Tax hikes coming. Surprised?
So are you enjoying your $16/week tax cut from the Obama Administration? Better start laying that away somewhere because according to Reuters, Obama Administration officials are talking tax hikes;
Geithner left unclear whether Obama would be willing to set aside his campaign pledge not to raise taxes on Americans making less than $250,000 a year. “We can’t make these judgments yet about exactly what it’s going to take and how we’re going to get there,” he said.
Summers later said Geithner was not laying the groundwork for tax increases, and added that none of the White House proposals would burden the middle class.
“It’s never a good idea to absolutely rule things out no matter what, but what the president has been completely clear on is this: That he is not going to pursue any of his priorities, not health care, not energy — nothing — in ways that are primarily burdening middle-class families,” Summers told CBS’ “Face the Nation.”
Joe the Plumber ain’t lookin’ so dumb right about now, is he?
The GOP is “gaining traction” against Obama according to the US News and World Report, but I think they read it wrong. Obama is loosing traction, the Republicans are doing the same old wheel-spinning they engage in. Obama is slipping back.
Oh, you folks in LA, did you know that the City bounced $6 million in checks?
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden
Wow! You mean the promise of rainbows and ponies have turned into a box of crayons and horseshit???
Claymore, yeah, while the gubermint continues to give taxpayer money away so my neighbors can go buy a new car. Which actually means assume more debt. Talk about the gang that couldn’t shoot straight.
And just in case anyone else is still deluded into thinking Obummer gave you a “tax cut”, it’s not–just a reduction in witholdings so that you still owe the same taxes at the end of the year; i.e., you’ll pay more or get a smaller refund. Oh, and memo to Ozombies–if you let Bush’s tax cuts expire after 2010, isn’t that the same as a tax increase? Sure looks like it to me!
Great, the city of Los Angeles is just like the deadbeat roommate I had in college. Is the city also going to say it spent the rent money on a killer new bong? If only California were like the federal government, they could just start up the presses and print some more funny money.