Dahr Jamail: Another Carrion Bird Swooping in for a feast

| November 5, 2009

Hey Dahr, go fuck yourself.

The soldier says that the mood on the base is “very grim,” and that even before this incident, troop morale has been very low.

“I’d say it’s at an all-time low – mostly because of Afghanistan now,” he explained. “Nobody knows why we are at either place, and I believe the troops need to know why they are there, or we should pull out, and this is a unanimous feeling, even for folks who are pro-war.”


While soldiers returning home are routinely involved in shootings, suicide and other forms of self-destructive violent behavior as a direct result of their experiences in Iraq, we have yet to see an event of this magnitude take place in Iraq.


Mark Thompson also has reported in Time magazine, “Data contained in the Army’s fifth Mental Health Advisory Team report indicate that, according to an anonymous survey of US troops taken last fall, about 12 percent of combat troops in Iraq and 17 percent of those in Afghanistan are taking prescription antidepressants or sleeping pills to help them cope.”

In April 2008, the RAND Corporation released a stunning report revealing, “Nearly 20 percent of military service members who have returned from Iraq and Afghanistan – 300,000 in all – report symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder or major depression, yet only slightly more than half have sought treatment.”

Once again for the cheap seats.

This smoker of poles DID NOT SERVE OVERSEAS. You want a reason for the shooting? At least make an effort to find one that fits the facts.

Category: Politics

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A Heros Friend

TSO…Doesn’t washing dishes at that cafeteria qualify as a cause of PTSD for dar jamal?


I’m not gonna even start. Shit for brains just better hope I never run into him, and that’s all I have to say about that.

The Sniper

I second the motion to fuck Dar Jamal. Anyone care to carry the motion?


I carry the motion, Sniper.

The Sniper

The motion is carried and we have a quorum. Dar Jamal is hereby declared fucked. Due to the numerous duties of this committee we do not have the time to do this Dar jamal will just have to go fuck himself.


The only thing I can say is that if you think morale is low on a military base, you haven’t been by the barracks and visited the floor and section where Motor T lives. They party seven days a week.

I have this image in my head of Jamal arguing moral is low, standing in front of the gate of a base, while two dozen Marines are hanging out on the balcony of their barracks pre-gaming before hitting the strip clubs in Jacksonville.


Dear Sniper-I vote Yea!


WTF? What crystal ball did he pull that info out of? I’ll bet it has a big “8” on the side of it.

“While soldiers returning home are routinely involved in shootings, suicide and other forms of self-destructive violent behavior as a direct result of their experiences in Iraq, we have yet to see an event of this magnitude take place in Iraq.”

Sniper, you rock! Too bad the vote is over, ’cause you got mine!

Mike H

I could think of nothing finer than seeing ol Jamail’s face on the grainy night vision screen of an Apache while he was chilling with homies in Iraq.

Now THAT would be some fine war porn.