24th Marine Expeditionary Heading to Norway for NATO
Marines with the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit, or MEU, are slated to participate in one of the largest NATO exercises later this fall hosted by Norway, according to Marine officials.
The exercise, dubbed Trident Juncture, is one of the largest for NATO in more than a decade and will feature nearly 40,000 troops, over one hundred aircraft and dozens of allied ships — all in close proximity to the Russian border.
But the extent of the 24th MEU’s participation is currently unknown. Marine officials cited operational security concerns and would not provide any further details. – Article.
Per the article’s author, the presence of several thousands of US Jarheads appearing in Norway for a joint NATO MEU exercise is likely to upset the digestive systems of the Russian people who occupy the highest seats in the Kremlin. That would be Vlad Putin, and whoever his upper level military officers may be at this time.
I’m sure they will be watching closely with the best binocs they can get from China. Doesn’t China also make long distance visual equipment for US troops and sailors and GIRines? Maybe we should move manufacture of that stuff home now. I can’t tell, for example, if my glasses are made in Beijing or in the back of the Lenscrafters shop, but I’m sure there is an Oriental connection there somewhere, because plastics!!!
Just glad to know that they announced it so that we know that they know that we know that they know that we know that they know!!!
Category: "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Marine Corps, NATO
Good timing, Ex. My next post will flow nicely with yours.
Glad I got the timing right. I didn’t see anything on your side of the fence when I set that up. Great minds, etc.
Pining for the fjords 🙂
I appreciate the Monty Python reference more than you know! Thank you!
Hope the jarheads remember to pack their longjohns.
I believe this group and others like them go through extensive winter training, but I’m not sure when it takes place or how often.
Question; since this exercise is called: Trident Juncture” does this qualified them to wear a “Trident”? SOV POS want to know.
Do I really need a “Sarc” tag on this?
While Nato is doing the excersices in Norway, Putin will most likely be putin around playing pocket pool.
“Self-Abuse” is better than “No abuse”
“Cheap Thrills” are better than “No Thrills”
us marines have been doing this since the 80’s. i can remember at least 5 potato fields i had to dig a fighting hole in. one the farmer was nice enough to send out some of the local water called “Aquavit”. that was the only night i was not cold…..
Can see the headlines now, NYT, WAPO, HuffPo, cnn, cbs,nbc, et all. Trump sends Marines close to Russia so Putin can observe planned invasion strategy. Top Russians now know secrets of NATO Plans for sneak attack on Norway. Marines to enforce Trump tariffs on Danish sweet rolls. Chinese built slant eyed binoculars cause vision problems for round eyed Marines. Putin colluding with Lens Crafters to buy Norse sailing vessels to supply IKEA. Film at 11.
As Sgt Fon says, this is nothing new. Used to happen every year in the fall, just like REFORGER. Unless the powers that were decided to do a winter REFORGER, which really sucked.