How the world looks from an insane asylum

| November 25, 2007

According to the Associated Press, Hamas is shocked that Arab countries would want to attend a peace conference;

Hamas said Saturday it was shocked Arab countries have decided to attend next week’s U.S.-backed Mideast peace summit and underlined its opposition with a threat to launch deadlier rocket attacks on Israel.

Hamas argues the time is not right for talks with Israel because the Palestinians are divided. With the Islamic militant group in control of Gaza, Hamas says moderate Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas does not have a mandate to negotiate.

“The announcement of the Arabs that they would participate in the Annapolis conference was a great shock for the Palestinian people,” Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri, said in a statement. “Participation opens doors for normalization of relations with the Israeli occupiers.”

Another Hamas official said the group was on the brink of developing a more lethal type of warhead for the rockets it regularly lobs from Gaza into Israel.

“They can be developed in a short period to create sufficient terror and fear and make the Israelis live in pain no less than what our people live through because of the repeated incursions into our villages and cities in the West Bank and Gaza,” said Ahmed Yousef, an adviser to Ismail Haniyeh, the Hamas prime minister in Gaza.

Israel, which warmly welcomed the Arab League decision Friday to go to the Mideast conference in Annapolis, Md., has repeatedly said it expects Hamas to try and thwart peace efforts.

Why couldn’t Arabs just enjoy the bombings and rocketings and killings like Hamas enjoys it all? When the Israelis penned up the Gaza Strip and stopped the marauding murderers from crossing into Israel, Hamas turned on their allies – just to keep their edge. Maybe those Hamas guys don’t have as firm a grasp on reality as some in the world would like us to think.

Wall Street Journal writes that the US and Israel are making overtures to Syria to isolate Iran (Like Nixon used China to isolate the USSR thirty five years ago);

Underscoring that effort, the Bush administration is even courting a long-time pariah, Syria. Syria’s bitter enemy, Israel, is going even further, indicating that its arms are open wide to Damascus. Talks with Syria could go some way in weakening Tehran’s strongest alliance in the region.

“This is one of those moments in history where the Syrians have been given an opportunity to jump,” a senior Israeli official said this past week. “If they do jump, they will be embraced.”

I wouldn’t dismantle the metal detectors at Annapolis yet, though. Jumping back to the AP story, apparently Hamas’ policy is being handled by hormone-driven 15-year-old boys;

“We tell those going to Annapolis, we will not forgive you, and we will not forget if you give up any of our rights,” said one of the speakers, 15-year-old Uthman Abdullah. “History will curse you and your people will curse you.”

Speaking of insanity, those people over there in that part of the world look mighty insane protesting US aid to cyclone victims in Bangledesh as reported by Gateway Pundit.

Category: Foreign Policy, Politics, Terror War

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