Napolitano FINALLY Admits The Obvious About The Ft. Hood Massacre

| February 24, 2010

From Fox News (Emphasis my own):

Violent Islamic terrorism … was part and parcel of the Ft. Hood killings,” Napolitano told the Senate Homeland Security Committee on Wednesday morning. “There is violent Islamic terrorism, be it Al Qaeda in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen or anywhere else, [and] that is indeed a major focus of this department and its efforts.”

Political correctness has governed the Army’s and DHS’s handling of the Ft. Hood massacre since day one, blatantly ignoring Hassan’s ties to Islamic extremists in this country and overseas. The fact that the Napolitano now admits that this was act of Islamic terrorism does not make up for the fact that the DHS and Army deliberately ignored the obvious for months.

More importantly, it does not make up for the fact that the Army and DHS bear responsibility for the deaths of those 13 American soldiers at Ft. Hood by repeatedly ignoring the fact that Hassan was an Islamic radical.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Support the troops, Terror War

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Perhaps now those killed and injured in the attack can be awarded Purple Hearts, as they deserve?

AW1 Tim

There were 14 innocent Americans killed, not 13. One of the casualties was pregnant.


Correction – i$lamic


They should indeed be awarded purple hearts, but it’s kind of ironic, don’t you think, that our military members were unarmed victims on a military installation? I mean, it’s just kind of strange. Nobody has any readily available weapons on base to defend us, except the police. That makes me feel real secure…

Virtual Insanity

Agree, Debra.

“When seconds count, the police are just minutes away.”

So, would it be possible to challenge the no-carry regs on post via the 2nd Amendment?

Sergeant First Class Bill Shortino

I was being mobilized at Fort Dix, NJ when this incident occurred; I am now currently serving in Afghanistan at FOB Salerno. The Army and the whole government as far as I can see has have gone absolutely nuts over the issue of politically correctness. My fear is that when I return home next Fall is that we the returning soldiers, sailors, Marines and airmen will return as the enemy. I am Regardless of race or creed. The “melting pot” in America has indeed turned into something very perverse.


Virtual Insanity,

In my opinion, no, because in the military and on a military installation, people do not have the same rights as civilians in the private sector. I think it’s necessary on a military installation for everything to be under the control of the military and subject to military discipline. However, I don’t see any reason why the military can’t provide a little bit more protection through normal military channels – and I don’t mean just stepped up ID checks at the gate or whatever. But maybe having actual armed troops on a CONUS military installation (I mean besides just going to the firing range for weapons qualification) would be considered over-reaction. I do think it is true that over-reaction is a bad thing, too, and can potentially be the worse outcome of terrorism (and perhaps the goal) so, in that respect – while anybody can go back and see what my initial comments were here on TAH after the Ft. Hood shooting (i.e., that it was terrorism) – I have to kind of defend DHS to some degree in that I also think it is important to influence public reaction so that people don’t become alarmed. Well, I could probably write a whole book on the subject, so I better stop before I get started…


I wonder why they finally change their tune now?

B Woodman

SFC Bill,
Stay overseas as long as you can. You’ll be safer.
At least there, when someone shoots at you, you’re allowed to be armed & shoot back.
Not so here in the States.

B Woodman

Janet N,
Finally admitting the truth.
Her brain is still recovering from where she pulled her head out of.

Junior AG

“The Army and the whole government as far as I can see has have gone absolutely nuts over the issue of politically correctness.”

It’s due to the alumnus of the Frankfurt school of marxism who are in the .gov and are calling the shots.


Debra, I think it’s absolutely nuts that the same people that are entrusted with every weapon in the arsenal in the field can’t be trusted to carry a side arm in garrison. That’s the definition of insanity.

As for Big Sis’s Captain Obvious moment………It’s about fucking time.


Old Trooper,
I didn’t say that the same people that are entrusted with every weapon in the arsenal shouldn’t be trusted to carry a side arm in garrison. My point is simply that in uniform, they should not be allowed to carry private weapons WHILE on duty, whether concealed or openly. They should be issued government weapons while on duty and carry those. I just think that within the military, the military should have control over it; that it should not be a private matter left to the discretion of any given uniformed servicemember.


Duh! Can we call ’em raghhead terrorist jihad motherf*ckers now?


Well, Anonymous (#14), it can be tricky. You have to be pretty sure. The best way to develop a good feel for it, IMHO, is to get to know really well some Muslims who you know absolutely are straight, upfront, good people who you can trust. Not a scientific method, but it gives you a bit of a yardstick to go by. Still, in my personal observation, some people are simply more trusting than what I personally might be in the same circumstances. It can get to be very complex.


Oh, gosh, and me without my sensitivity training! 🙂


Ok, Debra, my bad. You may spank me when ready 🙂


Well, OldTrooper, I’m not into that sort of thing, so you’re off the hook. 😉 And I do still think it’s important to think about public reaction and see to it that the public would support such a step as a logical, defensive matter and not be frightened.

Also, based on recent history of mass shootings of a non-terroristic nature (or at least that I’m not aware is connected to terrorism), be more logical in considering the protection of students at schools and college campuses. That is outside the realm of the military, of course…or at least it is in the minds of those who still believe in the validity of the Posse Comitatus Act, which I do, unless a connection to terrorism is found, and I don’t think there is one.