Even Skunks Have Better Manners
Been digging up stories about things like people being harassed by crowds at restaurants, e.g., Ted Cruz and wife being bullied right out of a restaurant popular with politicians. They’d have been better off going to some place without getting a reservation first and also choosing a restaurant at random.
But what happened was the ambush in the restaurant, surrounded by an angry mob of howling creatures – can’t call them women or human – and finally leaving. This is not public commentary. It is exactly the “ambush tactics” described by the writer of the WSJ article from yesterday, which also addresses throwing due process out the window.
The restaurant owner did call the cops, and they came. She also offered the Cruzes another reservation. I don’t know whether or not they took her up on it. But the cops are under no obligation any more to do anything other than investigate and arrest. They are no longer here to protect anyone, period.
That means that if you get confronted by an angry mob that suspects you of doing something, based on hearsay, rumor, innuendo, and fictitious claims, and nothing else, you are toast. Period.
Likewise, anything you may do to defend yourself and anyone with you against such an angry mob of loons will get you the label of ‘mass-something or other”, even if you are not that kind of person.
In a Leftred article on another site, the title included the words ‘All-out War’. You have to ask why? What is the purpose of using a term like that? The writer who said that has likely never seen a real war, never faced destruction of anything other than his paycheck when the bills arrive and never had to deal with the real tragedy of warfare. I doubt that he’s ever had to face a true legal challenge, either. But real all-out war? Bring it, Stupid!
Is this insanity ever going to end? Yes, it is, because every cycle has a beginning and an ending. This cycle is at its midpoint, maybe a little past it. It’s entirely possible that it will implode soon, but we have to be patient and watch it. It’s also possible that the crazypants stuff will become such a turnoff to voters that anyone wavering over “which candidate” may go to the conservative side.
When Robespierre’s hatred of the aristocracy so blinded him to the way other people regarded him, the council he had set up voted to execute him by guillotine, a rather fitting end to his rampages. He might have been good at inciting the mob to rule, but he was quite blind to how much other people despised him. His nasty crap lasted barely a little over four years, starting in 1789. No one was spared. No one received due process. They were guilty by association, by heredity, by their existence. Then he met his own fate in 1793.
This is why I say that every cycle has a beginning and an ending. Robespierre’s came and went, and France went back to being La France. History shows us that these cycles all start, expand and end, sometimes abruptly. Some are long, like Stalin’s rule of the Soviet Union until he had a brainfart and died, and some are short, like Pol Pot’s lethal roughshod ride over Cambodia, which lasted two years. Again, under these heinous criminals, no one received due process. They got the firing squads if they were lucky, or the gulags if they weren’t.
Should you be concerned? Absolutely. When you cannot go to a grocery store or a restaurant without being harassed and threatened with physical harm by spoiled brat three-year-olds in adult bodies throwing tantrums in public, it means that mob rule has become their norm, which is exactly what the current so-called Democrats want. It is especially onerous for people in public offices, whose images appear in the media, and whose values at this point are slammed into pulp, first by the media and after that by mob rule. You are guilty of something regardless of your real innocence, while nothing the mob says would ever hold up in court.
But returning to the incident at the restaurant: if the worst thing that happened was that a bunch of obnoxious overgrown kindergarten bullies made nuisances of themselves with the Cruzes at a public restaurant, and no physical damage was done to either the Cruzes or the restaurant itself, this may be a signal that the Idiotic Era of Screaming Hysterics and Throwing Things may just be coming to an end.
There’s Newton’s 3rd Law: for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Isaac applied it to physics. He also sold insurance when he wasn’t waiting for the apple to bonk him on the head. It has a wider application that just physics, however.
Think about it for a minute. Real mob rule is getting into the Old Fart Stage of its life. That’s the state in which it starts up fast, makes a huge effort, runs out of breath, can’t quite pull itself together, tries to acquire fresh blood, and then begins to wilt, slumping back into its chair and trying to catch its breath. It may have started a new cycle with the French Revolution, but that is now well over 200 years ago. It destroyed the real Russian government, leading to decades of trampling under the heel of Stalin’s thug-driven Communist government, which was not quite what those Russian people were expecting. And driving Batista out of Cuba ended with far more poverty and financial ruin than was promised by Fidel and Che. No one was spared under these thugs.
