Ship owners to pay U.S. government for Fitzgerald collision

| January 13, 2019

uss fitz damageThe guided-missile destroyer Fitzgerald was heavily damaged during a 2017 collision with a merchant vessel. (Navy)

By: Geoff Ziezulewicz
The owners of a massive merchant vessel that collided with the warship Fitzgerald in 2017, drowning seven sailors, have agreed to pay the U.S. government nearly $27 million as part of a settlement agreement.

The two-page deal, obtained by Navy Times, states that is it’s governed by Japanese law.

Both the Fitzgerald and the Philippine-flagged ACX Crystal were transiting busy sea lanes off Japan before the 1:30 a.m. collision on June 17, 2017, when the container vessel struck the guided-missile destroyer’s starboard side.

The agreement states that the owners, Olympic Steamship Company, S.A., Panama, will pay about 2.9 billion Japanese yen to the U.S. government to settle potential claims because of their role in the maritime disaster.

That translates to roughly $26.7 million.

As is common in these agreements, the settlement notes that the deal is not an admission of “any liability, negligence, breach of duty, or wrongdoing” by the parties.


But in a November 2017 official account of the collision, a Navy report states during the 30 minutes before the crash, “neither FITZGERALD nor CRYSTAL took such action to reduce the risk of collision until approximately one minute prior to the collision.”

“Collisions at sea are rare and the relative performance and fault of the vessels involved is an open admiralty law issue,” that report states. “The Navy is not concerned about the mistakes made by CRYSTAL. Instead, the Navy is focused on the performance of its ships and what we could have done differently to avoid these mishaps.”

The rest of the article may be viewed here: The Navy Times

Tip of the old chapeau to Hondo for the link.

Category: Legal, Navy

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5th/77th FA

Ok, y’all help an old Redleg out here. I understand that the 27 mil is a drop in the bucket token amount for the value of the terrible loss, not so much for the ship, but for the innocent sailors. One thing for a sailor to get taken out during a sea battle; they knew the job could become dangerous when they took it. They also might have been briefed about the potential for a collision. Still….

At a half a billion to repair/upgrade the Fitz, would it not make more sense to just build another one? No clue what one of these cost. Upon repair, how many sailors are going to want to sail on what may be considered a jinxed/repaired wreck? How many of us would buy a car that we knew had been in a major wreck, then gone thru a body & fender shop? Thanks!


5th/77thFA. This is the best I can do. Not sure if will show up as a workable link or you will have to imbed.

This ship, by all reasoning, should have broken in half and sunk. I give praise to the Sailors and their training in Damage Control.

I served 8 years as a regular fleet Sailor before going into EOD. I give credit to the NCOs (Petty Officers) I worked with for pounding my ass when I balked about learning Damage Control.

One sentence from my supervisor turned it all around; “any ship can lieterally burn to the waterline. Do you want to be on THAT ship.”



5th/77th FA

Tanks guy. Very interesting read. Jogged my broke down memory banks, I now remember when that happened, the mine hit and the follow up strike we made.

From what I’ve read and been told by swabbies, fire on board is the worst thing any sailor can hear.


Glad that you used the Sammy B. as an example. I think this is a great video of Capt. Rinn.
The nun, the sailor, and the suggestion box.


That was great.
Makes me think about other Tilleys.

Pecos Phil

Except for Utah and Arizona, the savaged battleships of Pearl Harbor were refloated, repaired, and returned to the War.

Yorktown was badly damaged and nearly sunk at Coral Sea. She was repaired in time for Midway.

No lack of eager Sailors for those post-repair crews.

My reading of various works, is that the Ship brought back form disaster is generally seen as a “lucky” ship. Do our Navy posters concur?

The Other Whitey

USS Squalus, SS-192. Sunk in a training accident off Connecticut in 1939 with the loss of 26 lives. A rescue effort led by CDR Swede Momsen using the rescue/salvage ship USS Falcon and Squalus’s sister ship USS Sculpin saved 33 men. Four Navy divers received the Medal of Honor for their actions during the Squalus rescue, and Momsen got the Navy Cross.

She was refloated over the next few months and would eventually be recommissioned as USS Sailfish (the name change due to a belief that Squalus was an unlucky name; Sailors aboard Sailfish were threatened with discipline for even uttering the prior name—some tried to get away with calling her “Squailfish” instead). Sailfish was active in the Pacific throughout the war, sinking eight Japanese merchant ships, though the Navy only officially credited her with four, and getting the first carrier kill by a US sub when she sent HIMS Chuyo to the bottom. In a bit of tragic irony, 21 survivors from USS Sculpin were being held aboard the carrier; only one survived. Sailfish stood by to rescue aviators off the east coast of Formosa/Taiwan in October of ‘44, where she won a running gun battle with a Japanese subchaser attempting to pick up down American airmen, sinking the subchaser and successfully completing the rescue. She survived the war and also picked up a Presidential Unit Citation.

The Other Whitey

Always glad to use my history-nerdness for good.


Have you read “Those Terrible Hours” by Peter Maas about the rescue and salvage of the USS Squalus? It also covers some of Admiral Mumson’s career.


Yes I have …fantastic read and should be a movie. Had no idea that ‘Swede’ Momson invented pretty much all things diving ! lol


The Other Whitey

There was a TV movie back in ‘01 called “Submerged” about the Squalus disaster with Sam Niell as Momsen.

The Other Whitey

It’s on my list. There’s also “A Tale of Two Subs” covering the careers and connection of Squalus/Sailfish and Sculpin.


“My reading of various works, is that the Ship brought back form disaster is generally seen as a “lucky” ship. Do our Navy posters concur?”

