Bias against Guns or Liars on the Left … mass shootings myth.
CNN claimed that “the U.S. has the most mass shootings”. The WSJ reported that “U.S. leads the world in mass shootings.” Nearly every major media outlet and former President Obama said the same. But the claim is based on just one study, and the author of that study, Adam Lankford, would not release his data to other gun reseachers in the field.
Economist John Lott argues that Lankford’s study has many flaws. Lott is the author of the books “More Guns, Less Crime” and “Bias against Guns.” His son, Maxim Lott, works for Stossel TV. Stossel says because of that, he repeatedly asked Lankford to show him the study data that he would not reveal to Lott. But Lankford would not disclose it to Stossel either.
Lankford claimed to find “complete data” for all mass shootings in 171 countries from 1966 to 2012. But Lott notes that Lankford doesn’t reveal basic details about how he found shootings in so many countries — most of which don’t speak English. And most of those years, those countries didn’t have the internet.
Lott counted more than 3,000 cases around the world — several times more than the 202 cases Lankford found. Lott found 15 times more, despite the fact that he only looked for shootings in the last 15 years, whereas Lankford looked at 46 years.
Lott attempted to use the same definition of “mass shooter” that Lankford used, although that’s difficult. In Lankford’s paper, Lankford says he excludes “sponsored terrorism” but does not define what he means by that. To be safe, Lott removed all terrorism cases from his data. When he did that that, he still found 709 shooters around the world — more than 3 times what Lankford found.
Gun control advocates have used the Lankford study to argue that mass shootings are caused by the comparatively high gun ownership rate in the U.S. But when Lankford’s data are fixed, Lott says, there is no longer any correlation between gun ownership rate and mass shootings.
Lott concludes: “There is a lesson here. Lankford’s critical but simple error could have been picked up if journalists had only demanded his data and methods before publicizing his study.”
That’s something journalists rarely do.
Lott adds: “Journalists should learn to be skeptical… and in the meantime, we should all be skeptical of news coverage of studies like this — that simply confirm what journalists and people want to hear.”
You can read the entire study HERE
Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists, Liberals suck
Let’s not forget that over 90% of the mass shootings in the USA take place in “Gun Free Zones”.
For people who go on and on about “settled science,” leftists sure don’t act very scientific…
I thought that I was taught in high school that publishing one’s research methodology and data are requisite and essential to validation. Guess not.
“Hey, I’ve got ingredients to the world’s best crab dip. I can’t share the recipe with you and you may not taste the dip but, trust me, it’s the world’s best crab dip.
The left runs on “Because We Say So.”
I hate when people use that (“) thing at the beginning of a sentence and then never put another one anywhere so that I just keep running on like there is never an actual end to whatever it was that I might have been talking about so I get this never-ending feeling that the sentence or quote should end but it never does and goes on and on and on forever … besides that, we were both kicked out of High School.
I wasn’t kicked out, dammit! I left of my own accord. Of course, rumor was that I was about to be invited to go on permanent summer vacation…but that was just rumor.
Or the (*) thing with no explanation
Ya, that really bugs me.*
(really, really bugs me)
I thought that everybody knew that (*)(*) was the international symbol for a stripper wearin’ pasties on her lifted boobs. I go back to the days of the ladies who looked like (.)(.) but nobody cared if they sagged.
It’s just like the “study” that the anti-gun left likes to point to as proof that gun ownership is way down in the US and it’s a small group of “super owners” who are buying all the guns now. They got it from a Guardian article. The ‘study’ itself has never been published nor peer reviewed.
Ahh yes, the revered Grauniad, you can definitely take anything they say to the bank as incontrovertible truth.
I am pretty sure that you will be happy to eventually share it with us as soon as you get the results of a sizeable multi-year research grant for a longitudinal study of the effects of crab dip on the environment. Until then, you can only say that the effects are bad, perhaps catastrophic.
The absolute best example of the left’s lack of scientific understanding isn’t on guns, gender, or preventing forest fires. It’s on the topic of plastic straws!
The whole “plastic straws are dangerous” crap, which has now lead to misdemeanor laws in some jurisdictions, started with a 9 year old kid’s school science project! Couldn’t make it up if I tried!
