Statists, a danger to all who would remain a free people.

| March 5, 2019


More from our own Veritas Omnia Vincit with some thoughts on Statists, and why Statism is such a bad idea. Here’s why:

Veritas Omnia Vincit
Statists, a danger to all who would remain a free people.

As veterans we’ve served the apparatus of the state, the mechanisms of power if you will. We’ve been sent places to do things based on what the nation believes is important for the safety and security of our nation. This service to nation can lend itself to support for the state even when that support is perhaps a bit unwarranted. In continuing our support for the state we need to consider if we are becoming statists without recognizing the potential for abuse by the state of that support.

So what the hell is statism really? We hear the word used as a pejorative on a fairly regular basis. The core definition seems fairly simple, someone who supports the politics of state control over social and economic affairs. Using that definition one can see why its use a derogatory term has become more frequent in our current social environment. What’s interesting to me, and always has been, about statists is that they are not confined to any particular ideology. Instead statists of all stripes view the government as a solution to a particular set of problems.

Statism seeks to utilize the strength of government to enact a control mechanism over some aspect of our lives usually by employing the force of law. Whenever the power of government is extended into the social or economic spheres of our society you can be sure there is a statist at work in some fashion or other. Statists will support the government spying on all of us for our own safety, they will support the use of militarized police forces, they will support asset forfeitures without due process. Statists will support mandates with appropriate punishment for personal health insurance, they will support suppressing the Bill of Rights protections by limiting speech, gun ownership, the right to privacy in one’s own home. Statists will support all manner of intrusion into our personal lives by our government overlords to feel safe and secure in their homes.

When one views an ever larger Federal government, one can see how statists are used to promote the desire of the government to enlarge itself and grow its power over its own citizens until, as the founders feared, you have a strong central government dominated by the wealthy. The hosts of statists on both sides of the aisle serve to simply promote that larger government for “our own good”.

We have gone from being a people who distrusted every aspect of a strong government to a people who can’t accomplish anything without government help these days. When you consider what you can do without government permission (help) versus what you can do on your own you start to realize how insidious the power of government is when it comes to corrupting the nature of the nation and the people within that nation.

There are a variety of ways that corruption beings, many of them originally altruistic in nature such as backing housing loans, providing educational assistance, or even offering tax breaks to steal business from each other when states compete for job creators. The corruption in the housing process took several forms one of which was racist redlining with the FHA loans that lasted for three decades from the thirties into the sixties before being outlawed. The damage had been done however, the statists were able to segregate the population of blacks in many areas to an extent that exists to this day. In “correcting” this problem decades later our government allowed the real estate loan market to become a form of derivatives market where savvy bankers utilized the power of the state to target lower economic level families for exploitation by offering loans they knew were going to fail to people they knew couldn’t afford them. The derivatives market was going to make money off the resale of the loans and be profitable before the loans failed so they weren’t at all concerned with the reality of loaning money to people who couldn’t afford to repay those loans. 2007-2008 showed us the benefit of that statist activity where the government’s power was used and exploited to interfere in social and economic affairs.

Statists trying to “help” poor college students afford college through low interest loans has instead created a booming financial loan market that creates indentured servants of college grads who can’t escape that debt using traditional tools available to private market loan receipts. We’ve created a different sort of debtor prison with the college loan market and by interfering in the market we’ve disrupted the cost controls that would normally have kept education affordable. Consequently college costs have grown out of all proportion to other societal cost increases without providing any real benefit to our society with all these newly minted college grads who often don’t know what previous generations of high school students were capable of upon graduation.

For me the dangers of statism are two fold, you have the bootlickers who support everything their dear government leaders do on their behalf. These are the “Good Germans” of the future. They ignore the criminal aspects of their government because they benefit from other aspects of government. You can see these people on the news regularly, disappointing specimens all. The second more dangerous group of statists are those who understand the government can be manipulated with money and prospects of power to benefit those statists for generations. This second group is exactly the group the founders warned us about, but this second group is so very good at what they’re doing most people don’t even believe they’re being manipulated and exploited. The founders largest concern for the Republic was that the people themselves would become lazy and apathetic to their governance and once that happened the founders feared that we would see massive wealth accumulation by a few families that would then exert far too much influence over the nation’s government and ultimately end the Republic.

