Another Day, Another Democrat Lying About His War Record

| November 2, 2007

Democrat Former Atlantic City Mayor Robert Levy (note: Not the Honorable Robert Levy) has plead guilty to lying about his war record in order to defraud the Department of Veteran’s Affairs of nearly $25,000. Levy who lied, claiming he had been a Green Beret in Vietnam also lied about having been awarded the Combat Infantryman Badge (CIB).
Like Tom Harkin, the Iowan United States Senator who lied, about his war record, claiming to have flown missions over Vietnam, when in fact, he flew over Cuba, who claimed Harkin claimed he flew combat air patrols over Vietnam. It turns out it was over Cuba… who claimed he spent “eight years, eight months and eight days as a Navy pilot.” when his records show only five years on active duty, who claimed he spent a year in Vietnam, while being stationed in Japan…
Yes, some republicans have displayed appalling behavior, the difference then is how the parties handle miscreants in their ranks. The democratic party lauds them, praises them, calls them “Elder Statesmen” (Ted “Swimmer” Kennedy), while the republican party, when faced with a member, even accused of misconduct, no matter how spurious the charges (Tom DeLay) ask that they step down.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Politics

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It’s amazing how much democrats loathe the military until they can use it to their advantage….even if it means embellishing or inventing entire tailor-made careers for their political resumes.


Democrats always get a free ride when it comes to their track record. They are always re-elected. Not so for Republicans… that’s wondrous thing about liberal hypocrisy.