He extrapolated from calling a single manufacturer that Americans use 500 million straws a day. That doesn’t even pass the most basic of scrutiny, but the left and the media trot it out constantly. Now to the point of banning them and making it a freaking crime to pass them out in some places.
” … started with a 9 year old kid’s school science project!”
You’re joking, right?
Not that I’m a big fan of the NYT, but this was the first Google hit.
We’re now making public policy decisions based on children doing projects.
Probably more reliable than some of the studies by adults I have read about. And given the state of our educational system, both groups probably have similar knowledge levels.
Yeah. That’s the other sad thing, a 9 year old is more reliable than many adults these days.
Kid did more research than most anti-gunners. It was flawed, but it was at least research.
Merry Christmas to you racists that deny Obama had 400% more death threats than any other president!
I’m not denying it, I just don’t care.
I’m not sure if you are serious, sarcastic, or facetious. Which or what are you conveying?
Can you give a source for 400%? I would think Pres trump may be fast approaching 400% of say …. John Adams, but you have to see the strawman in your statement.
You don’t know GDC. If you did, you would not use words such as sarcastic and facetious. He is probably embarrassed, unsure of how to respond. In the future, please use simpler terms. A good model for commenting to him can be found at this link:
Pictures of boobs work good too.
Merry Christmas you irascible bastaad.
I very much concur with my esteemed colleague of the boob picture consideration.
It’s sort of an inside joke referencing one of the many, many nonsensical bullshit claims made by TAH’s unfavorite troll Commissar, who has also gone by “Commissar” and is currently letting his nazi freak flag fly by using a jumble of letters originated by known antisemite HP Lovecraft as his screen name. These changes of alias, by the way, have happened because Lars needed to weasel his way around a ban.
So yes, GD was being sarcastic.
On behalf of GDC, I can say, with a rather large probability of being correct in my assessment, that being sardonic is one of his well honed skills. Perhaps not his greatest skill, but it ranks right up there.
A guy named Ronald Kessler wrote a book:
Only problem was, he lacked any credible evidence for his “400%” claim and it was quickly debunked. That bogus claim was then used by gullible idiot Commissar to label ALL of us here at TAH as racists.
Point being, that making up “facts” to suit their agenda and demonizing their “deniers” is a regular behavior and nothing new. My other point was: Merry Christmas.
Perhaps, he was 400% more deserving?
I am not interested in threats that likely never happened.
And Lars shows up with “empirical data” in 3, 2, 1….
Well if you eliminate all the other counties in the world except Sweden, Norway, and Canada… Then we look pretty damn violent.
I refuse to believe America is a more violent place than places like Mexico or most of the Middle East and Africa. Places where tourists are routinely kidnapped, raped, and murdered. Where weddings, births, and any other life event is celebrated with copious amounts of gunfire.
Said it before, will say it again.
Liberals whine about gun violence, but little do they realise that taking guns away still leaves the violence.
Just ask those hikers in Morocco. Oh wait, can’t.
I don’t know, I think Sweden is pretty high up there! They have a lot of “new” population lately, and along with it came the violence (e.g. shootings).
Of course America is a violent country. There is no denying that, but the violence by gun isn’t widespread but concentrated among inner city Blacks and Hispanics. Including suicides in the stats changes everything. If you live in a rural area or a conservative one, take comfort in knowing that you are more likely to shoot yourselves than you are to be shot by someone else.
“If you live in a rural area or a conservative one, take comfort in knowing that you are more likely to shoot yourselves than you are to be shot by someone else”
I shot two Red Squirrels today.
The Chickadees kept right on feeding.
The guy walking down the road waved and
I went back in the house so the crows could clean up the mess.
You are correct. I am more likely to trip over a dead Squirrel and shoot myself than to get shot by someone else.
That’s one of the “benefits” of diversity… as pointed out, Denmark, Sweden, Etc. have lower rates, but they are also very homogenous societies, while we have lots of diversity, much of which, at least in the communities 2/17 mentioned that refuse to integrate into society, and would rather prey upon it…
A sociology professor who makes stuff up? No way!
