Gordon Duff defines “military service” for us
I’ve run into Gordon Duff’s writings occasionally on the internet. He’s about as prolific as that Jim Staro guy that TSO likes so much, and Duff is about as literate as Staro. He’s the “senior editor” of a website misnamed “Veterans Today” – it’s been my experience that Veterans Today is just another propaganda mouthpiece for the Democrat Party.
I always chalked Duff up under the “harmless crank” column and went looking for better targets. The other day, 1stCavRVN11B sent me a link to one of his columns published in a local newspaper disparaging the service of Congressman Joe Wilson thusly;
Let’s look at some of this;
Born in 1947, Wilson was prime material for the Vietnam War. After taking deferment after deferment for college and law school, in 1972, Wilson was glided into a coveted Army Reserve billet, protecting him from service in Vietnam. He quit in 1975 with the fall of Saigon and transferred to the National Guard where he was a Judge Advocate, a “lawyer.”
“Deferment after deferment” was common – every year college students had to apply for deferments from the draft. So pretty much the thousands of male college students during the Vietnam era got “deferment after deferment”. When the draft ended in 1972, “Army Reserve billets” weren’t quite so “coveted” anymore. I don’t know what Duff is trying to say mentioning the “fall of Saigon” – I guess he wants to make it seem like Wilson was hiding from the National Guard in the Reserves.
But “draft dodger”? How is Wilson a draft dodger if he got deferments? I’ll bet Duff drinks wine with real draft dodgers all of the time, given his politics.
Duff yammers on about Wilson and Lindsey Graham “double-dipping” their two federal pensions (like thousands of us who retired from the military and went to federal jobs), and how Wilson belongs to “white supremacist organizations” without naming them. Here in DC, I’ve been told that the Heritage Foundation is a white supremacist organization, so who knows what Duff considers white supremacist.
Duff continues that Wilson voted against veterans 11 times in his career. We at TAH know that’s possible and it’s a frequent trick of VoteVets and IAVA to use that tactic.
Well, even after I read that article, I still ignored Duff as being a crank…until this morning when I saw this little parcel of crap sitting on his website;
Yep, all of you veterans who went to the rally on Saturday are “the new KKK” according to Gordon Duff.
It is just like it was during the 1920s. Ignorant “white folks” scared to death of “black folks” are out on a lynching party backed by corporate money.
Yeah, I’m waiting for my check.
Most of the people I met in DC were veterans, and apparently Duff is as willing to throw them under the bus with Joe Wilson, the supposed draft dodger.
More ignorance from mud-puddle-deep intellect that is Gordon Duff;
There is only one reason all those uneducated white people are out yelling and screaming, guns left in their luggage on busses paid for by taxpayer money sucked in by the biggest pack of corporate thieves that ever bribed a congressman.
Its all about the “N” word. We are having a convention of Americans in love with the “N” word, people who use it every day, folks afraid of black people they don’t know, people easy to scare.
We are also having a convention of “male enhancement” customers and people whose anti-psychotic drugs don’t seem to be working as intended.
Did you catch that? Because all of you veterans are worried about taxes, you’re racist, have penis issues and, oh, by the way, you’re nuts. Way to make a point, Gordo. Way to support your fellow veterans. I guess we’ll all just submit our DD214s to Duff so he can tell us which of us qualify to call ourselves veterans in public.
Category: Bloggers, General Whackos, Military issues
Well. If 80% of Europeans think it was an inside job, that’s all the proof I need. Europeans are just so damn smart, ya know.
As long as we’re quoting, this one is from Samuel Johnson, in The Patriot;
“The patriotism…may be justly doubted of him, who professes to be disturbed by incredibilities….”
I think that means “beware of fucksticks”.
Europeans are our cousins, and,
THEY ARE LAUGHING at how gullible we are.
Can you HEAR the LAUGHTER ?
It’s a shame the Architects and Engineers got started so late, ie, just a few years ago. I wish they had begun in 2003 or 2004. Then, we would not be having this conversation, it would already be a self-evident fact.
The power of the sheep is big, en masse. The sheep have kept the lid on 911, but I don’t think the lid will stay put forever.
The Architects and Engineers are courageous men, many of whom have lost their marriages, and their jobs over this divisive issue.
But, if you have NO FREEDOM, then you do not have
a LIFE WORTH THE LIVING. That’s how I see it, frankly.
That’s how the Architects and Engineers see it, too.
