Another non-issue facing the military…again

| April 14, 2009

When the gay community started poking their nose into the military’s traditions and regulations again, I almost expected this snakes nest to spill forth once again. It seems that Sikhs are trying to keep their turbans, long hair and beards. I remember when the Army last took up the issue during the years that we faced the Soviets over the Iron Curtain – the Army announced that Sikhs could serve but they’d have to give up their religious accouterments. Many left the service when their time was up.

Now the Stars and Stripes reports that the battle has begun again;

On Tuesday, the Sikh Coalition filed a formal complaint with the inspectors general of the Army and the Department of Defense on behalf of Kalsi and 2nd Lt. Tejdeep Singh Rattan, a Reservist since 2006. The group was formed after two Sikhs were attacked in Queens, N.Y., on the night of 9/11 as reprisals for the attack.

For Kalsi, whose family came to the U.S. in 1978, the issue is frustrating and confusing. He is the fourth generation to serve in allied militaries. His father and grandfather were both Indian Air Force veterans. His great-grandfather served in the British army.

“I can’t understand why my Army would keep me from serving,” Kalsi said.

Well, Kalsi, that’s because you haven’t been listening to LTC Nathan Banks (TSO and I giggle like school girls every time LTC Banks makes a public pronouncement);

“The Army places a high value on the rights of soldiers to observe their respective religious faiths; however, the Army does not accommodate the exceptions for personal grooming standards for religious reasons,” said Army spokesman Lt. Col. Nathan Banks.

The restriction forces soldiers to meet “health, safety and mission requirements,” Banks said, and facial hair prevents an airtight seal on gas masks.

See, that “airtight seal” line referring to protective masks, Kalsi? That’s key in this part of the discussion;

But lawyers representing the soldiers say the policy poses a “burden on their exercise of religion” under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993….

Not like inhaling some nice blister agent through the unsealed mask will burden their exercise of religion, pal. Sure it hasn’t happened in 90 years or so, but there’s always the first time. And it only takes that one time.

Now, I mentioned gays in the first line and I know someone out there is panting just waiting for me to finish this so they can jump on me for comparing religious beliefs to sexual behavior. I’ll explain myself – both groups claim that they want to serve, but only under their conditions and any concessions to the military are out of the question. The military has made it possible for both groups to serve if they give up something but they’re unwilling to concede any thing. So it just becomes an employment opportunity for lawyers.

I’m not demeaning Sikhs I’m just pointing out that every one sacrifices something to be in the military, some more than others. If it’s so damn important for you to serve your country, make the common sense choice – and stop encouraging law schools to spit out cutthroat predators.

Yeah, I know…I suck.

Category: Society, Usual Suspects

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AW1 Tim

Sikhs? Gays?

Hell, they ain’t got no problems. You want problems? Try being a Pagan in the military.


All these groups need to STFU and get on with their lives, rather than try and force their own social-engineering agendas on the rest of folks.

airborne injun

AW1 Tim…I agree.I gave up war braids and scalping liberals so that I could serve.We must all make sacrifices.

Southern Democrat

What is it that Gays have to give up before they join? They dont have to shave their beards to wear a gas mask, they dont need to cut their war braids to meet your grooming standards. All they ask is that they not have to hide who they are.

You all proudly put your religion on your dog tags, and its s shame that the pagans and wiccians should not have the freedom to do that.

If someone wants to serve their country, who are you all to keep them from doing so. You complain about people not supporting the military, then you go and refuse to support Americans….


Don’t Feed the Troll. AKA SD.


Up North – agreed, no troll food for Syph Drip tonight.
As for the actual topic…. any ayhole who says he wants to serve, can serve. No one is drafting him or threatening him, so he can choose – a fuzzy face and a whiny ‘Oh, why can’t they just love me like I am?” tune, or a Bic razor every now and again for his enlisted time. When the hell did the military become a big Koom Bah Yah campfire girls club where everyone comes in to find their self esteem and seek the meaning of life? And what if MY religion demands that I never shower or use toothpaste, deoderant,or fingernail clippers, wear only Yogi Bear Underoos and crap myself twice a day facing Mecca? Will the military accommodate me…
Oh – that’s right… *then* I would be a member of IVAW.
Where “Buddy” is only half the word.
Never mind.


PS – Airborne “Albino” Injun – if you are through making that sacrifice, I have a couple of seriously sharp throwing hawks and an old but still razor sharp Cold Steel SRK… and there are still coup to be counted out there…




Either these idiots shut up about their relgion and sexual preferences when joining the army or we need to go back to a tightly knit country of like-minded people. it’s pretty bad when it seeps into defending your country. This division is what destroys countries.

Just A Grunt

Why is it so hard to accept the fact that the military ain’t for everyone? We have rules and standards for a reason. Many of those rules and standards came about as the result of loss of life on some foreign battle field by men and woman who were fighting to ensure that our country would remain a shining example of freedom and liberty.
Just like it isn’t a good idea to leave the clacker for your Claymore with the newbie who has a very curious streak about him, changing standards of conduct for those serving to fill some sort of feel good social engineering experiment can result in a disastrous outcome.


“Just like it isn’t a good idea to leave the clacker for your Claymore with the newbie who has a very curious streak about him”
Grunt – that is hysterical. I can imagine a corollary of your comment, being related to clacker use:

Famous last Words: Hey, guys, what’s THIS do?

And on a more sober note – can you imagine what sort of hellaciously bad moment might have led to the first printing of the words, “Front Toward Enemy” ?????


J3…Thats a great idea,I still have my Grandpappys “Hawk” with a brand new shiney hickory handle.Is it okay for me to come over with streetsweeper and play this weekend?

Airborne Injun

Damn…I think my puter just farted!