The Summers Eve of Winter Soldiers: Matthis Chiroux and the Quest for the Holy Mushrooms of Auburn

| July 23, 2009

I’m fairly certain at this point I don’t need to go over his bio, so let’s just dive into the stinking cesspool which is his Candidacy Statement:

Since publicly refusing my first deployment to Iraq last Spring, I have dedicated almost entirely my mind, body and finances to ending the criminal occupations of BOTH Iraq and Afghanistan and ensuring fair treatment for returning veterans and service members.

I like your use of CAPS for BOTH. It really moves me in a way that nothing usually moves me except dysentery and prune juice. As far as I know, your mind and finances have been dedicated to illicit substances, and your body to hookers, so good to know you have a new hobby.

For a year after my refusal, I organized and executed a grass-roots public defense campaign that resulted in my honorable discharge from the Army’s IRR which garnered wide spread media attention domestically and internationally.

Um, dipshit, you might want to check that discharge again. It wasn’t honorable, it was General under Honorable. Not the same thing.

I have extensive experience and success working with the U.S. Congress. As a board member, I will bring broad contacts from both sides of the isle to the center of IVAW’s strategic planning. As well, I have a great number of high-level connections and experience in the field of political communications that will greatly benefit this organization should I be elected to the board.

Really, name one success you had with Congress? Go ahead, I’ll wait. Name a piece of legislation you worked on that passed. And what “isle” are you talking about? I’m assuming you mean the “Isle of misfit toys”. Were you the train with square wheels, or the polka dot elephant? No wait, you were the pistol that shot Jelly weren’t you? You are such a misfit even King Moonracer banished you from the Isle. Remember, no one wants to play with a Matthis in the box.

I have organized and led many non-violent direct actions to further our points of unity, as well fought highly successful defense campaigns when civil disobedience led to the arrest of myself, our members and allies. I have never lost a defense campaign. No individual who I’ve been arrested with or helped defend has ever been convicted of any wrong-doing.

You have a startlingly poor grasp of our language. Beyond that, are you really arguing one of your strong suits is never having been convicted? What about when you only joined the Army to stay out of jail, does that count? I can’t help but remember the scene in Stripes:

Have you ever been convicted of a felony or a misdemeanor? That’s robbery, rape, car theft, that sort of thing?

– Convicted?


– No. Never convicted.

I am well known and respected throughout the Global Peace Movement and have worked tirelessly and effectively to repair damaged organizational relationships for IVAW. I have demonstrated a dedication to working with individuals of vast political views throughout my time as a veteran activist.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Yes Matthis, you are loved across the spectrum from Marxists to Trotskyists. (We play both kinds here, Country and Western.)

Though I have endured extensive, personal and highly libelous assault for my military resistance and dedication to truth, I have remained an active and highly-visible member of IVAW, demonstrating my dedication to the cause of peace and veteran justice beyond any measure of personal sacrifice.

Libelous assault? Are you kidding? Who libeled you snookums? And what sacrifice have you ever made in your entire life? The only people I see sacrificing are your Dad, step-mom, Blanka and a host of other people you have fleeced. Not to mention the movement which you’ve damaged by your unhinged jackassery. Should I keep going on about the tale of woe you’ve left in your wake?

But this part is my absolute fave!

As I said in my introduction, I have extensive contacts within the U.S. Congress, the field of Political Communications (most notably, I’m beginning an internship directly beneath David Fenton who has been described as the ‘Carl Rove of the progressive movement’), the media, the peace movement at large, and the National Lawyers Guild. I can find a free NLG lawyer for just about anyone at just about any time. I have extensive connections with a liberal Manhattan elite who, for better or for worse, would be VERY interested in further funding IVAW should they see us making tangible progress toward ending the occupations.

Yes, please for the love of God continue getting your brethren those shitty lawyers. I still haven’t found a single one of you who seems to have done better as a result of their efforts. I’d rather be represented by a drunken, priapic marmoset than NLG. Plus, I gotta say, a little creeped out by the phrase “beginning an internship directly beneath David Fenton”, I think that is illegal except in Nevada. Or are you not getting paid?

Further, I give you this to ponder:

Following my defense campaign, I returned in the area of $3K to IVAW, about half of the total funds donated to me by my supporters, and have been responsible for a number of other smaller grants (usually in the area of $250 each) to IVAW from New York-based companies specializing in investing client dollars in non-profit organizations, even if only for tax-write of reasons. I am not independently wealthy, so I’ve not been able to invest many Matthis dollars into IVAW as an organization, however to primarily fund my activism without drawing away from IVAW’s strained budget, I have taken roughly $15K in student loans which have been primarily used to further our points of unity and will be repaid by me alone. Again, I also have developed extensive connections with a Manhattan elite which IS looking to invest in organizations like ours if we can demonstrate tangible progress toward achieving our points of unity.

You guys made him pay for his own college? Inconceivable! Just a side note, I wonder if people actually like being referred to as the wealthy and liberal Manhattan elite.

And lastly, here is your answer to why Matthis does that passive aggressive shit so often:

There has been excessive in-fighting within the ranks of our current board which at times has exploded into a public spotlight on the internet and by word of mouth. Unfortunately, this example has been followed and is still being followed by a number of our members who feel public forums are the place to handle personal issues with other members. This is unfortunate, considering the greatest strength of our current board is the caliber of people serving on it, all of whom individually, I have great respect for. I look forward to using my conflict resolution skills to loosen the ideological dead-lock that has seemingly paralyzed our current board and IVAW as a whole…member disunity is tearing us apart, and my ability to endure undue criticism without “smashing back” will be a tremendous asset during this most tumultuous time.

Dude, you couldn’t conflict resolve your way out of a used condom.

