IVAW member complains that Army was good to him

| September 17, 2009


Meet Josh Noehrenberg, a new IVAW member – so new that he doesn’t have a profile on IVAW’s website, yet. Or maybe it’s for a good reason he doesn’t have a profile. He’s another of the IVAW members who haven’t been to Iraq or Afghanistan, yet he’s in the IRAQ VETERANS Against the War. He fought against Germans;

“Technically you only need to serve in the global war on terror which took place in a number of different theaters not just Iraq,” Noehrenberg said. Noehrenberg said that serving in Germany was easy and uneventful until he returned home. “When we came back to the states we got reports later that there was in fact a terrorist plot over in Germany and that the [Military Police] uncovered it,” Noehrenberg said. Noehrenberg said he knew the terrorists that were uncovered in the plot and said one of them worked as a store clerk at the Post Exchange on his base. “It just struck home like, holy cow her and her boyfriend had pipe bombs ready to blow us to pieces,” Noehrenberg said.

Well, there you go, he’s going to be claiming PTSD from hearing about this terrorist activity – the Matthis Chiroux syndrome. Then he went to Fort Polk and admits he didn’t oppose the war until it was his turn to go;

Noehrenberg said after that event they received their orders that the company was going to be deployed to Iraq and that started a pattern of nonviolent resistance with Noehrenberg and other soldiers in his company. “We formed our own opinion about the matter,” Noehrenberg said. Noehrenberg said him and other troops tried to convince other troops in their company that “this war is not our war,” and purposely performed poorly during military exercises and marksmen tests. Noehrenberg said he realized that this company was being “poorly” trained and under supplied by his commanding officers. “I saw that our unit was not ready for the mission that was being handed down,” Noehrenberg said.

In all of his years of experience, Noehrenberg determined his unit wasn’t ready to deploy and tried to leave his buddies behind to deploy unprepared for war. Yep, that’s how it happened, I swear.

Noehrenberg said him and other soldiers held a teleconference with Sen. Richard Durbin to try and explain their views on how prepared the company was. “We’ll never know for sure whether or not it was our efforts per sea that was the turning point in the decision but we ended up not going on that deployment,” Noehrenberg said. “The entire battalion went home and got much needed rest.”

I wish I’d been his First Sergeant – I’d have worn his young ass out – push ups for days. Then he applies for a hardship discharge and gets it to help his family through some tough times – I understand that, but is Noehrenberg grateful for the Army’s decision to release him from his obligation to care for his family? You guessed it – nope;

Noehrenberg currently works for the Iraq Veterans Against the War by talking to young people who are thinking about joining the military. He talks about his time in the military, and he hopes he can change their mind.

Yup, cuz the Army so mistreated him. Here’s an article about Joshie-pooh when he showed up at an Immgrant-rights march in Chicago – you tell me what his politics are;

Josh Noehrenberg, 25, of Lombard, showed up carrying a red and black anarchy flag, a skateboard and the book “The Political Philosophy of Poststructuralist Anarchism” by Todd May. “These people are being exploited in a very real way,” said Noehrenberg, a political science major at Roosevelt University, referring to low-income workers.

I’m guessing he’s another ISO member, but I might be wrong.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War

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I’m more of a lurker here, but sometimes I want to comment on some of these guys and just don’t know where to begin.

“It just struck home like, holy cow her and her boyfriend had pipe bombs ready to blow us to pieces,” Noehrenberg said.

Kind of reminds me of the time(s) where it just struck home like, holy cow, that nice Iraqi gentleman receiving funding from a nice Syrian gentleman had IEDs ready to blow us to pieces. Kind of the same thing.

I think the thing that bothers me about this is that I can find some common fraternity with the members of Iraq Veterans Against the War, but I find it hard to have the same with a guy who only claims to be an Iraq vet on his t-shirt, and then gets into a convuluted argument about how the bylaws of his group “technically” allow him to wear it.

This only tarnishes any efforts by the real Iraq veterans to get their points and views across.

Casey J Porter

Wow, he got treated a hell of a lot better than me and my fellow Soldiers ever did. This kid is just another goober. Another, in a mountain of reasons, that IVAW is an organization that doesn’t care about, nor respect real Veterans.