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
This rampaging horde business started 2 ½ years ago with the Masked Assholes in downtown Washington smashing windows, turning over newspaper boxes, and setting a couple of cars on fire. It didn’t go too well when they tried to beat up a female cop. It subsequently became an on-campus rampage and fire at UC-Berserkley when a conservative gay guy (Milo) tried to have an appearance there. That ended quickly. The part-time “prof” who whacked an opposition protester with a bicycle lock got his ass fired. (Has he found real work yet? No?) The protests over the following spring and summer were short, not widespread, and not damaging, as they could have been. The so-called “women’s march” in Chicago was supposed to attract a million marchers and had, by one newspaper’s guesstimate, barely 175,000. Another paper said 200,000. But how do you really tally a crowd properly without a tickets total? You can’t. As desperate as these crowds may have been to commit mayhem, those who were arrested for arson and property damage did receive due process under the law.
But now, a bunch of snot-nosed twits invade a Washington, DC, restaurant popular with politicians and pester someone whose position is the opposite of theirs. At least they didn’t overturn the tables and chairs, trash the place or set it on fire, and they didn’t chase the Cruzes out the door. The owner showed the Cruzes how to leave by the back door, and invited them back.
Still, their decision to harass and bully the Cruzes is a direct manifestation of, not just crowd/mob action, but an unwillingness to allow due process to take place. A refusal to listen to the other side of the story. Guilty until proven innocent. Cruz did nothing wrong, but those people clearly wanted to pillory him, if they could have gotten away with it. Mob rule does, however, seem to be reaching its limits now. The juice is running low. If you post your image online bullying someone – anyone including a politician and his wife, your employer can and just may fire your ass.
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
We do have another two years to go. There will be more SCOTUS seats to fill. The midterms are coming up. The outcome in each district and state will be determined by how many people go vote and of those voters, how many vote Leftred or Rightwingythingy.
Let’s stop calling these “liberals” Democrats. The Democrats of the past were much more conservative and better mannered than this bunch of birdbrained idiotas. Let’s call them what they really are: Communistas, Leftreds, herd mentality idiots, spoiled brats – whatever. I doubt that they’d like it if they had to live under real communism, because as anyone who was fortunate enough to escape that prison planet can tell you, it was hell on earth. A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich was about more than just survival in a gulag. Pot Pot’s Khmer Rouge were nothing but murdering, torturing savages. The Kims made people dig their own graves before executing them.
The Leftreds are making very unpleasant nuisances of themselves now, getting a lot of face time on the screens, going to a lot of trouble to let us all know how truly intolerant they really are.
My reaction to it is that I would not vote for anyone they endorse. Period.
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", Dumbass Bullshit
Couldn’t have said it better. Mainly because I ain’t that smart.
Societies progress more like an old steam train going up hill in the winter. The train makes progress, slides back, more coal gets tossed into the boiler, the wheels spin faster and gain traction, and the train proceeds. And this goes on over and over again.
Steam pressure builds up as more coal is poured in. As the coal is consumed, the pressure falls. This is a good thing, because too much pressure and the boiler will blow apart. As the pressure falls, however, the power to the wheels becomes less, and the train slows down, and can’t maintain grip, and will slide back, or more likely, begin to spin it’s wheels in place.
There has been progress made up the hill, but it gets stalled out for a bit, or slowed down. But the progress continues because it must.
We are social animals and we must live with each other. We just don’t quite know enough about how to run trains.
I’m thinking I should change that image to something else. It’s too low-key for me. Any ideas?
Heads on platters? I won’t say whose heads….
Everyone of the convervatives need to buy themselves one of those 2 million volt stun guns…and when one of those vermin starts screaming and spitting in their face, give them a jolt and its that not enough give them another and another and another lol imho
Interesting how these bands of trash can so quickly gather to harass anyone with an idea opposite of theirs. The conservatives should do the same. No, wait, we’re not scumbags like the liberals are. Never mind. Maybe there should be a response mob of conservatives at the ready, to beat these scumbags senseless. I’m thinking the only things this trash understands is a visit to the ER followed by a days-long stay in ICU. Maybe, just maybe, it’s time for Republicans/RINOs/Conservatives o take off the gloves and give a good beatdown to this trash. It’s the only thing they understand b/c it is impossible to reason with them. If this crap continues, the only way conservatives can get a meal is at the drive through of McDonalds.
We have a bunch of wimpy cops anymore that won’t do their jobs! These vermin are “disturbing the peace” and they are at the minimum “inciting to riot”, bust their worthless asses and put them in jail, let them pay a big ass fine, they might not be so quick to open their big mouths next time!
