The Jurisprudence of Code Stink

| March 19, 2009

I went to law school, but I’m not quite the legal expert that Code Pink is:

In December of last year an Iraqi reporter, Muntadar al-Zaidi, was launched into the spotlight for hurling his shoes at President Bush during a Baghdad press conference. As the shoes sailed through the air, he shouted, “This is a gift from the Iraqis. This is a farewell kiss, you dog! This is from the widows, the orphans and those who were killed in Iraq.” He has been in custody since the incident and reportedly tortured. Last week, he was sentenced to three years in prison for assaulting a foreign dignitary.

On the sixth anniversary of the disastrous Iraq War, Al-Zaidi’s story highlights the reality of the US-imposed democracy in Iraq. One of Bush’s false justifications for the invasion was the need to save Iraqis from a repressive regime and give them the freedom of expression they deserved. Six years later, expressing yourself freely will still get you tortured and imprisoned in Iraq. This is the democracy that over 4,000 US soldiers and over 1 million Iraqis have lost their lives for?

I totally agree with you Medea. Which is why I am going to exercise my freedom of expression by urinating on you. I am currently going to start hydrating with some Guinness while I watch the NCAAs, and so I should be ready for when I see you on Saturday. Should be an awesome time, no?

Based on your legal reasoning, not only will you support my right to freely express myself through giving you an unwanted golden shower, but you will take to the streets if anyone does anything towards me. Dude, I think that is awesome.

OK, gotta go, got a huge bladder to fill!

Category: Antiwar crowd, Code Pink

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Brown Neck Gaitor

I am sorry, did you say “huge bladder”?

Adirondack Patriot

I drove home today and a batch of protestors have popped up in front of the new joint recruiting building, where the Marines, Army, Navy and Air Force are located. My head nearly exploded because these ignorant fecal sacks have now found a new place for their rainbows and phony peace signs.
They used to protest at another recruitng station, but now they have found the one in my town.

Resisitng every urge to get out crack some skulls, I drove home knowing that the nonsense of the left continues.

God help me.


Yo’re NOT going? Damn! Medea was preparing buy purchasing a quart-sized stein. As Code Pink always says, “There is no such thing as an unwanted golden shower!”

BTW – if you threw a shoe at that worthless commie POS, Barak Obongo, the SS guys would probably shoot you in the head for attempted murder. I recall when a guy walking on a beach yelled at Bill Clinton a few years back, “You GD SOB!” and the SS goons knocked him down, dragged him off and held him incommunicado overnight.


With all the press and support this useful idiot in Iraq is receiving, I wouldn’t be surprised if the guy ran for congress on a Democratic ticket in 2012.


BNG, thank you for your comment. I saw that line and immmmmmmediatly had to come on and question this huge bladder statement to the fullest of my abilities.

What makes TSO’s tiny urine tank such a pain, is that it takes forever for him to go when he finally does wuss out. I mean, everytime he pee’s he’s gotta wipe off the seat…sit down, make a lot of noise so no one hears him….its ridiculous!