Maybe if the Iraq Veterans Against the War had a provision in its bylaws that the board members and chairperson must be actual Iraq veterans with a documented Iraq campaign ribbon to prove it, then they could actually go about their business rather than appear to be both a sham and front for groups that have no agenda over veterans affairs. As it stands now, IVAW isn’t even led by an Iraq (or even Afghanistan) veteran. Credibility, folks. And sadly, the IVAW attorney seems to be none other than James Barnum who absolutely never served or has any real regard for his IVAW people. Trainwreck.


Well, I’m glad this scumbag is no longer in my Army.

What’s that they say defines a conservative?

“He or she is a leftist dillwad moron liberal that hasn’t been mugged, yet.”

This waste of skin is the exception that proves the rule:

“It just struck home like, holy cow her and her boyfriend had pipe bombs ready to blow us to pieces,” Noehrenberg said.”

This clown and others he knows HAVE been mugged, and it didn’t make any difference.

Of course, since he’s so anti-military, he’ll be renouncing those VA College benefits…. right? Or do we add “rank hypocrite” to his general description?


They were not deployed because every responsible officer knows that a company of dead-beats will contribute to victory only if the are kept out of action.

B Woodman

All I can say is WTF!!!
Not been to Iraq, yet claiming to be an IVAW. Again, WTF??!!

– him and other troops tried to convince other troops in their company that “this war is not our war,”
Why wasn’t he arrested for sedition, possibly treason in time of war, and/or giving aid and comfort to the enemy??

– and purposely performed poorly during military exercises and marksmen tests.
Malingering, anyone? Not allowed to reenlist under one of the 9 series failures?

I shake my head in wonder, and again ask, W-T-F!

AW1 Tim

How about “attempting to foment mutiny during a time of war?”

That one will get you the death penalty.


Seems like the kind of guy who would shoot a 12 no matter how hard he tried, and then play it off as Pee Wee Herman once said, “I meant to do that.”


“Josh Noehrenberg, 25, of Lombard, showed up carrying a red and black anarchy flag, a skateboard and the book “The Political Philosophy of Poststructuralist Anarchism” by Todd May. “These people are being exploited in a very real way,” said Noehrenberg, a political science major at Roosevelt University, referring to low-income workers.”

What a pussy…and still skating through life. His Basic drill Sgts need to be reprimanded.

Casey J Porter

I didn’t know James Branum was their lawyer. That may not be accurate, but he does represent IVAW members. Do they have a single dedicated attorney?


I don’t know if James Branum is on staff, but from what I read he just appears or is trying to appear as the IVAW lawyer. His website is downright crazy after looking at it from a posting from this site.

Hate to say it, but even IVAW soldiers that actually served deserve better than that clown. Preying on stupid kids is just sad. Imagine what would have happened to this Noehrenberg kid if he used that lawyer. He’d have a website and a big chicken dinner.


The bigger picture is what I have been saying all along about these cowards: He was fine with the military until it came time to pay the bill. He wasn’t against any fricken wars until it was his turn to fight in it. Pussy

Just A Grunt

Gee terrorists in Germany. What is this world coming to? Hey young un ever heard of the Badder Meinhof Gang? How about the Red Brigade? There were at least 1/2 a dozen various terorists gangs running around Europe when I served over there.

Maybe a little history lesson is due too since he doesn’t seem to know anything about the PLO terrorists seizing the Israeli athletes during the Munich Olympics.

Of course Korea is no better. I had an up close and personal experience with a bomber at the Kimpo airport.

There are bad people all around.


Polk? Wouldnt yellowbellies unit be the 509th PIB? OPFOR at JRTC. Not trained for COIN? seems to be all they do from what I saw.

B Woodman

Just a Grunt,
I know what’cher talking about. I was in Germany at the same time as the Bader-Meinhof, et al were bombing up the place. I was SO glad when they were all caught/killed. No tears there.