I live in the DC area and one of our local talk radio guys criticized the restaurant pretty hard. Perhaps as a result, the restaurant released a statement saying that they got the Cruz family out of there safely, got rid of the disruptors and then brought the Cruz family back in to finish their meal.
Of course, no good deed goes unpunished and the SJWs have been beating the shit out of the restaurant because of that.
See https://literaturedevil.com/2018/09/26/restaurant-showdown-ted-cruz-vs-sjws/
And that is exactly what I’m referring to.
If the people who make these death threats were on the receiving end instead of the sending end, do you think they’d like it? Of course not! But it’s okay for THEM to do it because – whatever! I don’t understand what makes them think it is okay.
That’s why I said it’s a cycle and the bad behavior may just turn enough people toward the more conservative side of the fence. I hope so.
¨That’s why I said it’s a cycle and the bad behavior may just turn enough people toward the more conservative side of the fence.¨
Fingers (and toes) crossed that this will happen…in droves.
They DON’T think, they are vermin, mindless, brainwashed vermin, when they physically assault some and get their asses blown away, maybe they will get the picture, but I doubt it, and besides thats exactly what the NWO wants, internal strife and civil war paid for by scum like Soros! imho
The difference being these death threats are probably real, unlike the imagined death threats received by lefties. Only one side resorts to violence at the drop of a hat.
They need to start publicizing arrests for “death threats” that people are dropping for anything and everything.
Once they start tossing pictures to news stations and saying, “put this on the news, here’s this week’s list of arrest pictures for death threats” maybe people will start getting the realization that death threats are a bad thing.
They need to start prosecuting those death threats…why in hell is a worthless politicians death threat prosecutable but not john doe citizen? To hell with that, hold these brainwashed childish embeciles feet to the fire! imho
They’re very hard cases to make, criminally. In order to be a legitimate terroristic threat they have to have proximity, means, and the victim must think they’re actually going to do it.
So if I say on the Internet “I’m going to kill you” and I’m six states away, it’s not criminal. If I’m standing in front of you with a gun pointed at your head and say it, then that’s a criminal case.
Even in cases where people were in physical fights with people and one said they were going to kill the other, the “victim” rarely said they actually thought it would happen. When they did, it was often an unconvincing argument.
But, but, but……..the gulags were just like really neat learning centers! Everybody benefited from attending. Some really smart college freshmen explained that to us. regards, Alemaster
Then…. let us send them there for lessons.
It’s just like summer camp, right? Except in Siberia, it’s always winter, even if it isn’t.
As Solzhenitsyn said, the natives in the Gulag in Baikal uncovered prehistoric frozen salamander and ate it “with relish”. Paleo diet before it’s time.
I think we need some gulags to help thin the herd. Was in line at the airport behind a group of college kids with debate club sweatshirts on yesterday. I didn’t catch all of what they were saying, but there were two components of their conversation that made me want to slap the back of some heads. I would have educated them if it wasn’t my anniversary and my wife was there.
First was one kid explaining how “if congress doesn’t like a law, they just don’t enforce it.” Which I think was along the lines of King Hussein Obama’s govern by executive order. Because if congress doesn’t like a law, they change it. That’s literally their job.
Second was a argument they were having about needing to eliminate our first strike (presumably nuclear?) ability. They were in favor of maintaining a 𝒔𝒆𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒅 𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒌𝒆 ability. 🙄 They clearly do not have even a basic understanding of what a war is.
What is this secret code?
“𝒔𝒆𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒅 𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒌𝒆 ability”
Let them roll over, belly up and see how long they last in a real war.
Better yet, draft them and make them serve in Korea where I did within spitting distance of the Southern Tier of the DMZ before sending them on a tour in Iraq or Afghanistan!
They have obviously never read Solzhenitsyn’s Gulag archipelago, but then again that might be too much book about a true Stalinist reality instead of a utopian Clintonian internationale fantasy for their fragile SJW brains
yeh, they need to take a trip to venezuela…find out what real communism is about! and keep them there for 6 months or a year so they find out what being hungary in a communist state where the states “takes care of you” lol is really all about!
These college kids haven’t a clue about ANYTHING! they are being taught by mindless communist morons that were taught by mindless communist morons and the music goes on…until we SHUT DOWN this communist institutions of destruction, NOTHING is going to improve..and for those IDIOTS that fund those colleges…STOP IT!
PH: I left you a message in Today’s Feel Good Stories
I will check on it. Thank you!
Call me crazy all y’all want to, but today’s SJW screeching flower monkeys act just like Hitler’s “Sturmabteilung” or “Brown Shirts “, let’s not forget they went around harassing, intimidating and carrying out acts of violence against those who dissented with the Nazi Party dogma and agenda. They are the ideological Nazis they accuse us of being, further proof that liberalism is a mental disorder!