And, 80% is a helluva big number. It may be more, than when I last looked. Europeans are not dumb people.
I’ve moved on, to the search for personal remedies.
Good luck to all of you.
I hope you are rewarded for your groundless faith.
Here is the full context of your “quote”, which is just a bit out of context.
If this is not the time to “sound the alarm”, then, there is no such time.
“It is the quality of patriotism to be jealous and watchful, to observe all secret machinations, and to see publick dangers at a distance. The true lover of his country is ready to communicate his fears, and to sound the alarm, whenever he perceives the approach of mischief. But he sounds no alarm, when there is no enemy; he never terrifies his countrymen till he is terrified himself. The patriotism, therefore, may be justly doubted of him, who professes to be disturbed by incredibilities…”
The elites understand that the sheep will stick with them.
Some are not really sheep, but paid operatives.
They have nurtured the sheep for the occasion of their 911 false flag. Unfortunately, these elites are VERY ORGANIZED, and VERY SMART. I wish they weren’t, but the facts are, what they are.
The sheep do not even understand their role in this play.
Maybe, when they are in a FEMA camp, they will understand.
To start off with, here is some of the past readings that I have pointed out to different people that get conveniently ignored.
Here are a few things that address some of the inside job claims.
snopes taxi
snopes Pentagon
snopes six arabs
snopes Israel
snopes strapped
popularmechanics.com military_law
Because the claims that have come out of 9/11 seem to be more politically motivated then anything else. The same with the Bither people. Stuff like demanding to know why we did not shoot down a American civilian plane with over 150 people on it as proof that it was a inside job is crazy.
The saga of Building 7 (The Goldman Sachs Bldg) is
crazy, too. No plane ever hit it, but it came down in its own footprint.
The official story says all 3 buildings came down because of fire. The steel girders would only melt at over 2,000 degrees… These buildings were imploded, whether you like it, or not. I think you have already guessed : I don’t care what you like, or don’t like. The truth is, what it is, and the truth has a power all it’s own. But, only people with GUTS love the truth, gutless sheep love the lies. It’s always been that way, and it always will be.
Ex-seal Jesse ventura, also the Ex-Gov of Minnesota, is also a 911 truther. I have some pretty good company.
Again, best of luck to you all, over and out.
I do not hate you, but I’m damned disappointed in you, is all.
I love conspiracies.
So the government was able to orchestrate the hijacking of 4 airplanes, have the explosives placed in the buildings, have them explode at exactly the right time, and keep everyone quiet about it.
I wish I had these guys working in my Battalion; I can’t even get all my Companies to show up in the right uniform for Battalion close out formation.
Again this has been talked about before as well as on video.
.Captain Varriale told Chief Coloe and myself that 7 World Trade Center was badly damaged on the south side and definitely in danger of collapse. Chief Coloe said we were going to evacuate the collapse zone around 7 World Trade Center, which we did.
…also we were pretty sure that 7 World Trade Center would collapse. Early on, we saw a bulge in the southwest corner between floors 10 and 13, and we had put a transit on that and we were pretty sure she was going to collapse. You actually could see there was a visible bulge, it ran up about three floors. It came down about 5 oclock in the afternoon, but by about 2 oclock in the afternoon we realized this thing was going to collapse.
Firehouse: Was there heavy fire in there right away?
Hayden: No, not right away, and thats probably why it stood for so long because it took a while for that fire to develop. It was a heavy body of fire in there and then we didnt make any attempt to fight it. That was just one of those wars we were just going to lose. We were concerned about the collapse of a 47-story building there. We were worried about additional collapse there of what was remaining standing of the towers and the Marriott, so we started pulling the people back after a couple of hours of surface removal and searches along the surface of the debris. We started to pull guys back because we were concerned for their safety.
Per 911myths.com
I have to make one final comment.
All you guys must know we Americans have the greatest constitution ever made, right ? That is a statement nobody can rebut successfully. We have natural God-given rights engraved in stone, and that stone has been weather-proofed by the blood of our soldiers, who have always stepped forward with a BLANK CHECK (including their very LIVES) to PROTECT THE FREEDOMS we hold dear.
Well, you must know they are trying to use the 911 event to take THE FREEDOMS away.
So, who benefited from the 911 event ? I would say those who are using it to thwart the freedom.
All this US Govt is there for is to protect the Freedom, according to the constitution.
Are they protecting our freedoms ?
