Bacon resigns as IVAW ED

| July 17, 2009

We got word today that Alex Bacon, the Executive Director of the IVAW, resigned his position today due to health reasons.

Dear members of IVAW,

We regret to inform you that our Executive Director, Alex Bacon, resigned early yesterday due to personal health issues. We wish him a full recovery and look forward to him once again becoming active with IVAW.

The Board of Directors had a call last night where we discussed this issue (among other issues facing the organization) and the following decisions were made:

1- Aaron Hughes (the Organizing Team Leader) will act as the point of contact between the Board and the staff while there is no ED in the office.

2- Wes Davey (the Board Treasurer) will be going to Philadelphia, on Monday 20 July 09, to act as the interim ED until a new ED is hired.

3- The Board will hire a full time ED to replace Alex. At this point we are inclined to hire the “runner up” for the job as we had an exhaustive process a mere 3 months ago. That being said, we will be negotiating with this person over the next week or so and will update you accordingly.

4- This new ED will work with Wes (on site) and Alex (via phone and email) to transition into the position full time.

The Board, staff, and members are working very hard on the convention and we are still planing on a successful convention that once again brings together members of IVAW to collectively move forward as an organization and a movement.

We will update you as soon as we are ready to take our next step. Please feel free to send questions to

In Solidarity

Board of Directors
Iraq Veterans Against the war

Here at TAH, we hope that Alex has a speedy and complete recovery.

For those of you who don’t know Alex Bacon, he went AWOL from the Coast Guard while he was stationed in Honolulu, HI. In his own words from his IVAW profile;

I grew up in the Unitarian Church and had some illusion that I was going to make the military more humane by joining. What I didn’t realize was that you don’t change the military, the military changes you. I was disappointed in our mission, which was really focused on protecting American fisheries and seemed to have very little to do with lifesaving. I was also surprised by the dehumanization of other people, including fellow shipmates that I saw. I realized fairly quickly that I had made a mistake, and as impulsively as I joined the Coast Guard I went AWOL.

No, really, that’s what it says. I don’t think I could make the story any funnier.

So who is going to be the next person to take over IVAW? Well, I’m waiting on the answer to that one from one of my countless moles, but one person told me that the only two others who applied for the position were Matthis Chiroux and Adrienne Kinne. Kinne’s profile says she “served stateside in direct support of operations in Iraq and Afghanistan as a voice interceptor.”

Kinne is touted as a “whistleblower” because she told the press (Amy Goodman from Democracy Now) that the Palestine Hotel, which housed journalists, was on the target list for the initial bombing of Baghdad in 2003. We didn’t strike the Palestine Hotel, it was merely on a target list but somehow it’s important. it’s another of those stories that go no where.

According to my source in IVAW, Kinne is a hardcore member of the International Socialist Organization. My source also tells me that Chiroux and Kinne both withdrew their applications to be ED so we’ll have to wait to find out whether the Board decides to perpetuate it’s image as an anti-war organization or a veterans’ organization.

Oh yeah, Carl Webb wrote yesterday that he’s to blame for the slim pickin’s for a new ED who might actually be a veteran of the Iraq War;

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers, Usual Suspects

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What’s the medical issue? Rehab? Or having his head surgically removed from his ass? Inquiring minds, you know.


Good riddance.

My guess is that they’re going to travel the anti-war route and abandon any credibility as a veterans’ organization.


Because of Ms. Kinne’s claims, Spain was asking too try the M1 Commander, his Company and Battalion Commanders for Murder of a Spanish reporter at the Palestine when it was engaged in 2003.

So she’s a Buddy Fucker as well. Should fit right in at IVAW, does it come with free CPUSA membership like Bacons?


As a retired Coastie, I am confused as to why an AWOL Coastie was the Director IVAW. This guy was half a world away from the war. It is an insult to all Iraq vets, including Coasties, that they went to war, and this guy can’t even stomach a fisheries patrol. Also, is protecting fisheries against the Unitarian faith? I think he watched a few too many episodes of Bay Watch. What a Flange Head.

Casey J Porter

Carl Webb is the Starscream of the Anti-War “Movement”.


Karl Marx Webb: “No exile, no jail time,no deployment to Iraq” No couch space yet, eh?

Another Disgrunted ex-IVAW "member"

Please, Please (I’m begging) hire Carl Webb or Matthis Chiroux as the new Executive Director. These guys are so effective that the wars would end immediately. LOL.

Another Disgrunted ex-IVAW "member"

“According to my source in IVAW, Kinne is a hardcore member of the International Socialist Organization.”

Within the last couple weeks I’ve spoken to Kinne numerous times about the statements that Webb and Chiroux have made. During our conversations I’ve accused her of being a member of the ISO many times and she consistently said she wasn’t even though she had so much information about the organization. Now I’m not saying she’s lying but she also told me that she had no idea that members of IVAW (Webb) were saying such things as “then I go on the record as advocating violence against American troops.”

Kinne didn’t even know that Webb was infavor of “killing American Troops” back when Casey Porter and Kristofer Goldsmith resigned. I guess she didn’t think it was important to read their resignation letters.

So should I believe that she’s not a member of ISO…yeah right.


I am not going to go into my own thoughts on Adrienne Kinne, however, I will point out that she was one of the main two leading the charge to get me kicked off the board because I “insulted the ISO and was not suitably apologetic”.

That said, the rest of this is inaccurate. I was one of the Directors who served on the hiring committee, and I can say that there were in fact other applicants. Neither Adrienne Kinne nor Matthis Chiroux applied, whatever their intentions might have been.

Frankly Opinionated

nuf sed


#10, exactly right Frankly Opinionated.

Carl Webb

See you nuts at the convention. I just got my ticket.

Another Disgrunted ex-IVAW "member"

gee, I wonder where you got the money for a plane ticket, hotel expenses and food?

Your a fucking bum.


[…] of service as an NCO in the US Army – and all of thospay checks he got. Vasquez replaced Alex Bacon, who went AWOL from the Coast Guard while stationed in Hawaii patrolling fisheries (no shit, […]