And then starting banning anything that wasn’t part of the approved group think. Which with all this labeling common sense and facts as “hate speech” is achieving the same end.
Christians worship God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit while liberals worship their political agenda of which their sacred cornerstones are abortion, gay rights and totalitarianism.
Most of these things end when they start going after their own. Our side will not have to do much. They will exact revenge on the ones who don’t toe the line. It’s starting to happen and it will be awesome. Look at the me too movement. Most of the guys they went after were big time democrats. When the Kavenagh accusers have been used they will be tossed aside like the trash they are. They eat their own. As for Cruz being run out of dinner, the owner needs to find out who on the staff put the word out. I guarantee it was an inside job. Hope this made sense. I am not fully awake yet.
Soros has paid for a lot of leftist useful idiots to go on these rampages including the ones who accosted Senator Jeff THE Flake in an elevator. I’m all for them cannibalizing each other and then we can use the survivors for target practice!
Funny thing about skunks- they’ll pretty much leave everyone alone.
Until they start getting fucked with.
Great write-up, Ex.
Thank you, Ed.
Viva Le Pew!
Great post Ex; and as Marie Antoinette walked their last mile, she said to hubby-Well it looks like it will be a double header today.
… such a basket case.
While I much prefer your view of how this will progress, I fear that there is much worse to come before the left learns some manners and finally accepts that there are some very simple rules of civility which the rest of us expect of people before we afford them the respect they demand. Like respect being something you earn and not something you get by demanding it.
Voting for people who neither condone nor reward this childish behavior is the very least we can do. Living each and every day like civilized beings is another.
I would not argue the ‘worse to come’ concept at all.
This may be the calm before the real storm, but I do feel, based on the way these things work themselves out, that it will persuade people who were wavering to become more conservative than they had been.
People as ignorant and brainwashed as the left learn only one way…”thru extreme pain” imho
PH: I left you a message under Today’s Good News.
Saw it, left one for you!
Someone said that the Clarence Thomas hearings turned Andrew Breitbart from a liberal into a Conservative, if that’s true then just think how many more are being turned by the D-rats’ mega-pissy-fits!
That’s kind of what I’m thinking will happen, too.
I’m hoping that this circus of liberal screeching flower monkeys throwing any proverbial poop they can will cause the blue wave they’re already gloating about into a huge proverbial Red Tide instead, let’s not forget that moonbats everywhere were gloating about Das Hildebeast getting elected right up until President Trump beat her!
IMHO, all the Republicans need to do to win this November is to show, on a continuous loop, the antics of the left over the past two years. From the Antifa fascists to Cruz and family being harassed out of the restaurant, there’s more than enough video to give a nice presentation to the nation of the intolerance and violence of the left. I’m sure it would sway many fence-sitting voters.
Remember some years ago, when London was literally set on fire? Entire neighborhoods burned. Buildings were gutted.
Think what it might be like now if some “liberals” decided to do something like after winning the elections.
Nothing would surprise me less.
Some groups of them have advocated open warfare against Red State America and to them I say MOLON LABE! I stay locked and loaded and I’m sure many others here on TAH do as well, I wouldn’t miss them at any less than three hundred meters in my neck of the woods, but that’s only if my neighbors don’t use them to zero their deer and/ or hog rifles!
I haven’t seen anything about Booker since the story ‘broke’ a few days ago. BTW, it didn’t ‘break’ on MSM. They were too busy looking for old yearbooks or trying to contact and interview Kavanaugh’s grade school teachers and fellow students. You just KNOW Kavanaugh tried to peek under little Sally’s skirt in the first grade. That should disqualify him from any federal job and his law license should be revoked.
Well, thank the Gods and Goddesses of All Creation, my grade school, junior high and high school teachers are all dead by now!!!
Isn’t there something about obsession in that behavior? Maybe we should start looking at them and their histories…?
How many of them tried to peek in the girls’ bathroom through the windows or doors when they were in the 2nd grade?
How many of them dropped a french fry at lunch and went under the table after it, just to get a quick look at something naughty?
I’m going to go back to writing fiction. It’s much more friendly than these inbred dingaling condom snorters.
Everyone who reads this site and cares about reality needs to read “Thoughts from the Ammo Line” on the Powerline Blog. Scott Johnson bylined it but it was written by AmmoGrrll. She is a lady like our beloved Ex-PH2 who gets it.
