Tag: Army

Time is Not on Our Side

| April 28, 2016 | 37 Comments
Time is Not on Our Side

A little over a week ago, a bomb rocked the city of Kabul.  As of April 25th, 64 are dead and over 300 were injured.  Despite the fact that the target of the attacks was a security team that protects government VIPs, the majority of the victims are reportedly women and children. In response to […]

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My Take On The Jailed Army Rapper, Marc Hall. [ Casey J Porter ]

| January 18, 2010 | 20 Comments
My Take On The Jailed Army Rapper, Marc Hall.  [ Casey J Porter ]

I thought I would weigh in on the jailed Army rapper Marc Hall (a.k.a. Marc Watercus) since there are a few similarities between my former situation and his. For those of you who do not know Marc Watercus wrote a hip-hop song titled “Stop-Loss” in a reply to being Stop-Lossed himself. The song, which after […]

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