Florida Today’s Segment on a Phony GWOT Veteran

The growth of the Internet, social media, “citizen journalists”, etc. should be a factor before one makes claims about their military service. Florida Today highlights one of many cases of stolen valor. (Florida Today)
Ninja came across a Florida Today video featuring one Craig “Doc” Glynn. According to their video, he did serve in Vietnam as a medic. Glynn made additional claims to include deployments to Somalia, Afghanistan, and Iraq. However, he left in 1972. Since that time, he gained a different type of experience. This included a self-inflicted “involuntary deployment” to prison. The video transcript is quoted below.
Transcript of the Florida Today video:
Have you seen this man? Craig “Doc” Glynn was introduced to the ceremony last year honoring Vietnam Veterans as a retired green beret medic, an Army Master Sergeant who served in Vietnam and later in Somalia, Iraq, and Afghanistan. The audience was told that Glynn was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross, two Silver Stars, ten Bronze Stars, and nine Purple Hearts among other military commendations.
While Glynn did serve in Vietnam as a medic, the rest is not true. His military service ended in 1972. Military veterans have a term for lying about military service as Glynn has done… Stolen Valor. In 2006, President George W. Bush signed the Stolen Valor Act of 2005 which made it a federal offense to falsely claim you have earned any military honor.
But the Supreme Court Struct that law down in 2012 saying that it violated the First Amemdment freedom of speech guarantee. In 2013 President Barack Obama signed a reworked version of the law that made it a crime to falsely claim to have received any of several specified military awards with the intent to obtain money, property, or some other tangible benefit.
Several states including Florida have similar laws. While Florida Today did not uncover any information that Glynn was illegally receiving benefits based on his deception, the years since his service ended have included prison time for fraud and forgery.
There are several websites that track stolen valor that can help you verify if somebody’s military service claims are accurate. They include valor.defense.gov. This site, run by the Department of Defense, lists the names of all persons who have won the nation’s highest military awards… www.fakewarriors.com, militaryphony.com, and www.stolenvalor.com.
Additionally, from Jacksonville.com on April 6, 2019:
Speaking of our nation’s highest award for valor, retired Army Master Sgt. Craig “Doc” Glynn’s phenomenal combat record from his Vietnam service — he had already been decorated with the Distinguished Service Cross — is reportedly being reviewed at the highest levels for possible upgrade to the Medal of Honor. Glynn was at Cape Canaveral National Cemetery last weekend visiting with Tavares Vietnam vet Rich Cox and others for a 50-year Vietnam War Commemoration event.
Thanks to Ninja for this Jacksonville.com link, Florida Today video, and Glynn’s Facebook.
Category: Stolen Valor, Stolen Valor Act, Veterans in the news
And no one threw the Bovine Scatology flag at the ceremony? NINE Purple Hearts and TEN Bronze Stars?!!
Talk about over-reach. He could be in deep kimchee if he used these claims for personal gain. Craig “Doc” Glynn, the interwebs are forever.
Given how minute the pool of double recipients, one would think that alone would peg the bullshit-o-meter.
Dr. Hal Kushner (Legit Vietnam POW) was the keynote speaker at the event. He reached out to the POW Network the following Monday after the weekend event because he thought Glynn’s bio was FOS.
I bet he was awarded the Dropped Soap Badge during his involuntary deployment to prison.
Probably has the Lesion de Penis (with BOTH hairy and shaved nutsack clusters) for his “service” to those in Cell Block “C”.
Craig “Doc” Glynn = Stolen Valor Assclown/Criminal = COCKSUCKER!
You’re famous, BYTCH!
Based on other info available, he is also the Service Officer and Chaplain at a (unnamed on purpose?) Floriduh VFW post.
Have added him to the Valor Vultures Tote Board.
Craig “Doc” Glynn was running ‘n gunning and saving lives in the jungles of Vietnam, in the slums of Somalia, across the deserts of Iraq, and in the mountains of Afghanistan. And this patriot writes on FB: “I love GOD” and his favorite person is “God.”
And Jesus weeps.
