Dahr Jamail and Starland Vocal Band, both one hit wonders

| October 14, 2009

Every article by Dahr Jamail brings me joy. Because he absolutely has to be fleecing the hell out of someone to survive. He’s supposed to be an independant journalist in the war zones, but every fricken article goes like this:

– Random IVAW Member being abused somehow
– Team of lawyers suggests it is a Constitutional Violation
– Other IVAW member corroborates first
– Insert lame ass excuse for miscreant here
– James Branum comes out of his parents basement, sees his shadow, gets 6 more clients
– Army refuses to comment on such weapons’ grade retardium
– Won’t you please help?

Seriously, a drunken monkey could write his stuff. In fact, I am 3/4 simian and hungover, and I just wrote his next piece. Anyway, here’s his latest bit of fecal flotsam, only brought to you in soundbites. When I get my new computer, I plan on doing pop-up videos of these assclowns.

Attorneys and veteran’s groups [sic, not a one is a veteran’s group]…alarmed…human rights abuses and violations of their constitutional rights…”Prisoner of Conscience,” resisted deployment to Afghanistan….in order to prevent his family from going homeless….James M. Branum…strip-searches…illegally monitored by guards….”The Fort Lewis Brig is violating the constitutional rights of my clients, namely their protections under the Eighth Amendment (the prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment) and the Sixth Amendment (the right to counsel). This mistreatment must end.”

Seth Manzel…..Abu Ghraib in Iraq and Bagram in Afghanistan…..demonstrates how amazingly barbaric this system is….then chained to a “stress-chair” (with metal frames, but no seat) for 109 hours….Sgt. Kevin Benderman and Spc. Suzanne Swift…..

You get the idea.

In fact, this article is just a complete rehash of his last attempt to take the Browns to the Super Bowl.

The dude pops out one article a week, it is exactly the same as the one he wrote before, and he gets paid to do it. Who the hell does he think he is? TSO?

Just found a video of these morans as well:

Category: Politics

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Brown Neck Gaitor

Interestingly enough that song contains a quote often repeated by TSO:

“My motto’s always been; when it’s right, it’s right.
Why wait until the middle of a cold dark night.”

Which would explain (now that I think about it) why we never shared a foxhole on a rainy night. Holding a metal fence post. In a thunderstorm.

I am just sayin…

Jonn Lilyea

I’ll bet that Branum got at least three wedgies every day in school and never held on to his lunch money long enough to buy lunch. He just has that look.


And caught one in the nads playing dodgeball in PE class.

Casey J Porter

What’s funny is they got the wrong picture, that is not Travis Bishop. hahaha


I hope one day that a family member gets taken away from you (whoever owns and publishes this site and is too dumb to spell moron), because they did what was right. I hope one day you can see how one-sided and egotistical you are, so that all of those unfortunate to cross your path don’t get spoiled by your lies. You should be ashamed.

TSO Wrote, Hey Dum Dum, “Moran” is reference to this classic.


Ashamed of what? That we get angry at people not honoring their contract/oaths to deploy in needs of the Country. Also most people here have deployed into combat zones. So give up on the failed guilt trip.


Maybe if these asshats got a real lawyer instead of this poser, they would not have gotten max sentances.


It is always someone else, isn’t it? Perhaps he would have honored his contract had the Army honored their part in it and helped him! Are you really that daft? You don’t know the situation, so don’t be so quick to be so closed minded. It just makes you look stupid.


And Susan. You are probably some dumb blond that couldn’t find their way out of a paper bag. So, think before you type next time.


TSO.. I hope your server crashes and you lose this site, so you won’t drag people down with you. You stupid fucking retard. You have no fucking balls to sit on here and rattle about shit, you know NOTHING about. You people are pathetic. You have no compassion for anyone and you are the reason humanity is as ugly as it is. I hope you all


Does not matter what the situation is, going AWOL always makes things worse.

By the way have you ever served in the millitary? Is so when and where?


If my server crashes (whatever that means) I will handle it in the IVAW manner. First, cry like a 6 year old girl. Next, make accusations not born out by facts. Then, assert some sort of constitutional right being crushed by a gov’t afraid to hear my words. Hire a lawyer, whine even more, etc. You know, act like a total baby.

I am curious what “having balls” means to you. If I have no balls because I honored the commitment I made, went to a foreign land at the behest of my civilian leadership, and completed my term of service with an honorable characterization, then yes, I suppose you are accurate.

I like how you immediately went to a sexist statement with Susan, for some reason that tickles me. And, I am just absolutely sure she is devastated. No doubt her 16+ years of education and becoming one of the most reknowned profdessions failed to adequately prepare her for the strong rebuke you have laid at her feet. Susan, it is ok, we are here for you.

Lawyer in Oklahoma

You people have lost your fucking minds. Please publish your names, addresses, and phone numbers. James Branum is a servant to his clients, not just “the cause”. If you think you can do better — go to law school yourself and represent some people. Nobody is perfect, and you sure ain’t no exception. You are all lousy no good pieces of shit yourselves and you ought to go find the nearest tree and bang your head against it for a very long time.

Old Tanker

You people have lost your fucking minds. Please publish your names, addresses, and phone numbers

Why do you insist everyone else publish their name? Because you were first? If Branum is a servant to his clients why do they keep getting fucked? Must be that lawyerly ninja shit he keeps pullin’ off………If he keeps this up he ought to be the prosecutor.