Hal Muskat: don’t thank me

| November 12, 2009

Yes, there are 363 days every year to express your personal disrespect for soldiers. Just like a black person thinks he has a right to call other black people the “n” word, some veterans think they can use Veterans’ Day to call other veterans vile names. Hal Muskat, one of the original zombies of the VVAW, is just like that. He begins his Veterans Day rant by trying to undo all of the work veterans and their service organizations have accomplished over the last thirty years;


Every time I hear, “Thank-you for serving!” I want to reply, “Fuck You!”

For which of the following are you thanking me:
a) learning how to do field abortions on “pregnant gook girls”;
b) Being part of a military that is responsible for millions of deaths in Vietnam;
c) Refusing orders to Vietnam;
d) Participating in the GI Movement;
e) Thinking for myself;
f) Not thinking for myself;
g) Following or not following orders?

Now, if I read that correctly, and in reverse order, Muskat never went to Vietnam, but somehow performed “field abortions” on Vietnamese women? I guess he’s another Doug Zachary and Ward Reilly who want you to think he went to Vietnam, but didn’t.

Then he establishes his right to call veterans names on their day;

As a member of the United States Army from 1965 – 1970, I was NOT defending America, our allies, your families or friends. America was NOT being attacked by the Vietnamese, much in the same way that America is NOT being attacked by Iraqis.

I for one, do NOT thank current soldiers for their service in Iraq or Afghanistan! I thank and honor those who repudiate this nation’s militarism. I thank Iraq Veterans Against the War for their thought, action and lives. I thank those veterans who organized and testified at the IVAW Winter Soldier Hearings last year and who continue to give witness to atrocity and mayhem.

On Veteran’s Day, I salute, in addition to IVAW, Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Veterans For Peace, The National Liberation Front of Vietnam, WWII Allied Forces led by General Dwight Eisenhower; I salute Resistance Fighters against the nazi’s throughout Europe; Resistance movements from South Africa to South Harlem, from Philadelphia to Nicaragua where my government spent millions attempting to overthrow a democratic government who’s president had the nerve to be critical of the United States.

This level of ignorance and stupidity has only one cure – a swift kick in the ‘nads. Repeatedly. He was a failure, so he thinks that, because you’re not a failure like him, you don’t have the right to be credited for your faithful service to the nation.

Yeah, Hal, I’m guessing not too many people have thanked you for your level of service to your country. No wonder you’re bitter.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers

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B Woodman

Waiddaminute. . . He “salutes” all these anti-war lib factions, AND the “WWII Allied Forces led by General Dwight Eisenhower”?? WTF??!!

Well, he has a right to think and say what he wants. But if he wants to go off on an anti-war screed, he’d better NOT do it in my hearing. I’ll b**h-slap him into next week. NO ONE dishonors vets where I can hear it.


Almost an aside (as in almost pissing into the wind): Some folks have built their lives and persona around being warriors.

Thing is… they use warrior-like terms with some accuracy. It then falls to logic and reason. Er, um, nope! Neither plays a role with the likes of this yahoo, and many others like him.

Tilting at windmills is an apt analogy. [grin]


any chance mr. muskat will be traveling through Ashland?


Hal Muskat, there’s an old 80s punk rock tune by Fear I’d like to dedicate to you: “I don’t care about you”

Down on South Street Philadelphia,
Out from Avenue C,
I seen it in the eyes
It was ready to freeze
From the valley hotel!

I don’t care about you!
Fuck you!
I don’t care about you!
Fuck you!

I see Hollywood boulevard,
Welfare hotel,
I spent the night in jail,
Near the Wicox hotel!

I don’t care about you!
Fuck you!
I don’t care about you!

I’ve seen an old man have a heart attack in Manhattan.
Well he just died while we just stood there lookin’ at him.
Ain’t he cute?

I don’t care about you!
I don’t care about you!

I see man rollin’ drunks,
Bodies the streets.
Some man was sleepin’ in puke
And a man with no legs crawling down 5th street trying to get something to eat!

I don’t care about you!
Oh noooooo!!
I don’t care about you!
Fuck you!
I don’t care about you!
Hey! Hey!
I don’t care about you!


“I was NOT defending America, our allies, your families or friends. America was NOT being attacked by the Vietnamese, much in the same way that America is NOT being attacked by Iraqis.

I for one, do NOT thank current soldiers for their service in Iraq or Afghanistan!”


He says he shouldn’t be thanked because he wasn’t defending America in Vietnam and compares it to Iraq.