Rumor is that Craig “Doc” Glynn is always “running and gunning” at Brucies Bath House (Entrance in the rear) on Man-love Thursdays and Fisting Fridays.
What a loser.
This clown probably serves as the spokesperson for All-Points Logistics.
I can only imagine that the False Commander “Phony” Phil Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics) green-lighted the hire right after his personal interview.
Dude’s real name is James Craig Glynn, born in 1951.
Was arrested in Florida 1999 for providing an Insurance Company a False Statement and also Burglary of a dwelling.
You can see his charges and mugshot at these two links:
Type in his name at this link for the Florida Prison System. His mugshot is also at this site. He was DC 124840:
Thank You, thebesig, for posting this.
Dude also goes by the name James Craig Glynn 3rd as well as Craig “Doc” Glynn.
As in Wilted Willie’s brother, David “Doc” Schrum.
Hope you are feeling better, WW.
I imagine that Monty Python sketch, four men of Yorkshire. . .
8 ARCOMS? Well I got 10 Bronze Stars for being killed by the VC while they danced about on my grave singing alleluia.
James Craig Glynn was also a Pyromaniac:
From a 1 November 1968 Lansing State Journal (Michigan) Newspaper article:
“A 17 Year Old Grand Rapids Youth has been arrested in connection with a series of Garage Fires in East Lansing.”
“James Craig Glynn was arrested and brought to jail.”
“Glynn was arrested in connection with Four Garage Fires that occurred in East Lansing between 30 September and 10 October 1968.”
“Property Damage was estimated (in 1968 Dollars) to be between $10,000-$15,000.”
“Glynn was a Runaway who stayed in East Lansing for Three weeks. After his Parents discovered his whereabouts, they brought him home to Grand Rapids and the Fires stopped.
No wonder he is claiming”Prisoner”.
So let me guess. The judge said James “you can do the time or join the Army.” The rest is, military history.
And the Arsonist’s (James Craig Glynn) Criminal History continues:
From a 13 September 1990 article from the Daily Sentinel, Grand Junction Colorado:
“A Michigan Man with a history of arson and who was living in a halfway house across the street from an apartment complex that was torched here last Saturday has been arrested.”
“Police arrested James Craig Glynn, 39, formerly of Grand Rapids, Michigan on Wednesday for a 4 Year old Arson Warrant accusing him of torching a home in Dearborn, Michigan.”
“Because of his background and because of his connection to arson in the past and this warrant for arson, we feel we have to take an extremely close look at him in connection with the apartment complex fire.”
“I’m the self inflicted, mind detonator, yeah
I’m the one infected, twisted animator
I’m a firestarter, twisted Firestarter”
~ The Prodigy (1996)
Here we go you lying embellishing POS James Craig Glynn, aka, James Craig Glynn III, aka Craig “Doc” Glynn. Little more Google fame for you. The more times we mention the name of this POS James Craig Glynn/James Craig Glynn III, Craig “Doc” Glynn the more Google Fame this POS will have.
Shoulda left well enough alone you lying sack of sh^t, Craig “Doc” Glynn, aka James Craig Glynn, aka James Craig Glynn III. You’ve brought dishonor down on numbers I & II with the name of James Craig Glynn. Have you spawned a number IV?
The possible Honorable Service as a medic in the Viet of the Nam Times of James Craig Glynn aka James Craig Glynn III, aka Craig “Doc” Glynn has now been negated by your embellishing lies. The only “Doc” you can do now is as Bruised Taint inspector at Brucie’s Bath House (Entrance in the rear).
This phuquing phuquer can just go ahead and phuque off and die. I do not have a phuque to give. What few I had left I gave up to that phuquing phuquer that phuqued me up on the phuqueing Friday WOT.
How about an Alphabet Assault, A Toilet Bowl of Taunts, and a Staff Summary Sheet so we can flush this phuquer away? Can I get a SECOND and an AYE?
Seconded BAYBEE….