An interesting sidebar to this is that the Washington Times did a piece on the Lankford-Lott slap fight back in August, and quoted Lankford on the hypothesis from his study, “It may thus be the lofty aspirations and broken dreams of a tiny percentage of America’s students and workers — combined with their mental health problems, distorted perceptions of victimization, delusions of grandeur, and access to firearms — that makes them more likely to commit public mass shootings than people from other cultures.”
The apparent implication being that all those jihadi suicide bombers count as more civilized than us rednecks here in ‘Murica.
Then there’s this pissy little gem:
Ooooo! That’ll leave a mark…
Liars, lie. It’s what they do. They clearly have no shame.
I don’t give a flying squadron of f***s about mass shootings or anyone’s feelings, shall not be infringed because citizens don’t ask for permission.
The leftist can EABOD and get f’ed.
If the Fifth column and all the Academia degenerates keep this up I say screw the wall, how much to ‘buy them out’ of their US holdings so they can self-deport to the failing socialist utopia known as Merkel’s Commie Dog and Pony Show, better known as the European (Dis)Union.
I see that John Lott did a lott of research on this. Merry Christmas to everyone out there.
Adam Lankford, statistically has been proven to be totally delusional and completely misinformed in every thing to do with facts, figures, and the TRUTH. This man was also reported to be a believer of climate change and the effects of carbon-dioxide on vegetation as well as how it is likely to heat or cool the planet, (depending on what chapter of climate change you are a member of.) The looney Left have never permitted facts or true science to interfere with their findings of lies and myths.
Anti-gunner math:
2 gang-bangers take each other out within 2 blocks of a shuttered elementary school = 1 school shooting.
Yup. And don’t forget the fact that they count a kid who commits suicide with a gun at the back end of the school football field, over a 100 yards from any building or other students, as a “school shooting.” They will also count your dead gangbangers as “children killed by guns” in their statistics if they are under 26 years old. When progs are involved, the numbers they use to support their ideology are almost always bogus.
No – that would be two school shootings. (The gangbangers each are counted separately. AND, they likely went to different grammar schools.)
In Los Angeles, if someone is caught by the police selling drugs, they almost always add on the “selling drugs within 1000 feet of a school” charge because there are so many there that it’s an easy bet they are.
Similar logic.
Posting this 0330 Christmas morning so let me begin by wishing all of you a very Merry Christmas. Remember, the PoPo watches you while you’re driving and they know when you’re 08.
Concerning guns, remember that toad David Hogg, who has had his 15 minutes and then some? Seems he has been accepted by Harvard, that bastion of conservative ideals. Here’s hoping he brings chaos to the campus as he has tried to do elsewhere.
How great would it be if he gained 75 pounds and had like three chins? That would be poetic justice.
Kind of interesting given that his rather mediocre 1270 SAT score is 150 points lower than the 1420s average of the LOWEST 25% of incoming Harvard freshmen. Freshpersons?
1470 is the 25th percentile.
1420 would likely fall into the 5th-10th percentile, at best.
It played the “social justice” card…
New York Times Pressures Credit Card Giants to Blacklist Gun Purchasers
AWR Hawkins
The New York Times (NYT) is pressuring credit card giants to monitor customers’ buying habits and blacklist gun purchases.
The rest of the article should most certainly be viewed here: Breitbart News
Where’s the NY Times article that says, “Mass shooters have always ingested dihydrogen monoxide!” Because that’s about the same level of commonality as this dumb bullshit.
Wait, I thought the NY Times was a journalistic entity? Aren’t they supposed to be totally impartial and non-bias?
They’ve NEVER been unbiased. Ever.
It’s just that now they don’t even try to hide it, much like the broadcast media.
The NY Slimes was pushing commie Ruskie propaganda back in the 1920’s and 1930’s. Remember Walter Duranty, the Slimes man in Moscow?
Am I one of the “”super owners”? I usually buy one gun per year. And I keep 500 rounds of each caliber I use.
Among my shooting buddies, I am considered barely a collector.
They buy and sell lots of guns
My policy is to never sell a gun.
After all, I might need the extras to arm the members of my militia!
I’m with you Docduracoat! Is that 500 rounds per gun or per caliber? I am trying to keep my gun collection to just a few calibers to make it easier to maintain inventory. 9mm check, .45 ACP check, 5.56mm (aka .223 Wylde) Check, .308cal check!