Tea Party at the Cannon Building

| September 10, 2009

I stopped by the Cannon Building this morning to finally meet Bev Perlson and her Band of Mothers and some intermixed FReepers who were supposed to be there. This time they were. So, here are the pictures from the first DC Tea Party event of the weekend;

Band of MothersFR 005

Band of MothersFR 006

Band of MothersFR 009

The only Congressman I saw that I recognized was little lyin’-ass John Lewis, but they were probably all tuckered out from clapping and standing up the night before.

Bev told me that after a few more people showed up, she was going in to thank Joe Wilson for his stunt last night. I wouldn’t be surprised if she did.

Category: Breaking News

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Frankly Opinionated

Thanks Joe Wilson, for calling a Spade a spade. Or is that now considered as racist. It ain’t like he called a Spade a Ho, is it?
Anyway, it is about time that someone in office called him on his lies. Did up a design and loaded it into my shop in the wee hours. Already had 3 sales and it is but noon here central time. Looks like a ringer to me.
See it here: http://www.cafepress.com/frankopinions/6883199
Nuf Sed


If Bev said she was going, then she did.
That looks like my friend George Samek and his wife, Jamie, in that last pic!


Woot woot!! George is the MAN!! My favorite eagle ever!! We did little Washington and he is so intimidating to the lefties. LOVE IT!!

CWO George Samek US Army Retired

Present at the Cannon Mission were Muriel Pederson Vietnam Gold Star USMC Mother & Debbie Lee..Iraq US Navy SEAL Gold Star Mother.

I pumped the Laptops for Wounded Warriors to our public servents as the pandered in return..We do not accept a dime of government funding..Period…This is a grass roots mission.

Here is a link to our Sept 11 2009 Laptops for Wounded Warriors at Walter Reed ..10 laptops with web cams were presented by our Gold Star Mothers.


This mission will continue to other Wounded Warrior medical center. Please donate as you can..for each $350.00 we will place a laptop in the hands of a wounded troop..these laptops will pass on to others as a gift that keeps on giving.

CWO George Samek
NC Redneck..esq.
Threat To Homeland Security

Beverly Perlson

Thank you very much for this posting, which marks the 10th time The Band of Mothers, The Gathering of Eagles and Free Republic have stood on the Cannon Bldg Corner in support of our troops. In the past we have taken to the corner when Pelosi and her bunch threatened to cut funding on our Heroes who have kept us safe!. This time The Band of Mothers went to that corner with one main message and we carried this sign all over that corner: CONGRATULATIONS TROOPS FOR YOUR VICTORY IN IRAQ!!! YOU’RE OUR HEROES! God did that feel good to carry that sign and I will have a nice After Action Report with pictures posted on http://www.thebandofmothers.com very soon! Thank you Dan for your vote of confidence and there were about 10 of us that went inside Joe WIlson’s office! We did not get to see Joe but believe me, his staff knows how appreciative we all are for the stand Joe took in that chamber Wednesday night. The shame is that his fellow Republicans did not stand with him shoulder to shoulder to support him! I wrote in his guestbook “GO JOE!” Also, it is important to note that every single time The Band of Mothers has stood on that corner, Joe Wilson has come out, shook our hands, and thanked us for standing in support of our troops. He has often sent bottles of water out to us, as he did this time. Joe Wilson is a brave American and as I told a reporter, I am not at all surprised he has two sons serving in the military. Those brave men take after their brave father! Thanks to all who stood with us, especially Gold Star Moms Muriel Pederson and Debbie Lee, and as always, thanks to Dan and the fine Capitol Police who have always been kind and courteous to The Band of Mothers. They are our Heroes too! Beverly Perlson The Band of Mothers http://www.thebandofmothers.com PS The drums of the anti-war crazies are beginning to beat once again so The Band of Mothers may be… Read more »


[…] I’ve spent some time with Bev and her band several times at that same street corner and I’m proud to know them. They throw Code Pink’s crap right back in their faces. Good job, folks. […]