Eric Swalwell Praises Leadership That Looks Like America – One Issue Though
The Democrats like to portray themselves as “the party of diversity”. They describe the Republicans as “being” the party of the “rich old white folk”.
During the campaign for the 2016 Presidential Election, the list of candidates told a different story. All the primary candidates on the Democrat side where white. Most of the Republican candidates were white, but they also had candidates that were not Caucasian. Both sides had a female candidate. The age spread appeared larger on the Republican side.
You’d see which side actually came closest to having a diverse field. It turned out that the Democrats were what they accused the Republicans of being. Advance to late 2018, and what do the Democrats say?
Eric “Duke Nukem” Swalwell posted a tweet of a photo of congressional leadership:
“Congress is getting a leadership team that looks like America. It’s about time.” — Rep. Eric Swalwell
Congress is getting a leadership team that looks like America. It’s about time. #ForThePeople
— Rep. Eric Swalwell (@RepSwalwell) November 30, 2018
Twitchy responded:
Wow, Eric, Democrats elect a lot of old, rich, white people. Take, for example, Nancy Pelosi …
You can read more here. New York Times has the list of 2016 Presidential Primary Candidates here.
Category: Politics
No, YOU take Pelosi. I don’t want her within 3,500 miles of my house.
Oh, wait….
Does she have any idea where she is?
San Fran Nan lives in the State of Confusion…
wow a set of balls having their pic taken in front of a white George Washington and the American flag which they believe one can disrespect it. What a bunch of Socialist jerks.
It’s either the lens or they were all told to lean towards the middle, which won’t happen.
Its the lens…Nancy Pelosi can never be described as the middle!
Front row, at the right hand of Granny McBotox, it’s Steny Hoyer. My very own Congress Critter. EABOD, Steny.
Third row, center. It’s the only guy in the bunch that has a clue.
The only adult in the room.
Ha! I was looking and said to myself, “there’s no third row……..oh.”
I see Jamie “Hair” Ratskin is in attendance too. Millionaire wannabe; faux Constitutional Law Lecturer at a lawyer trade school.
My Congressman.
Spent much of his last term trying to push the invoking of the 25th Amendment instead of working for his district.
In that picture of race-baiting, social justice professing, big government loving idiots is one Rosa DeLauro (CT-03).
Her lists of ‘accomplishments’ include being the 41st richest in the House and a member of the Democratic Socialists of America.
Some [Representatives] are more equal than others.
Or as I call her, a real Neiman Marxist.
It’s worth noting that seven of the top ten richest members of Congress are Democrats. Among them are those ‘champions of the little people’ and anti-gun advocates Blumenthal, Feinstein, and Pelosi. They are the very definition of ‘limousine liberals,’ elitist snobs who love telling us peons how to live and how much to give while they live high on the hog, raking in millions.
Well the party officials can’t live like the bourgeoisie peasants, they know they are better than you and I and they know as a consequence of their own superiority they must live better and control your life.
Socialists, Ideas So Good They Have To Be Mandatory!
Be Aware…Be Very Aware…Eternally Vigilant.
It is good to know that the followers of TAH are not the only ones to recognize that the hypocrisy is strong with the dims.
I think I saw George Washington’s eyes roll in that picture.
Somebody go check GW’s headstone. All of that spinning in his grave has possibly dislodged it.
“Congress is getting a leadership team that looks like America. It’s about time.” — Rep. Eric Swalwell”
Well…Missing from the picture is Elizabeth Warren, who represents the American Indians.
That is all.
Over and Out.
Yeah, but you have Cory Booker, who is Spartacus. He probably thinks he represents the Greeks, except that Spartacus was a Thracian, and Greece was to the south of Macedonia.
Thrace was in parts of Greece, Bulgaria and Turkey I believe.
I’m sure that Eric Swallwell is going to do just as good a job at being an out of touch arrogant prick as Occasio-Cortez does at being a laughable IDIOT! Swallwell has a face that looks like it was meant to be hit with a shovel!
Maybe that face is in some yearbooks along with references to stuff. Like drinking and dry humping.
Swawell has memory loss:
“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”
* Martin Luther King, Jr.
You may remember the Dems rather violently opposed that sort of thing.
Yes indeed, the D-rats had the KKK wing of their party enforcing Jim Crow Laws in the day.
Since I worked the road in the urban area I could get away with saying a lot of stuff more suburban or rural cops couldn’t. So when I’d invariably be accused of being a racist for having the gall to arrest a minority for their crimes, I’d respond with, “In accordance with Dr. King’s dream, I have judged you not by the color of your skin but by your character, which I have found lacking.”
Usually left them a confused mess.
Though Swalwell is a very useful idiot to the virtue signalling DNC, I’ll defend him just this once.
There’s 17 people in that photo. Seven of them are women, which is 41% (US is slightly more than half female). Four are black, which is 23.5% (blacks are 12.6% of the US population). One is Asian, which is 5.8% (while Asians are 4.8% of the US). One has purple hair, so maybe it’s a transgender? That’d be another 5.8% of the photo while there are .6% of transgenders in the US. One is Nancy Pelosi, who is 5.8% of the photo. She represents the 4% of the US population who experience a serious mental illness a year.