No idea, but as ex-Army Airborne I do know it doesn’t apply to parachutes…

5th/77th FA

I knew my hero could come thru for me. You know how it is with us dumbasses that would bypass 4 hots (counting mid rats) and a cot for the privilege of sleeping in a mud puddle. We’re a little slow but we used to be able to calculate a TOT with a slide rule and a stubby pencil on the back of a C Rat match book. You’ll be my dog if you never leave the porch to hunt.

Didn’t really think about the time factor these days. Got a Lady Friend that was a design engineer. Among other things she used to do ocean barges. She said it would take up to two years just to build a floating steel box. Y’all may recall we had talked before about how quick some of the battle damaged ships from WWII were turned around and back into the fight in hardly no time (comparatively). And then too, down here all of the Liberty Ships that were being launched at a blistering pace from Brunswick. Makes one wonder if we could gear up our manufacturing capability like that again, quick enough to make a difference.

I kinda like your instructional manner. Give me the facts in a logical concise sequence. I can comprehend and grasp it better. I used to have a mind like a steel trap. Now it’s more like a rusty bucket with holes in it and no handle.


5th/77th FA

Kinda sorta an original jcism. A prostitution of “that dog won’t hunt/that dog won’t even leave the porch, but he’s still my favorite dog.” Believe it or not, it’s a compliment.

The boys in the Regiment started a list of the jcisms. They claim it’ll make me more infamous some day. Some of the ‘isms have been used on coozies, bumper stickers, coffee/beer mugs, and tee shirts.


I served on the USS Cole after the bombing as part of the rebuilding crew in Mississippi and retired off her in Jan 2005. My wife wasn’t to happy about my assignment. But I told her it was like in the book/movie, World According To Garp, when Garp and his wife where looking at a house and the airplane crashed into it. Garp said they will buy the house, because the worst thing that would ever happen to the house just happened.


No matter how much anyone financially pays, it won’t bring back those sailors lost in the collision, nor will it be enough to compensate what their families are going through.

5th/77th FA





Hope that goes to the families of those lost and not to lining some contractor’s pockets for the repairs.


Fat Leonard could not be reached for comment.


Odd. I thought the US Navy was in the wrong having incompetents at the helm? Also such a pittance amount what exactly is it for?


environmental damage to the ocean?

5th/77th FA

No doubt that AW1Ed wouldn’t have any problems serving on a repaired vessel. Hell even Navy SEALS got to have heros.


The swabbies got all excited when they saw the ship headed towards them.
They thought they were about to score the biggest Crystal meth deal since Motley Crue stopped touring…

“There’s crystal on the starboard bow!”
“Fcuk yeah!”


On what fucking planet is that even remotely fucking funny.



lol,now I thought that was funny

The Other Whitey

Dude, people died, and not the people responsible.

Not cool.


Probably would not even pay for the tow back to port.


To think that the Chinese are wasting all that money on hi-tech weapons when a big fat Panamanian registered rust bucket would do.



Always one asshole who has the right to remain silent, but not the ability.

Put him in a casualty situation and watch this fuckstick shit himself and curl up in the corner.

5th/77th FA

yep. This boy is more than kinda sorta out of line. We do take this loss of Brothers and Sisters seriously. More so, as you said, for a swabbie. The sea will try very hard to kill you.

FC2(SW) Ron

Hey Frank, FUCK YOU!


I’m singing a special hymn for Frank. Bless his heart.


I am not a sailor and I don’t play one on tv but it seems to me that our Ships should at least be able to get out of the way of stuff and not hit it. The fault is squarely on the Navy’s Crew who should have seen this coming and avoided it


Depends. It was 2 am. Ever been in the middle of the ocean on a darkened ship.

Disorienting ain’t the fucking word.

And there’s also that pesky question of who is the burdened vessel. Even the vessel who is not burdened to maneuver is required to maintain course and speed.

But yeah, seems shit like this seems to happen a lot more that we don’t put SWOS through Baby SWO school in Newport anymore.


No,I have not although I did take a cruise once 😉

I said I wasn’t a sailor but I like to think our naval vessels have all of the gear necessary to see a giant friggen freighter no matter the time of day and avoid the damn thing.


nope,sure wasn’t but then again,are you saying no-one on that ship was responsible for keeping it out of harms way? In that case why have a night watch. Everyone can just go to bed at 2100 and put the ship on auto pilot

FC2(SW) Ron

What I’m curious about and haven’t really heard is, was there a fore and aft look out? I stood those watches at sea in the eighties when the ship’s deckapes were short handed and Second Division had to man up. Every ship light we saw was a “contact” with a bearing and distance relayed to the OOD/COC.

When NAVSat was becoming the new hotness, the QM’s on the bridge still tracked our position using paper charts, pencils and plotting tools.

I guess my question is, are we now relying solely on electronic gee whiz stuff and putting our basic Navy skills away?


I am reminded of the boiler explosion on the Iwo during Desert Shield. Sometimes you can have a professional, high function watch team and once a key failure happens, the cascading casualty is unavoidable.

I’ve read the various reports and updates as they were posted at USNI. Lots of lessons to be learned here.


QA system failures high on that list.

FC2(SW) Ron

Thanks Ed.


One thing that caught my attention in the report was that the JOOD actually made a recommendation to maneuver well before it became an issue, but was overridden by the OOD because it would, “Complicate the contact picture.”

Seems to me that maneuver, then regaining track once the Crystal was >5000 yes CPA, would have been a lot less complicated than trying to dodge a merchant doing God-knows-what (look at the track before collision to get an idea.)


Yes…yds. Fucking autocorrect.


My 2 cents Constant Bearing Decreasing Range


I learned as a lowly ET3 (nuke, no less) left contacts draw left, right draw right, anything else, let someone know you have a potential problem.