedence? Please keep in mind that I’m referring to a time prior to DADT.

The latter is all I can offer reference to. I have no/zero/nil doubt I served on ships with gay and/or effeminate folks.


TSO said: My simple position with regard to this is that candy asses like those that allow this kind of crap to be an issue will cost us.

Shrug… Reckon that’s what I’ve been saying. If ‘they’ dump DADT and don’t replace it with something more akin to what went before your example will become the norm.

Back to UJ and that quote: If I might paraphrase? Who gives a shit so long as the the job gets done. Those that have an agenda will hesitate just long enough that someone will die.

You can accept that or get a history lesson? [grin]


“Shrug… Reckon that’s what I’ve been saying. If ‘they’ dump DADT and don’t replace it with something more akin to what went before your example will become the norm.”

Uh, Pons? Why does this remind me of a line from a movie?
just asking….

Chuck Z

Apparently, his new callsign choices are “So totally not Gay guy,”Back Seat Driver,” and “Diva.”

Plane names include “Clinton’s folly,” “Birdcage,” and “Dark Star”

Bubblehead Ray

The funny thing is, a call sign is like a biker’s road name, it’s SUPPOSED to be embarassing. I worked with a Doctor who used to be a Navy Flight Surgeon who’s last name was Bell. His call sign was “Tinker”. He was PROUD of it and wore it like a man. I saw a special on carriers on Nat Geo and it showed a J.O. making his first carrier night landing. He said “I’m usually pretty quiet in the aircraft, but when I caught that wire I screamed like a girl.” From that point on his call sign was “SLAG”. This puss nuts needs to man up or move out. He wouldn’t last a week as a non-qual.


Mew, are you suggesting she knew she was gay before she joined? Doesn’t that suggest people are born gay, if an 18 year old should know when they join?

Also I don’t think you get her point. It wasn’t that she couldn’t “take” anti gay sentiment after being strong enough to make it through WP at the top of her class. She said she couldn’t “take” the prospect of not being able to enjoy a full life by being denied the ability to have the type of relationships that most soldiers take for granted. In fact I think if someone called her the type of name this story is about, she’d just knock them out. She just wants the freedom to be able to go home and tell her wife that she had to knock a bitch out at work.

Bubblehead Ray

J, Your saying she didn’t know at 18? Really? Is there a shining light that comes down and annoints you gay at 19 or 20? Does Billy Jean King send you an official card like AARP does?

An 18 year old is an adult. I would hope she had her own sexuality figured out by then.


I do admit that “TopGun” would have been much different if the ATC had said “Negative Cocksucker, the pattern is full”.


Bubblehead Ray,
It is the GAY RP card!

It matters more what Mew thinks since he is the one who seems to know so much about DADT and the effect it has- yet still support it as a policy. People like Mew seem to want it both ways.

People like Mew need to pick one. Either being g ay is so inborn, so obvious, and so integral to someone’s identity that signing up for the military at 18 is obviously committing fraud, knowing enough about their own sexuality to be clear that they won’t be able to follow the rules, or not, in which case by their own standards, they have to allow some room for people to develop and “choose” a sense of who they are.

If it is inborn and clearly apparent, then most of the justifications for the discrimination evaporate. If not, then cut the young woman a break. And get over it. Religion IS chosen, and is not a valid basis for discrimination.

Nothing about the policy says you will HAVE to lie to get by. You only learn that once you are in. The policy only requires you to omit.

Either way the Cadet he mentions is a stellar cadet and likely did better than most of us on everything. This is the type of person Mew thinks is a reason to KEEP DADT?

Old Tanker

Great googly moogly, I had high school kids call me worse when I was a teacher….


[…] by virtue of the fact that Jonn is a dick and doesn’t include me on such things. He is also a gay bird, Tony Romo’s Bitch, a former pilot in Strike Fighter Squadron 136, and married to Nathan … in Massachusetts.  No wait, actually I think that was the dude I wrote about last week, and […]

Some Soldier's Mom

This dude, gay, strait, bi or other, needs to be separated for just being a total pansy.

that is the quote of the century LOL and it s/b said regularly AND put on t-shirts!


His call sign should be “Francis”, from Stripes.