The Adam Kokesh Campaign, stihl lernyng to spele

| June 29, 2009

kokesh What is a “transormation” Adam? Somewhere there is an idiot who is voting for this guy to be the head of his village.

BTW Adam, you wrote:

On July 4th, 1776, 56 brave men pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor so that we might one day as a nation enjoy the blessings of liberty.

Not entirely accurate.

America’s independence was actually declared by the Continental Congress on July 2, 1776. The night of the second the Pennsylvania Evening Post published the statement: “This day the Continental Congress declared the United Colonies Free and Independent States.”
Most delegates signed the document on August 2, when a clean copy was finally produced by Timothy Matlack, assistant to the secretary of Congress. Several did not sign until later. And their names were not released to the public until later still, January 1777. The event was so uninspiring that nobody apparently bothered to write home about it. Years later Jefferson claimed to remember the event clearly, regaling visitors with tales of the flies circling overhead. But as he was wrong about the date, so perhaps he was wrong even about the flies.

Category: Politics

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So, when he gets all of about 38 votes in the race next year, does this mean he’ll take his ball and go away for good?