OK So Happy Monday. I see that this has already been covered in the press and probably isn’t going to have any more giant concerns and because we’re not being requested to throw down the entire The Hemisphere of Insults®™ , to some, can be somewhat “off putting” (because you’re a pussy, or a respectable responsible adult in such a profession) the abridged version of insults here can be deployed on old James Craig “Doc” Glynn III, however as usual, I’m going to have to ping Sarge to deploy the Staff Summary Sheet (as those are his personal creations), to wit, so, and as requested, James Craig “Doc” Glynn III, I hope you enjoy your new found internet and other Google and the like, fame, you so richly deserve, Thanks to Sarge I hereby introduce you to the ALPHABET ASSAULT: Annoying asinine Ampharos asshole assistant to APL; bulimic ballsack biting butt buddy at Brucie’s Bathhouse (entrance in the rear); chronic cocksucking clymidiacic chickenfucking cretin; dumbass dumbshit dickguzzling dimwitted douchebag; erratic earwax eating enema expert; fowl felching monkeyfucking ferret fluffing Uncle Fester look-alike; gregarious gangrene carrying Grinch; hypocrtical hippo humping hackeysack full of horse shit; idiotic inbred imbecile with a low IQ and impotence issues; jumping jackass with jockey shorts full of jellyfish jism; kooky kommunistic klown kitty fucking knave; lying loathsome limpdick lillylivered lazyass llama blowing loser; manmeat mooching meatslapping moosecock muncher; no good ninja nippled needlenutted nobody; obsolete overfucked octopus orgy observer; penis pumping pee filled poster child for proper prophelactic usage; queasy queef quaffing quantum horsesqueeze; ratt fucking rump ranger who plays the rusty trombone; Shit surping semen burping dick sucking sorry sonavabitch with syphilis; taint ticking test subject for tits on men at Tiny’s Truck Stop; unclefucking ugly ass unborn umbilical discharge; valor Vulture and volunteer for vile vaginal discharge vacuum duty, wanks to blue waffle porn while waiting for winos to blow at the aforemention truck stop; useful as an upset ugly unicorn uterus; yodleing yellowbellied yak yanker; zipper gazing zealot with zits on his zero inch dick. Fuck off, eat shit, die in a fire.… Read more »
Here is the Google Cache of the 27 February 2020 article from Florida Today: James Craig Glynn even suggested he served with Prince Harry in Afghanistan. Sheesh. “Combating Stolen Valor: Why This Disservice To Veterans Remains An Ongoing Problem” https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:3qMse7kP0U8J:https://www.floridatoday.com/story/news/local/2020/02/27/stolen-valor-lying-military-service-veterans/2637705001/+&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us “During a ceremony at Cape Canaveral National Cemetery last March honoring Vietnam veterans, a Vietnam veteran with an impressive military record delivered the invocation.” James Craig “Doc” Glynn was introduced as a retired Green Beret medic and Army master sergeant who served in Vietnam and later in Somalia, Iraq and Afghanistan. The audience was told Glynn was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross, two Silver Stars, 10 Bronze Stars and nine Purple Hearts, among other military commendations.” “Glynn did serve in Vietnam as a medic, but the rest is not true. His military service ended in 1972, and the years since have included prison time for fraud and forgery.” “I think it is rotten that he does that,” said the ceremony’s keynote speaker, Hal Kushner, of Glynn’s posturing. Kushner was a POW for more than five years in Vietnam.” “This was not the first time Glynn had passed himself off as highly decorated war hero. Until recently, his Facebook feed featured numerous photos of Glynn in uniform with a chest full of decorations, most of which he never earned. The various ribbons, badges and commendations vary from photo to photo. In some of the photos, the uniforms have the insignia of a master sergeant, while others bear the three chevrons and two “rockers” of a first sergeant.” “In one post he suggested that he served with Prince Harry in Afghanistan.” “Glynn removed those photos from his Facebook page after being contacted by FLORIDA TODAY with questions about his military service.” “In a 2014 FLORIDA TODAY story about Port St. John veteran Melvin Morris being awarded the Medal of Honor, Glynn was quoted as having been with Morris in Vietnam on the mission that earned him the medal. Glynn’s military records show he was in basic training at Fort Knox, Kentucky at the time.” “Glynn even recounted a conversation he said he… Read more »
The scuttlebutt is Harry and Meghan will invite “Doc” to spend some quiet, decompression time with them in British Columbia. Harry’s apparently offered to help train “Doc” for the next Invictus Games.