Anyway, there you have it. I STRONGLY endorse Matthis for the Board. I want him on that thing so bad I can’t even begin to tell you, because bloggers need things to write about, and keeping this asshat in the limelight will mean plenty of fodder for Jonn and I.

Vote Matthis! WTF else ya gonna do?

Category: Politics

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Ok, I’ve held my tongue long enough. I’m in a rather surly mood today so I’m going to vent a little.

I am sick and tired of listening to the bullshit being spewed by the likes of this coward. I’m tired of having them in the spotlight as a shining example of courage to “resist” and anyone that takes any of these meeley mouthed shitstains serious or looks at them with admiration. I have people very close to me in the middle of the shit as we speak with one of them on his 3rd tour while the likes of this moron are back here running their piehole like they are the second coming.

You assholes make me sick the way you run around spouting bullshit as though you give a rats ass about anything but yourselves and your self promoting fantasies. What a bunch of pussies. Winter Soldier my fat ass. I can’t believe that anyone would fall for all that total load of shit, either, as though our military and our troops would be that weak minded and the corruption within the ranks is that systemic throughout the military.

Matthis you are a self indulgent huckster that is like a leech. You suck your host dry and then move on to the next one. You aren’t worthy to work cleaning bed pans in a VA hospital and I wouldn’t give you the satisfaction of being around those that didn’t run out on their obligations. You are a shitstain on society, as with most of the others in that group. In fact, I wouldn’t walk across the street to piss on you if you were on fire, ya worthless fuck.

Misfit Cowboy

Look, I’m a misfit cowboy. I ride an OSTRICH for God’s sake. Maybe I’m not exactly fit to throw stones, but this struck me as odd:

Mathis: “I have dedicated almost entirely my mind, body and finances to ending the criminal occupations of BOTH Iraq and Afghanistan and ensuring fair treatment for returning veterans and service members.”

I think, TSO, that you adequately cover the depredations of his mind and body, but I would also point out that the dedication of his finances are not really a dedication of HIS finances per se, but of those of a succession of defrauded and mistreated girlfriends, associates and other misfits.

I propose that rather than Misfit Mathis being the “Mathis in a Box” that he’s really more likely to be “Misfit Dolly”. I explain this by way of the following definition from the font of all knowledge (Wikipedia) of said toy:

“Misfit Dolly, or “A Dolly for Sue (as she calls herself)” is a seemingly normal girl rag doll with red hair and a red gingham (checkered) dress. Her misfit problem is never explained on the special, but was revealed on NPR’s Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me! news quiz show (broadcast December 8, 2007). The show revealed that Rudolph’s producer, Arthur Rankin Jr., says Dolly’s problem was psychological, caused from being abandoned by her mistress and suffering depression from feeling unloved.”

I think that about sums it up.

Yippe kai yay, muthfu…well, you know the drill.

B Woodman

Start over again. . Somehow I lost what I had originally typed.

“Since publicly refusing my first deployment to Iraq last Spring”
Can anyone explain to me WHY C.M. wasn’t arrested and court-martialed when he first refused to obey a lawful order for his deployment? Why isn’t he serving time in Levenworth with a Dishonorable BCD?

As for his declaration about “both sides of the (a)isle”, anyone who has listened to politics for more then a day understands that to really mean “the Liberal/left/progressive/socialist/communist/authoritarian/etc side of the (a)isle.”

Only a Lib/etc (see above) can equate “extensive, personal and highly libelous assault” with the truth.

“beginning an internship directly beneath David Fenton”.
(shudder) This is just SO wrong. Oh, the horror of it all. . . I’m going to have to remove my brain from my skull to scrub out the mental images.

B Woodman

Why hasn’t someone tracked him down while he’s high at some crack house & broken both his kneecaps?



Country Singer

And here I thought he was talking about “Gilligan’s Isle”…silly me…


So if there are 6 slots and 8 people running for them, we really needs to figure out which two people are going to get the least amount of votes. Most likely it will be the least known of the 8. Because Matthix is probably the most well known, he will probably be a shoe in.


first, are they all for real?!
second, I want to know what they are smoking, Chiroux in particular, because it’s awesome sh#t…


I thought libel was when people said untrue shit about you.

“Ladies and gentlemen, there is nothing wrong with your worldwide internets. You are entering the twilight zone.”


“Your honor, my claim is that the defendants published truthful, firsthand accounts of my skullduggery over them internets. The truth has tarnished my image. I ask for damages in the amount of eleventy-billion dollars.”


Matthis has “conflict resolution” skills? Why, oh why hasn’t Hillary and the O-nnointed one come to Matthis to use those skills with the Norks, Honduras, and Russia and China? Matthis should contact them immediately, offering the use of said skills to resolve those conflicts. Why, the idea he’d limit himself to just the IVAW is almost criminal. Sarc/off now.


Chiroux says:

“I have extensive connections with a liberal Manhattan elite”

What he means is the communist activists from World Can’t Wait, etc…

Liberal like Joe Stalin.


“I have extensive connections with a liberal Manhattan elite”

I guess ‘No war but class war’ only goes so far.


I’d like to see him name those connections. A year ago at the IVAW convention in Minneapolis, he talked about fleecing those “loaded lefties” in Manhattan. Yet he had to leave New York and is crawling around Alabama churches passing the collection plate.

All I got from his resume is that he didn’t give a damn about activism or the war in Iraq until it was his time to go. Suddenly he found the “courage” to resist and speak out about the war and how the army trained him to rape people.


“I have extensive connections with a liberal Manhattan elite”

Is that code for high class male prostitute?

Glenn Cassel AMH1(AW) USN RET

Onboard with nucsnipe.
By the way, the truly holy mushrooms are on Fidalgo and Whidbey Islands, Washington. I spent a number of years watching the Seattle and Bellingham nutcases on their hands and knees after a rain.