Franklin’s famous response when asked what was decided, “A Republic if you can keep it.” should serve as a constant reminder to us all that creation of this Republic was by no means a guarantee of its continued survival or its success over the long term. The men who formed the government were in no way statists they were fervently opposed to massive wealth accumulation and to government controls over citizens as their history taught them a few people with wealth and power made for a corrupt government taking advantage of its people.

The statists among us will always make excuses for the government and the mechanisms of government control, as veterans sworn to uphold the Constitution it’s our job to expose the corrupt points that intersect all of our lives and to speak the unpopular opinions that our government doesn’t want to hear and most of our fellow citizens don’t either. It’s our job to be those surly curmudgeons pointing out the truth behind these issues. That our own government does some really bad things and excusing those bad things doesn’t make us stronger it changes us in ways the founders could not have anticipated and those excuses become the precedent for continued abuse and exploitation by future government officials.

Massive wealth accumulation by a select few was never the goal of the founders, civil asset forfeiture was never the goal of the founders, wars in dozens of nations without end were never part of the founders’ plan, unquestioning loyalty to a corrupt government was absolutely not a part of their plan. Statists will excuse or explain away all of these things because they fear what the world will be without the state as they know it today. Statists like the status quo, usually for all the wrong reasons.

When it comes to being a statist or being a revolutionary, the founders were anything but statists. Jefferson even suggested regular blood letting uprisings were a necessary part of any government’s normal political world. There are few such men left today, most are content to let the government own them.

Support for, and love of, our nation stands quite separate from support and love for the government of our nation. I love the United States of America, I swore once to defend her with my life if need be as did all of you. My government of late deserves neither my support nor my love and protection. It’s a distinction we would all do well to remember.

Thanks for reading,

Category: Guest Post, Politics

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Ever been to Monticello? Mount Vernon?
When General Washington assumes the Presidency he was the richest man, in relative terms, in American history. In fact, his unwillingness to pay the debt for the American Revolution he used Federal forces to collect the Whiskey Tax (yes, Washington killed Americans).
Thomas Jefferson wasn’t a slacker himself, in fact knowing that his days were numbered he used credit to break his estate apart to save his heirs the bequeathment tax.
So, I like to say that the Forefather weren’t anti-statists, as an enlightened, filthy rich set they knew sooner-or-later the evil out of Man will create a system so unequal that revolution would be the only recourse.
The difference between our Founders and today’s self-appointed ‘rulers’, other than intelligence, the powered wig bros KNEW they were evil.

5th/77th FA

Taxes, taxes, and more taxes. Control and dictate. The founders were smart men indeed to incorporate our Bill of Rights. Did they have a crystal ball to see into the future? Or, had they studied and comprended enough history to realize what could happen several hundred years later? Either way, we must be very vigilant to maintain our freedoms and our Republic.

I do not mind too terribly much that my tax dollars are used for the common defence. I can defend my little corner of the world, somewhat, but would play hell stopping an overwhelming force at the border. I do mind my hard earned dollars being used to subsidize dead beats, ne’r do wells, and corporate greed. Having been a business owner and making a living for decades, I fully understand the narrow profit margins that are out there. Until you have been the person writing the pay checks, you cannot fully understand how tight it can be. We talked at length on another thread about the # of hours required to really start up, run a business, and make a profit. The governments get their take of the fruits of your labor before you see anything. We don’t have a tax collection problem as much as a spend worse than a drunken sailor problem. (apologies to all of our swabby bretheran/sisteran for that metaphor) Maybe the new metaphor should be spend money like a congress critter.

