Coast Guard Chief wants to slash Homeland Security role

| February 25, 2010

Remember when they moved the Coast Guard to the Homeland Security Department from the Transportation Department to more accurately reflect their role in the war against terror and bring them under the control of a central authority that could utilize them properly? Well, Obama’s pick to lead the Coast Guard wants to slash funding for incidentals like Guarding Our Coast and Training to Guard Our Coast, according to a memo the Associated Press got in their grubby little hands.

An internal memo from Vice Admiral Robert J. Papp Jr., Obama’s nominee to become Coast Guard commandant, says that starting in 2012, he would slash funding for programs in the agency’s homeland security plan, including patrols and training exercises.

The memo, marked “sensitive – for internal Coast Guard use only,” was obtained by The Associated Press.

Papp’s outline is significant because it could mean major changes for the more than 200-year-old agency that took on substantial homeland security duties after Sept. 11, 2001. Obama’s 2011 proposed budget cuts for the Coast Guard have already caused outrage from some lawmakers.

According to Papp’s memo, he would scale back the Coast Guard’s counterterrorism priorities in favor of running traditional search-and-rescue operations that save people in imminent danger on the water and maintaining the maritime transportation system.

So I’m guessing the War on Terror has ended and no one told us.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Liberals suck, Military issues, Terror War

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Yeah, don’t you remember? GWOT is no more. It’s now the Overseas Contingency Operation. No if it’s the *Overseas* Contingency Operation, the Coasties don’t need to worry about to boogie many any more, right? They can concentrate on more important things like rescuing drunk boaters and the like.


Speaking of the GWOT, there is more good news today. Pakistan has arrested nearly half of the Afghanistan Taliban’s leadership. Considering the other high value targets that have been picked off lately, like the Taliban’s number two and the death of Haqqani, this is great progress. In other words, our troops are kicking ass in Afghanistan, and there’s more where that came from!


The Coasties fought hard to get out of their big brothers shadow and now this tool is pretty much telling them to get back in the kitchen and make the Navy a sammich.


With the budget Obama handed the USCG, they really don’t have any choice.


Yeah, the conservative, free-market fundamentalist chickens of past administrations that crashed our economy have come home to roost. Thanks to them, painful decicions have to be made, and the conservatives can only blame themselves. They, however, are reluctant to look at themselves in the mirror, prefer to point fingers and shout “Soft on terror!” You think the Coast Guard is hurting, you should visit your local schools and food banks…..


Joe; why did your mama let you out of your room, again? Get back in there and finish reading the romantic novel you worte, about you and Marx buttbanging each other.

In other words; go get a job and quit crying like a pussy. You don’t have a clue about anything on the economy. All you have to go on is your commie pamphlets and the spoon-fed bullshit you hear from other clueless dumbfucks.

Yeah, let’s go back a little ways and channel the spirit of LBJ; shall we? I’m getting something……he’s coming into focus…….ok, LBJ is here, so the question is, Mr. LBJ, sir; how’s that war on poverty working out? How’s that Great Society thing? I guess I missed the memo where all of it was going to go away because the gummint was gonna provide it all.

Get a clue, Joe, you simple minded fuck.


OT, How do you guys put it…oh yeah – STFU


Hey Joe…how ya been lately?Just wanted to let you know that some totally unqualified troll named Curt has been trying to move in on your turf as the official TAH troll…we tried to warn him to back off but he would not listen, it is up to you to get him straight and let him know that this is your turf…thanks Joe!


I’ve got a clue – you guys trashed this country and the only answer you have is to fall back on tired old disproven cliches. You’re like the blue-haired drivers who cause multi-car pile ups and then wonder what all the fuss is about….


See Curt…I told you to listen and learn…THAT is how a troll is supposed to behave!You don’t even come close to our Joe and his mad troll skills…THAT is why Joe is our official troll and why you will never come close to his skill level…Ya see? Joe is a trolls TROLL, even though the good people here continually prove him wrong and make him look stupid, Joe NEVER gives up! And THAT my dear Curt is why our Joe is so much classier than you will ever be…We here at TAH thank you for your audition for official Blog troll but we have no further need of your presence…thanks for stopping by and good luck with your future endevours…we will be sure and call you if we have any openings for you at your present skill level…please leave a copy of your resume’ with our secretary as you leave…BTW please don’t take it wrong, but TAH only deals with top Quality! Thanks and stuff Curt!