I don’t have a problem with him sharing his experiences with others thinking about joining. Kids thinking about joining should talk to as many people as possible and make an educated decision. What I do have a problem with is this clown acting like he’s a veteran of the Global War on Terror while explicitly telling people not to join. The GWOTSM doesn’t make you a veteran of any war.

I can hear the apologists now, “Yeah, but I didn’t choose not to get deployed.” So what? I didn’t choose to be born in 1983 instead of 1750, missing my chance to fight in the Revolution, but you don’t see me calling myself a veteran of that war.


It’s great reading these posts about IVAW. Every time I read one, it reminds me of the old song “Send in the Clowns.”


James Branum isn’t the IVAW attorney, he’s just an attorney that works with IVAW

Also, something I didn’t know but am sharing: apparently anarchists and socialists hate each other. I am not sure of all the background, but if he was carrying a book about anarchism, it’s unlikely that he’s an ISO member.


What’s really sad is his parents are probably proud of him…


AS: I was thinking the same thing as you about socialists and anarchists. They are polar opposites, however, they have been known to work in the same crowds, as I have personally seen them side by side marching and causing havoc.

Casey J Porter

But there is such a thing as an Anarchist Socialist. I’, not joking, I’ve met one. They often can be found side by side at rallies/marches, etc etc.

AS, the fact that IVAW is in cahoots with Branum in any capacity should be another shining reason why your organization is a danger to Soldiers. You know, those people that IVAW claims to care about. Oh wait, they don’t even claim that an more.


IVAW don’t need no stinking lawyers.

if they actually had one, some of the board decisions might make a bit more sense and follow precedent, not “president”. no pun intended on my end.


IVAW board and “members” would better be served by having a real lawyer to consult with and handle all problems that their “members” face. Problem as I see it is without organizational recommendations (forget for a moment that the IVAW board is no longer Iraq veterans), these dumb kids are getting suckered into bypassing TDS for the likes of James Branum who prey on them for his own purposes, not to mention what seems like very unfortunate legal services. A real board that “advocates” for soldiers would have a vetted and, I don’t know, good lawyer if they could even find or attract one. I would bet the Legion and VFW do this. Heck, their service officer must go to a special school to help vets.


Casey: The ones you’re talking about may be the ones I saw. Good call.


How does an anarchist/socialist work?


Anarchist socialists: they want to create a huge socialist state, then TEAR IT DOWN.
I kid, I kid. I really have no idea.

In seriousness, IVAW-National has never promoted Branum over other lawyers. There are other lawyers elsewhere who handle other IVAW members’ cases in other areas of the country. I myself have had legal issues, and I did not use Branum. He is not the official IVAW lawyer and I don’t know anyone outside of Ft. Hood who has used him. He is simply a movement-friendly lawyer in Fort Hood.


Bob, the combination of socialism and anarchism would probably be best defined as anarcho-syndicalism. Accoring to subject matter experts anarcho-syndicalist communes, “take it in turns to act as a sort of executive officer for the week, But all the decision of that officer have to be ratified at a special biweekly meeting By a simple majority in the case of purely internal affairs, but by a two-thirds majority in the case of more…” oh you get the idea.


Ridiculous. the whole anarcho-socialist thing is a pretty good indication they don’t even know what they believe- they are just still acting 17 and rebelling.

These guys need a story for getting out. They go home, everyone wants to know: what? couldn’t you cut it? so they become objectors to save face. They get to join this “army” of Army-haters… losers. period.


Jonn–lol at the visual of his homepage. Imagine if OJ had hired Johnny Cochran based on Johnny’s homepage showing a picture of a gurney in San Quentin’s Death Chamber.

Casey J Porter

I’m not saying that IVAW has only this one attorney, but along with a list of supporters, they should also have a list of people they do not endorse.


I wonder what would happen if he did this in a real fascist government?



Wow, jeez, these uneducated, uncouth and undisciplined frauds are attracted to IVAW like flies to shit. PTSD my ass. I still remember when Matthis tried to wow me with his explanation of how he experienced PTSD from, pfft, his Army experience. I thought my eyes were going to pop out of my head. And to think I thought I’d never encounter another individual of that level… Da-a-ammnn, I’ve been living in a fantastic plastic world.