Will we see the Tree of Liberty watered with the blood of tyrants and Patriots alike? We should hope not. Will it come to lit torches and pitchforks? That would not be good either. Not only would we have to fight the despotic tyrants, but would also have to deal with their “free sh*t army” as well.

I don’t need gubmint to run my life or to tell me how to live it.


Taxes are not inherently statist. It is what is done with the taxes.

You are using a computer and the internet made possible by the investment of tax dollars. Likely over sattite communications. Private investment timelines and risk tolerance would never have set out on the 25+ year investment timeline that made most modern communication possible.

And while you support defense spending, and the internet was largely made possible by defense spending, the fact is defense spending is usually one of the largest allocation of statist societies.

Including our own.

I am not defending statism I just find the simplistic framework upon which the discussions are conducted are useless.

“I don’t like taxes. I like defense spending”

We do spend too much. We also spend too much on defense.

However, it is not dollars spent it is what they are spent on.

Defense spending on technology pays long term dividends to society. Defense spending on bullets does not.

The problem with our spending is we do not invest it. We squander too much on government consumption.

We need to be spending on research, new technology, education, infrastructure, and health sector investments that lower health costs.




Bullshit. But why would we expect anything else from you, Cunthulu. The internet and computers were made possible by free enterprise. And tax dollars are not “invested” in anything; they are spent. You and your proglodyzed ilk love to use your Newspeak dictionary whenever possible. You might take an econ class and learn what “invest” really means. Governments don’t invest money because they don’t and can’t turn a profit. They simply spend other peoples’ money taken from them by force (mostly in the form of taxes).

A Proud Infidel®™

I bet that atomic sphincter weasel actually believes Al Gore Junior invented the Internet!


I’m going with CongressClown for my nomenklatura of the ruling elites…


Not gonna lie, I thought the title said “Statistics”. I got really confused (well, more than usual) when I started to read the article.

Comm Center Rat

“Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but the democrats believe every day is April 15.” ~ Ronald Reagan

“Government’s first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives.”​ ~ Ronald Reagan (March 30, 1981)

“Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.” ~ Ronald Reagan, (August 15, 1986)

“Government always finds a need for whatever money it gets.” ~ Ronald Reagan, (April 29, 1982)

My great-great-great-great-great grandfather, a German immigrant, fought in the 2d and 3rd Pennsylvania Line Regiments of the Continental Army during The Revolutionary War. As a ninth generation American, my love of and support for this nation remains unbroken. Yet, I pray to God he continues to shed his grace and providence on our country, because the Republic is actively under siege by Statists.


Statists have long believed the reason for past failed such systems was because of the failings of the individuals instituting them. They believe if only they were in charge their imposed system would work since they are so much smarter than their predecessors.

Obama said it all in a loud shout during a speech – “WE are the ONES WE’VE been WAITING FOR!”


Willful ignorance may be what finally takes this country down. Very sad.


Sounds a lot like those who believe in socialism… every time someone points out how it has failed in the past, they always seem to say that they “can make it work”.

A Proud Infidel®™️

People falling for socialism are much like rodents going after the free cheese in the mouse or rat trap.

Cameron Kingsley

Yep. They don’t understand why the cheese is free.

BlueCord Dad
A Proud Infidel®™️

I remember seeing a picture of a smiling Lady wearing a dress in front of a Cafe sporting a banner saying “Free Borscht in Celebration of Stalin’s Death “, turns out she and her family who owned and operated the place were Ukrainian and knew well about what an evil bastard he was.

BlueCord Dad

The internet is a great thing. I found this:

A Proud Infidel®™️

Lots of people celebrated when Stalin kicked the bucket, much like how a lot of Cubans partied when Castro croaked!

BlueCord Dad

You mean this one?:

BlueCord Dad

I can’t get it to load up. But it is a great picture. AOC would lose her shit

3win8 new version

Lyndia will be the I’m called but you’ll call me anything such as.
She is currently a hotel receptionist. His wife and him
survive in Idaho. Playing badminton is what his family and him observe.;u=69581