This is the 2014 USA News article where James Craig Glynn claimed he was with the Medal of Honor Recipient, Melvin Morris, in Vietnam in 1969.
Only thing is that James Craig Glynn was in Basic Training at Fort Knox, Kentucky during the timeframe.
Shame on him for using a MOH Recipient.
“Morris took two volunteers to get the body of the sergeant. Both the volunteers were wounded. He assisted them back to the line of the main forces.”
“I took two bags of hand grenades, I threw hand grenade and hand grenade,” he said.”
“He went back alone to recover the body and retrieve the maps and documents the commander was carrying.”
“He said, ‘Doc, I’m going to go get him,’ ” said J.C. Glynn, a medic in the unit who was there with Morris at the time. “Nobody goes into war thinking they are going to be a hero.”
Aside from claiming to be a POW which always tops my list of d-bags, Glynn’s attempt to associate with Melvin Morris is just the worst. I’ve been working on this story since last April and I’ve come across 5-6 articles about Morris where Glynn has weaseled his way in as an eye-witness to Morris’ actions. I have Facebook pics (which he later scrubbed) where he consistently poses with Morris in photos so he can continue the charade.
I will never understand these POSer turds that claim they were POW’s. I never met anyone who was out and about in a combat zone that thought it would be cool to captured by the enemy.
They’re looking for sympathy, rgr769. They then can use that undeserved sympathy for their own gain, financial or other.
He should get the Corona and die.
In November 2019, Florida Today received a copy of James Craig Glynn’s Military Records via FOIA.
The FOIA shows that Glynn left Active Duty in April 1972 and was discharged from the Reserves in August 1975.
The FOIA shows no record of Glynn receiving the Distinguished Service Cross, Silver Star, Purple Heart nor served in Iraq, Somalia or Afghanistan.
His Rank was Specialist Five when he left the Army, not Master Sergeant as he claims.
Ah, so he claims MSG as his rank just like Les Brown of Elko NV!
I bet “Doc” loves chaps, vests, and chili too!
I would love to see the FOIA docs. I am interested in the assignments section of his DA Form 20. I’ll bet he doesn’t even have a CMB. He was likely a REMF medic. Most of our POSers that actually served in the RVN were REMF’s; few were actually anywhere near combat. MP needs to do an expose on him with the FOIA docs. Pretty hard for someone who was about 19 years old in 1969 to have served in combat in the A-stan on active duty in the Army. That would give him over 32 years on active duty.
Believe it or not, according to his FOIA he received a Solders Medal and a Bronze Star w/Valor device. Unfortunately, he decided to take a dump all over his honorable service.
I’ll have to see some verified documentation before I will believe this felon fraudster was awarded a BSM with “v” device, let alone a CMB.
I left a comment on the Jacksonville article, with a link to this page.
NEW comments on his Facebook page (like above),
with a link to this TAH page,
and his 1999 MUGSHOT.
Oh, and an Angry on his “Amen” post.
Let’s see how “Doc” responds.
Reply? Delete? Block? Facebook page poof?
(Link Above, and repeated here.)
Annnnnd your comment is gone
He posted a picture of himself with a Sheriff. I say the Sheriff’s should band together and propose a law that states using false credentials to get a picture taken with a Sheriff is illegal. The punishment should be having to wear a sandwich board proclaiming the wearer is a phony. The sandwich board should be worn until forgiven or hell freezes over, which ever comes first.
Maybe then local authorities will treat stolen valor the same way they treat the cases of folks pretending to be LEO’s.
Rancid cherry, shit sundae, yadda yadda yadda.
Another Hemroid outta Here
Holy crap does any of these turds understand the the concept
Of social media or the internet, a perfect example
The race for Callahan County sheriff
[…] at Military Phony sent us their work on James Craig “Doc” Glynn who we wrote about here. Glynn lives in Titusville, Florida and is 68 years old at the time of this writing – March […]