Thanks, Anon, I’m honored…


Joe, Joe, Joe; is that all you got? I tell ya what; let me look at my calender over the next month and I’ll see if I can find time to take you over to the communist country of your choice. How’s that? It’s what you want, isn’t it? If it’s so much better than here, let me give you a hand in leaving, mmmmkay?

They have everything you want and advocate for, so, why not just go?

I really like you, Joe, but I’m getting tired of your endless rnts against what this country was founded on, which is that pesky little word “freedom”. If you see a problem with the food shelves; fix it. Take your money, and the money from those that agree with you and go do something about i? The left (that’s you) is never more generous than they are spending someone elses money.

For your information, providing for the national defense is in the Constitution, whereas your communist wet dream isn’t.


Correct me if I am wrong, but wasn’t the Coast Guard founded to protect our coast lines from enemy invasions and such? I am reasonablly sure that it was not formed to be Super Lifeguard to boaters.


Hey, you don’t have a monopoly on patriotism. I consider it my duty to fight your deeply flawed, selfish ideas, the ideas that got us to this sorry state of affairs where we’re bankrupt as a country, the top 1% made off with all the cash, we’re at the bottom of the barrel of industrialized nations no mattter what metric you use (except armaments), and people like you and your friends Bachman, Palin, Joe the Plumber , et al, scream for more of the same. You may (or may not) be an expert in military affairs, but not in politics. The Constitution was written, what, 221 years ago. Times change. Conservatives (and dinosaurs) don’t. The way of the world is “change or die”. Again, think of the dinosaurs. If conservatives ruled the world, we still be back in the dark ages, although more and more, that’s what this country is beginning to look like.


Joe, you are incredibly stupid. That same Constitution, that you point out was written 221 years ago, is the same one you and your dirty hippy friends run behind to protect you when it suits you. If you want to change so much, be my guest, however, I don’t have to, because that’s my right as a citizen.

Like I said, I will take some time off from my job and escort you to any commie country you want to go. Now, are we gonna talk, or should I gas up the truck and come get you and take you to the airport?

The choice is yours, because of that paper that was written 221 years ago, just as I have the choice to provide for my family and spend my earned money how I see fit. You hve nothing for comparison to what this country is beginning to look like. If you had your way, it would look like the defunct Soviet Union and I’m old enough to remember whatthat looked like. I suspect that you aren’t.


Joey, Joey, must be the pressure Curt is putting on your feeble little brain is getting to you already? But, thanks for clearing up that living Constitution thing for us. Buried somewhere in there, kindly point out where it says the feds can have anything</b? to do with schools or food banks?
Glad to hear you want to fight the “deeply flawed” ideas that got us to the state we’re in, does that mean we can count on your fight the idea of Obama-care? Thanks in advance, man.
Again, the Porkulus bill was supposed to keep unemployment at 8% or below, what is it today, there Joey? Just curious? How is all that, socialism is good, mantra working out?


FWIW, the Coasties I know would rather go back to the OLD way. DOT normally, DOD during declared war time.

They appreciate the toys they got under Homeland Security, but the “chain of command” sucks.

Oh yeah… Joe, STFU and sit down.


What will the USCG do with their SeAL’s now? What was the point of that decision anyway?


seadog: Damn right. DHS was fine for the initial dollars it provided but now it sucks. There’s not enough time until I punch out for me to tell all. I was in Kuwait when the HLS Secretary actually had the nerve to say she didn’t even know their was CG there until earlier in the week. Hell I flew in from Iraq to support the dog and pony show. The presentation went on for heck, another two minutes. I felt enlightened to find out the July weather Kuwait was similar to that of Arizona.
infantryjj: I’m also prior Army Airborne and I’ll tell you this; I’m happy those two or three JO’s are doing something for their country at that level. Seal Team 6 probably has the same budget the CG has these days. Good for them. As for what they’ll do after their 5 year commitment? If they’re smart they’ll integrate.
Cheers M8’s.


Let me add one other tidbit: The new CG COMDT was there in Kuwait sniffing around prior to him being selected. It’s all coming together…He’s been against the warrior mentality that may have infiltrated the CG from the get go. Ache!