Thursday Feel Good Stories
Authorities: Man killed while trying to break into Henderson home
By Kasey Cunningham
A man trying to break into a Henderson home was shot and killed early Monday, police said.Police responded to a reported shooting at 232 Crozier St. at about 2 a.m. and found a man dead outside a window to the home. A preliminary investigation determined that the dead man, whose name hasn’t been released, was trying to break in when someone inside the home shot him, police said.
The shooting remains under investigation, but no charges have been filed.
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The rest of the article may be viewed here:
Victim scares off potential Warren robber with gun
A woman tells Warren police that she shot at a man that tried to rob her outside of her home.
A woman tells Warren police that she shot at a man that tried to rob her outside of her home.
Police responded to an attempted robbery in the 700 block of Willard Ave on September 9 just before noon.
The victim told police that as she pulled her car into the driveway and exited the vehicle, a tall man wearing a red shirt and tan pants approached her from behind.
According to the report, the victim then pulled out a gun but was punched in the face by the suspect.
The suspect then fled down the victim’s driveway.
The victim then called the police to make a report.
According to authorities, while the victim was sitting on the front porch waiting for police to arrive, she walked into her backyard.
While she was in the backyard, the suspect returned, but this time the victim warned him and said that he would shoot at him if he didn’t run away.
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The rest of the article may be viewed here:
Oklahoma homeowner holds wanted man at gunpoint
by Emily Akins
GUTHRIE, Okla. – Rebecca Pittman was home doing laundry when she looked out the window and was face-to-face with a suspect on the run from police.“See how tall he must’ve been? Because I was looking right at his face,” she said, showing News 4 where it all happened.
Lawrence Lewis was on the run from police after he allegedly robbed a Dollar General in Edmond on Saturday.
On Monday morning, Rebecca Pittman found him in her garage.
“I was thinking I was gonna see raccoons honestly, and then I saw somebody I didn’t know, and I was like ahhh! How do I react?” said Pittman.
She says she immediately ran to grab her father who was inside their house at the time.
“I ran and told my dad I was like, ‘There’s somebody in the garage. I think it could be that guy,'” she said. “He grabbed his gun and said, ‘Call the police’.”
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The rest of the article with video may be viewed here:
Full house today, Delta Whiskies and Whiskettes. One DRT, one incarcerated, and one in the wind.
“The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles.”
? Jeff Cooper, Art of the Rifle
Category: Feel Good Stories
Shoulda been 3/0/0…But that’s just me. We’ll take it.
Mmmmmmmmmm Ohhhhh Kaaaaaaay. Very nice of you to pose pretty things for the gun pr0n.
No one does bluing like S&W.
Beautiful, beautiful work.
AW1ED: Did you receive the pictures I sent you via the @admin email…pictures of my ’41 M1911A1 sweetheart?
Also, in other news, M4 and SAW in process of being replaced with 6.8mm bangsticks.
What ever happened to caseless ammo? Wasn’t it being looked at about ten years ago? I think I read about it at The Donovan, who’s been silent for a few years now.
And does it relate to what the Military Times article meant with “case telescoping” ammo?
And does anyone else find it interesting that 6.8 mm is almost the same as .270 inches, which the M1 Garand was originally built in?
From what I can gather, case telescoping ammo is aplastic encapsulated cartridge in which the accelerant and the projectile are both contained within the plastic encapsulate.
I’m stoked about 6.8 because I have a 6.8 SPC Spec II hunting rifle. It seems to be a good “almost” 308.