It’s only a ‘hate crime’ if the victim is black

| December 7, 2007
If the perps had been white and the recipient of the vicious beating had been black, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson would have been all over this like stench on excrement:

As Sarah Kreager, 26, tried to sit down on a Baltimore City bus Tuesday, police say, a middle-schooler told her she couldn’t. When she attempted to take another seat, a middle-schooler wouldn’t let her. Finally, according to police, Kreager just sat down.

She was “immediately attacked” by nine students — three females and six males — from Robert Poole Middle School. They punched and kicked her at 2:59 p.m. at the intersection of 33rd Street and Chestnut Avenue, according to Maryland Transit Administration police.

Kreager was dragged off the bus and her boyfriend, Troy Ennis, attempted to get her back on, police said.

She sustained “serious injuries” and had to be transported to the University of Maryland Shock Trauma Center, according to a police report.

Kreager suffered two broken bones in her left eye socket, police said.

“She had eye muscles that were damaged,” a police report states. “She had deep lacerations on the top of her head and another above her neck.”

Two seats and the bus’ rear glass were destroyed during the attack, police said.

The bus driver on the No. 27 line quickly called police, who responded and arrested the nine juveniles, said Jawauna Greene, an MTA police spokeswoman.

All nine suspects, ages 14 and 15, were arrested and charged with aggravated assault.

Their bus tickets — provided by the school — have been revoked, Greene said.

“Riding the bus is a privilege,” she said. “Public safety is our primary concern.”

Greene said the investigation into the incident was ongoing and she didn’t know whether the attack had anything to do with the victim’s race.

The suspects in the incident are black. The victim is white, according to the police report.

“…didn’t know whether the attack had anything to do with the victim’s race”????

Three guesses, and the first two don’t count.

Funny, how the race-baiting cockroaches come crawling out from under their rocks when they get a whiff of a “racially motivated crime” against a black victim.

Justin Barker and Sarah Kreager are the latest in selective outrage by the black militant community.

The first thing that comes to mind when I read about youth gangs and thugs like the ones mentioned in the report is: “Where in the hell are the parents?”

Well….meet the “parents”:

……But the mother of one of the suspects says the victim, for an unknown reason, provoked the attack by spitting in the face of one of the girls. Beverly Bell, whose son is an eighth-grader at Robert Poole, said the victim’s boyfriend then pulled out a knife and threatened the girls, which prompted the boys to attack the man.

Interviewed after yesterday’s court hearing, Bell said her son had never been in trouble before. Testimony in juvenile court revealed that five of the six boys arrested had no juvenile records.

“We don’t know why that woman did what she did,” said Bell, referring to the alleged spitting incident. “But I can’t see these kids jumping on anyone for no reason.”

Another parent said it was Kreager who did not want any students sitting next to her initially, prompting an argument.

……The bus dispute is the most recent in a series of local fights involving teenagers.

Late last month, a brawl in Edgewood left a man paralyzed after he was assaulted with a baseball bat and kicked by at least six juveniles, according to Harford County sheriff’s deputies.


It didn’t take long for the “my kid wouldn’t do such a thing” excuse. Too often, the parents are just as criminally inclined as their kids.

Bell makes the ludicrous statement: “I can’t see these kids jumping on anyone for no reason.”

Really? The thought of one person picking an unprovoked fight with nine middle school-aged punks on a bus, stretches the limits of credibility to the point of absurdity.

If there’s any justice in Baltimore, these punks will get put away for awhile, and their “parents” will be held financially liable for the medical bills and destruction of public property, as well as taken to task for not controlling their brats.

Category: Politics

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Don Carl

Jane, you are way off!
It is only a hate crime if the victim is not White, Male, Christian, Heterosexual, or Conservative (including Republicans)
The victim doesn’t have to be black, but can never be any combination of the above. Those people are never victims of anything.


When I was attending Columbia Univ. in Harlem, I taking a subway home. a group of black adolescent boys sat across from me. the subway car stopped, the boys up and lunged at me, grabbed my long single braid, and yanked my head out the door (as far as it would go) then continued running. I wasn’t seriously damaged, but my neck was hurt.

A few weeks ago a friend of mine and I had the nerve to enter a black club (a very ghetto place, btw, and TOTALLY by accident). In the few minutes we were there, a large black woman yelled something at us, elbowed me sharply in the back and kicked my feet. We got out of there very quickly. A few minutes later the police were called because the same black woman had continued on fighting and the place was sprayed down with mace and the patrons brought out one by one.

I wish these were the only stories I had to tell, but no such luck. I’d continue on, but I would like to get some sleep tonight.

The whole Hate Crime labeling bugs the heck out of me. Why is it a Hate Crime to hurt a gay man or black woman (etc.) but not a Hate Crime to hurt a child? Who are more vulnerable than children?? (regardless of race) To label some crimes as Hate Crimes and not others is discrimination.