My first thought is that Ted Cruz, being the Texan he is and a member of Congress, could be packing.
But he is a gentleman as well. His response to one “screecher” was, reportedly, “God bless you.”
What these sjw’s don’t understand is there is a point where a gentleman will respond to threats in a decisive manner.
When a guy called my wife with a death threat for me, her response was “Is that all?” She knew if the guy even tried, it would not be me they were burying.
These dem-0-rats don’t try much of that stuff here in Texas.
I used to get phone calls like that, so I got an answering machine. Remember those? It was easy enough to let calls go to my answering machine and if they were obscene or vile, just report it to the 911 people along with the phone number. Those were very understanding ladies, too. They sometimes recognized the phone numbers and said so. After a while, those stupid calls stopped.
You are correct that those congressional politicians with the “D” after their names are not real Democrats. I just discovered that my great grandfather, who was the mayor of a small town in Nebraska, apparently considered himself a “progressive democrat” in a biographical sketch written in about 1920. I am certain his views and values would be rejected by these present day so-called Democrat politicians. For one thing, he would have soundly rejected 0bama’s false claim the “you didn’t build that,” since he built and operated about five successful business enterprises in Nebraska and Oregon. He would have soundly rejected the idea that these raging moonbats have any connection to the ideals of his Democratic Party. He was also mindful of the fact that one of his grandfathers died fighting Southern Democrats in the Civil War. Today, he would likely be a conservative Republican.
Mom was an “Old School” Democrat as well. She became disillusioned mid-way through Barry’s term, but still couldn’t bring herself to give the Reps a chance. Fortunately, she passed before seeing what “her” party has become.
It’s been said that a D-rat from 1960 would be Conservative by today’s standards and a modern day D-rat would be considered a committable lunatic in 1960.
No, I don’t think so, my whole family worked in contruction and were all democrats, in the 60’s when the “dumocraps” had their convention in SFran..and it was an ORGY…my whole family said “they don’t represent me”! so these sick s.o.b.s have been bringing this on for a long time!
Excellent post Ex. Sing it, Sing it loud and long. Sing a Song of Songs. “The Death of the Democratic Party.” My opinion late 90’s early 00’s here in GA, when most of the pols started switching to the Repblicrat side from the Demoncans. This was after being elected as Demoncans. There is no vestige of the “Yellow Dog Democrats” left, well of the Caucasian variety any how. A lot of that thinking went all the way back to Reconstruction Days. The Black folks were all Republicans here up until LBJ pulled the last of them in. I have been a student of history since about 1957/58, just a wee lad. Grandmother had made the comment as I refilled her wood stove box, “he’s just a politician and only cares about being reelected.” She was born in 1882 and had voted in every election since women were given the right. Her daughter was a life long Dems that probably held her nose and voted for oblowme the 1st time, just because he was a dem. Aunt Johnnie never would say about the 2nd time. She passed away just before his 2nd inauguration. I have voted Independent in every election since 1972. We, the people, have one more good chance to slow down, if not stop, this downward spiral we are in now. The supposed Red Staters really do need to get off their asses and tricky trot down to the ballot box this Nov. I NEVER go any where anymore when I am not toting, concealed but handy, 2 pieces, one that will make a nice throw down if needed. As many of us have posted, these howler monkeys aren’t trying this crap where there is a chance some one will stand up to them and aim for center mass. Sad to say, less than 50% of eligible voters will turn out in Nov. Keep the faith. Deo Vindice
“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”
Every Republican member of congress should carry a gun while in public. And not be afraid to use it should they feel that their lives, or the live of others are in danger. Why should they have to put up with dangerous liberal terrorists. Tell their harassers to back up, state their fears, and if that fails pull the gun. If all else fails, fire the gun into someones face. Flash mob over.
“Making America Great Again” is a slogan the Left loathes. According to NY’s governor, it’s also a false statement b/c, according to him, America was never great in the first place. I’m sure the Left agrees with him, although most understand that’s not a smart thing to say. Remember that woman who said, back in 2008, that for the first time in her life she was proud of America? It caused quite a flap, especially since she was married to a guy who was elected president later that year.
Dahell is it about the Left hating our history, institutions, and traditions? Do they never realize that America could be called great just for putting up with the likes of them? I guess not. Instead, they seem to be under the delusion that what they say and what they do here could be done and said anywhere in their one-world community, their global village. They don’t get that but for the very document they constantly denigrate, but American greatness, they would be grease for tank treads.
“but for American greatness”
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