Sarah Lazare is exhausting

| December 28, 2009

I have an internet feed that tracks a good number of the anti-war bozos and the news all this weekend has blared out headlines that “The US military is exhausted”. All of the far Left, anti-war blogs (by “all” I mean literally hundreds of cut and paste blogs) are running an Al-Jazeera article by that title written by Sarah Lazare, who happens to be the “project coordinator” for Courage to Resist – a band of smelly hippies who help the military’s derelicts be derelict.

But anyway, her contention is that the military is just worn out from the war. Of course, the best way to spread that kind of lie is on Al-Jazeera, which has a stake in the defeat of the US military, Besides no semi-legitimate news organization would give the hairy-legged Lazare a column inch for this kind of tripe;

Many from within the ranks are openly declaring that they have had enough, allying with anti-war veterans and activists in calling for an end to the US-led wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, with some active duty soldiers publicly refusing to deploy.

This growing movement of military refusers is a voice of sanity in a country slipping deeper into unending war.

Many? She counts two – Victor Agosto and Travis Bishop. Seems to me if there are “many” she’d have more stories than those two. Digging a little deeper, I found she’s been collaborating with Dahr Jamail who has also been trying to pimp the story that the military is on the verge of complete collapse because of all of the desertions – based on interviews he did five and six years ago with stellar troops like Geogg “Stolen Valor” Millard.

Of course, Lazare sees the real reason for the US war in the Middle East as a war of imperialism;

The never-ending nature of this conflict belies the real project of establishing US dominance in the Middle East and control of the region’s resources, at the expense of the Afghan civilians and US soldiers being placed in harm’s way.

The region’s resources. Because every imperial power needs a major shit hole to administrate. Our children are always demanding newer sources of sand and rocks for their playground antics.

Lazare, you’re an idiot – I don’t mean that as an insult. It’s the closest thing to a compliment I could summon.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Phony soldiers, Terror War, Usual Suspects

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Ask any leftist, and they will say Afghanistan is all about the (nonexistant) gas pipeline that UNOCAL wanted 20 years ago.

Casey J Porter

I can tell you that the war is taking a toll on the Army, a larger one that some people really want to admit. My time, roughly 5 and a half years, I saw a sharp drop in quality leadership and more and more problems in and around Ft. Hood. Nothing I have not said on this site before.

One side believes the problem is much smaller than it is, the other makes it much larger than it is. So basically the Soldier gets screwed on every end. Groups like IVAW and the Anti-War Movement claim to care about Soldiers, then post easily de-bunked number of rapes and murders. Yeah, it translate to this: “We care about you. You f*cking baby killer.” But others don’t want to believe that the Army they once served in is collapsing. It won’t be what the “movement” describes, a massive fall to the ground, but it is severe and while people read only what they want to believe, Soldiers pay the price for their ego.

The Army and the Anti-War “Movement” share one thing in common: once they are done with you, or if you say anything that might hurt their feelings no matter how truthful, they toss you to the side because you no longer matter.


Don’t pick on poor Sarah like that. Besides when she’s tree hugging most of the hair pulls off.