I think NOT.
And, any thinking American can see it, for what it is.
If anyone cannot see the above, they are blind.
I mean it this time :
You know B-Truth, there are people out there who can’t handle the truth. They make excuse after excuse to avoid it. It would shatter their fake reality. They’d have to look down a rabbit hole that would shake their very existence. They are afraid or think they are to educated, or lack common sense to face the truth. They think we are the crazy paranoid ones who believe anything on the internet. Yet, 1200 architects and engineers risk their reputations and lives to bring out the truth-and I’ll bet now of these sheeple ever took five minutes to investigate their finding.
They think we are the crazy paranoid ones who believe anything on the internet.
Thanks for proving us right.
“Ex-seal Jesse ventura, also the Ex-Gov of Minnesota, is also a 911 truther. I have some pretty good company.”
Yeah, he’s got a pretty cush gig peddling idiotic bullshit in a scary tone on SpikeTV. That’s the main thing sustaining the 9/11 truth movement; there is big money in selling this fantasy to the basement-dwelling subculture who are more than willing to spend a huge chunk of their allowance on it every month.
Let em know you know da troof about 9/11! Git yer bumper stickers, t-shirts, posters, banners, window decals, hats, tea-cozies, etc. Git ’em now, before the gubmint stops us from sellin’ em!
B-truth; if you have been here for any amount of time, you would know that I’m no fan of the DHS. That said, I watch Jesse “I was a UDT Dude, not a Navy SEAL” Ventura’s show on TruTV for the entertainment value. The guy is a narcissist and loves to jump on any bandwagon that will get him noticed. I have friends that are followers of Alex “The tinfoil boy” Jones, but I just can’t get into their whole logic stream, because to do so would take leaps of faith that stretch a mile. There are claims of evidence of this, that, and the other thing. However, when asked to provide it, they want you to prove a negative i.e. “you can’t prove it didn’t happen like that”. Now, we are to believe these fantastic stories about how good at planning and execution our government is, etc. The same government that we all complain about being incompetent is also the same government that is eeeeeevil genius in plotting against us all? Just as those that claim Bush is dumber than a stump, yet in the next breathe, those same people claim he’s an evil genius. Which is it? One or the other; stump or genius. No one can tell me the reason why our government would kill so many citizens, either. It would have to be something extraordinarily worthy; right? Oil isn’t the reason, since oil prices haven’t fallen. We would have to disregard Osama Bin Hidin’s involvement and statements, too, which would help make the gummint conspiracy plausable. The problem with that is we would have to ignore that OBL goes way back and to fabricate all that history would be difficult. We are called sheeple because we don’t buy the leap of faith that you want us to? That doesn’t make us sheeple, that makes us critical thinkers. Show me the evidence, provide the witnesses, not theories, not what ifs, but hard evidence. No excuses like “it’s locked in a hangar at JFK” (yeah, I caught that episode of Jesse’s show), or “they’re afraid to talk because… Read more »
I see some posters above would like to have information about veteranstoday*dot*com but those posts are from July and I wonder if anybody is still interested in some details about that website’s owner. What I have learned from my research is why there is such an anti-Israel agenda on that website. My research resulted from the March 27th post on this website. That is post number 32.
There are always enough believers in the nonsense the owner and the writers peddle on veteranstoday*dot*com to help such a website owner be able to keep the wesite active, but I have not yet seen anybody expose the owner for what he is. It did not take a lot of work for me to figure out why the owner hates Israel so much.
Probably somebody here has alreay figured it out and I would understand if the owner here is afraid to allow the results to be posted here.
I am no fan of Duff. I posted on his site and he removed my posts too. He is a ranting fool with even worse ranting bigger fool fans.
There is only one thing that offends me among my fellow ‘Duff Disgusted.’ It is those peddling the horrid stereotypes about PTSD. PTSD doesn’t make him the conspiracy looney he is. PTSD doesn’t necessarily mean low functioning. It is a set of symptoms, or responses to stressors from having been subjected to severe prolonged stressors that would overwhelm and wear down any strong healthy human. I know people with PTSD in leadership positions. It all depends on how it is manifesting in daily life.
So I take absolutely great offense at those who are ridiculing those dealing with PTSD on this site, revealing stereotypes that are just a form of prejudice and ignorance. Please educate yourselves and cut it out. It is not a permanent sentence either. Humans are very resilient and many totally overcome it.