And then he says he doesn’t thank people for their service in Afghanistan. Where we did get attacked from.



I should’ve noted in that how in the first bit when he compares Vietnam to Iraq he makes no note of Afghanistan.

A Heros Friend

Jonn…cut the douche some slack…you would be irritable as hell to if you hadn’t been laid since 1965…where’s the compassion? BTW…you KNOW IVAW has got to be one f**ked up group when this a**wipe thinks that they are great…

AW1 Tim

You are best known by the friends you keep.


AW1 Tim said: You are best known by the friends you keep.

Not to quibble, but there is a more mundane analogy: ‘Lie down with dogs, get up with fleas.’

Reckon this yahoo thinks those flea bites are a status symbol. [grin]

NR Pax


1. Nazis is capitalized.
2. Apostrophes do not indicate a plural.

Get a proofreader and maybe you’ll sound more coherent.

Adirondack Patriot

When did the Chester A. Arthur sideburn/mustache make a comeback?

I must have missed it because I was too busy trying to find a rat’s ass to give about what this left-tard thinks.

When I find one, I’ll get back to him.


Hey Muskat

Suck on a Claymore, Fuckstick…..


I think Claymore would object 🙂


“As a member of the United States Army from 1965 – 1970”

So, Hal was a volunteer? He wasn’t drafted?

“For which of the following are you thanking me:
a) learning how to do field abortions on “pregnant gook girls”;
b) Being part of a military that is responsible for millions of deaths in Vietnam;
c) Refusing orders to Vietnam;
d) Participating in the GI Movement;
e) Thinking for myself;
f) Not thinking for myself;
g) Following or not following orders?”

Ok, Hal, what was your MOS? Were you a medic, since you were trained in a medical procedure?

When you “refused” orders to Vietnam; could you tell me when that occurred? If you were ordered to Vietnam in ’65 or ’66, and refused to go, would that explain being in the Army until ’70? If you consider your time in the stockade as “time in the Army”, you are mistaken. Your “time in the Army” ended when you refused orders to Vietnam.

Now, go let your boyfriend have his way with you.

Richard Romano

Every time I hear, “Thank-you for serving!” I want to reply, “Fuck You!”

Easily the most despicable comment I’ve seen from these anti-war, deployment resisters.

This low-life enjoys his freedom of speech, while in places like Vietnam free speech is still criminalized.

No word from this genius on how the Northern Vietnamese slaughtered en masse their own people — it’s always America’s fault.




He’s obviou confused “field abortion” with the “failed abortion” his mother received.


[…] Hell gives us four examples that shows the left’s hatred of the military. Especially by those who’ve never […]

USMC Steve

Yeah, but that is one cooool hairstyle there. Makes me jealous to say the least.


Thank you for increasing my page rankings and readership of what I author! I was in Ashland just a few short months ago but you can find me either in Reno or Salt Lake City where I assist in de-programming Mormon’s & others who have left faith based religions and other cults.

To the owner of the page. I refused orders to Nam from the 8th Inf Div in Germany in 1968. I learned the field abortion tricks at Ft. Dix in Nov/Dec 1965/6. Most of the kids in my BCT company were killed in Nam within 90 days in country. They died for NOTHING and I have opposed that war actively since! Sorry ya’ll can’t get over the fact that we had no right to be in Vietnam and got our asses kicked by people defending their country. Just like we would do if invaded. America wasted lives and resources. And, we are doing it again! Our troops will soon be home from Afghanistan as Americans will not sit tight while our boys are beheaded. Almost every vet of Iraq & Afghanistan I have spoken with has shared they felt our involvement a waste. Add to that fact that Ron Paul has an incredible following in the Armed Forces! I stand by my words & wonder when this country will learn!

Frankly Opinionated

This turd is everybit as insignificant as John Sinclair, and probably sided with him n the rest of the Weather Underground, Michigan White Panthers, and other scum.


Oh shit, another Paulbot? Should have seen that with the “Chester A. Arthur” stache and burns.
Might as well “stand by” your words, Hal. I doubt you can find a normal human to stand by.



You are cordially invited to go fuck yourself.

Which is probably the only way, other than hiring a pro, that you’ll get laid.

By the way: how did you enjoy your 7 months confinement after your courts-martial conviction?


[…] their military records that they’re being disingenuous about. Like Ward Reilly, Doug Zachary, Hal Muskat, Bill Perry, Robert Dennen, and Jim […]