Pictures from Iraq

| March 13, 2009

Yesterday in my RIP post I mentioned my Platoon Sergeant from A-stan. Well, now a First Sergeant, he was kind enough to send some pictures of an excursion he took recently to the Ziggurat of Ur.

From Wiki:

The Ziggurat was dedicated to the moon god Nanna (or Suen; The name Nanna is Sumerian for “illuminator”) in the Sumerian city of Ur in ancient Mesopotamia, in present-day Iraq, near Nasiriyah south of Baghdad. The construct, a huge stepped platform, was built approximately in the 21st century BC by King Shulgi. In Sumerian times it was called Etemennigur. Today, after more than 4000 years, the ziggurat is still well preserved in large parts, and partially reconstructed, as the only major remainder of Ur in present-day southern Iraq.

The ziggurat was a piece in a temple complex that served as an administrative center for the city, and which was thought to be the dwelling of the moon god Nanna, the patron deity of Ur, on earth. Temples and shrines are built on top of the trapezoidal base. It is said that ziggurat serves as a tool to bridge the distance between the sky and the earth. The gods are believed to descend and visit the temple where only a selected group of priests and government officials may enter.[1] The construction of the ziggurat was finished in the 21st century BC by King Shulgi, who, in order to win the allegiance of cities, proclaimed himself a god. During his 48-year reign, the city of Ur grew to be the capital of a state controlling much of Mesopotamia. Later though, the fortunes of Ur declined, and it was sacked by the Elamites

I lucked out in the army with my Platoon Sergeants. And believe me, as an NCO you can live or die with good or bad SFCs. Here’s a pic of the 1SG, any wonder why we called him “Silverback”? Dude could bench press a humvee.

Category: Politics

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I wonder if theres a photo wall on this deployment, like the last one we had up at Bragg…


Never got to see anything like that.

1SG's wife

Dont think there is a wall like that up this time. There are women in this unit unlike the Infantry.

By the way I love your site. You guys do good work



“And believe me, as an NCO you can live or die with good or bad SFCs.”
So true. So True.


It is a damn shame though to see the MP patch on the Silverback though.

The other PSG..and soon to be 1SG

1SG's wife

ahhh yes, the MP patch. Trust me he misses the Infantry. It was a good group of guys but like every good thing it must end.

Paul Couturier - OIF Vet


I got to take the tour of the ziggurat and the ancient City of Ur (or what’s left of it) when I was deployed to Iraq in 2003-2004. It was quite an experience being able to touch something that’s over 4000 years old!

And yes, I’ve got pictures and video from my tour there 🙂


Man, everyone is having all the fun without me.


Anonymous Says:
“It is a damn shame though to see the MP patch on the Silverback though.”

The other PSG..and soon to be 1SG

1SG’s wife Says:
“ahhh yes, the MP patch. Trust me he misses the Infantry. It was a good group of guys but like every good thing it must end.”

Alright, you two…..don’t be badmouthing us MP’s. *Somebody* has to protect the troops and their families sooner or later. ‘Sides, what other job does the Army offer where-in you can hear any and every excuse under the sun for being a *dingleberry* and get caught red handed?


Wish now, I’d of had a patrol partner built like 1SG….hehe! Might of made ticketing enlisted, nco’s, officers and their wives sooo much easier, lmao!



The 1SG survived TSO? Give that man an ice cold, 24oz *Budweiser*


Thank you for serving 1Sg & 1SG wife….