So in conclusion, aside from the ages of the people, they do look a lot like the US population. If you factor in the mental illnesses of the non-Pelosis in the photo, judging by this one photo, the DNC largely over-represents blacks and the mentally ill.
“The DNC largely over-represents…the mentally ill.”
-doffs hat-
They’re quite dedicated to representing illegal aliens as well.
I saw that, and deliberately left it out in hopes that one of our favorite liberals would bite. They didn’t bite, but thanks to you, I could say this anyway. First, key words: Congress is getting a leadership team that looks like America. It’s about time. Mason: There’s 17 people in that photo. Seven of them are women, which is 41% (US is slightly more than half female). Yes, the U.S. is slightly more than half female, at 50.8%. The difference between 41% and 50.8% is a very significant difference. The 41% figure would suggest that the population of men, in the United States if 59%. Not reflective of the U.S. population. In order for that to be more representative of America, there has to be an even split of genders. There isn’t. Mason: Four are black, which is 23.5% (blacks are 12.6% of the US population). If there are twice as many blacks, percentage wise in that photo, than there are percentage of blacks in the US population, then that’s not representative of America. Mason: One is Asian, which is 5.8% (while Asians are 4.8% of the US). Asians are 5.8%, similar to what’s in the photograph. Mason: One has purple hair, so maybe it’s a transgender? That’d be another 5.8% of the photo while there are .6% of transgenders in the US. If transgenders are .6% of the U.S. population, then we have a big difference in numbers of people when .6% of the population is compared to 5.8% of the population. Mason: One is Nancy Pelosi, who is 5.8% of the photo. She represents the 4% of the US population who experience a serious mental illness a year. Assuming, for the sake of argument, that she’s “mentally ill”, According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, the numbers are actually higher. For example, when it comes to experiencing mental illness during a year, they have 18.5%. Assuming that the first assumption is true, and further assuming that she experienced a serious mental illness a year, there’s a difference, in population numbers between 4% and 5.8%. Mason: So… Read more »
At the moment I can’t remember where I pulled my population numbers. I do recall I saw your much larger mental health percentage, but I was going with the percentage that has a serious mental health issue. It was more tongue in cheek anyway.
I’ll obviously agree that the photo is not representative of the country for all the reasons you mentioned. All I’m saying is that Swalwell’s statement that the photo ‘looks like’ (blatantly referencing only race) a cross section of America isn’t entirely wrong.
With all the other stupid stuff coming out of his mouth I wouldn’t look to hang him on this one.
So, in keeping with all the other things about dims that are shallow, irrelevant, and insignificant, their “picture” of America is meaningless unless you believe that the color of one’s skin, ancestral heritage, and lifestyle choices are all that matter. At least they are consistent in aspiring toward supreme hypocrisy.
I wonder what the look on Eric Swalwell’s face would be when he ends up learning (the hard way) that a decent chunk of the military and many police officers do not agree with his stance on gun ownership (let alone his comments on using nukes something of which it seems that he’s either too stupid or too arrogant to recognize the consequences that the option brings with it, because then the gloves will really come off) and will probably turn ON HIM and his comrades if he tried to use them to confiscate people’s property before the order is even given to them. He might even end up like King Louis XIV if he’s lucky or he may end up like Blackbeard if he’s really unlucky.
The problem with him and most other politicians is they are insulated from the rank and file of the military and law enforcement. They get their advice from the higher ranks, which in the military and, even more so, in law enforcement are political wheelers and dealers. The only contact they have with the lowly beat cop or soldier is seeing one acting as a road guard for their motorcade. They’d rather not talk to someone of such a low station in life. Unless it’s an election year, in which case they’ll come over, shake your hand, and give you a space pen.
That last bit actually happened. I have a Fisher Space Pen with the US seal and “United States Congress” on it around here somewhere. The guy walked away and we were looking at each other going “who the hell was that?” Only figured out it was a congressman after reading the pen. Still don’t know his name.
The upper ranks would most likely side with the politicians yes, but I think the majority of the rank and file would most likely turn on them as well or at least will probably refuse to follow any orders if this were the case which is why I didn’t include them. I think Eric has also forgotten that guns can also be custom made if someone has the right tools and good luck going after them.
Maybe states should become “sanctuary states” for gun owners, just like the ‘sanctuary counties’ in Illinois.
That would be perfectly legal, you know.
Kansas has already done that.
They passed a law that any firearm (except machine guns) manufactured in Kansas is declared not part of interstate commerce and not subject to any Federal law.
No state agent wil aid in arresting or prosecuting.
They just added silencers to that law. Although the ATF did prosecute two guys for making and selling silencers.
(They got probation)
That is good to know.
I am triggered now…
I really don’t think that the d-rats represent any of the mentally ill of America, I would more say that they represented the dumbest, most ignorant, uselessly stubborn way past the point of stupid and just plain useless wastes of humanity ever assembled on Planet Earth, and I mean EVER !!!
Is it just me or does this guy’s name Swal(low)well seem appropriate?
Very appropriate.
I have been calling him that for over a year. I have heard he is very popular with the gang at the Folsom Street Fair in San Fransicko.