Hamas commander dies in accidental explosion in Gaza Strip

| September 7, 2018

Times of Israel reports a member of the Hamas security forces was killed Wednesday in an accidental explosion in the Gaza Strip, the Palestinian terror group reported.

The military wing of Hamas announced the man was Abdel Rahim Abbas, 42, a local commander of the Hamas security forces.

The Hamas-run Gaza interior ministry said the explosion happened at the administrative headquarters for the police’s bomb disposal unit and was a result of explosive materials catching on fire during an inspection.

Police and civil defense units extinguished the fire caused by the explosion, the ministry added.

A Hamas security source said he was trying to neutralize an Israeli munition.

Self-inflicted wound, or a successful Israeli assassination? Guess we’ll never know for sure, but in the end it really doesn’t matter.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Lurker Curt

BOOM!!! I love the smell of terrorists going all ‘splodey in the morning…


Why do Muslims hug their children so often? …….

Because they blow up so fast!


Quote :
“The Hamas-run Gaza interior ministry said the explosion happened at the administrative headquarters for the police’s bomb disposal unit and was a result of explosive materials catching on fire during an inspection.”

Suicide by stupidity. Or a “Wiley E Coyote” wannabe achieved success …

Who is dumb enough to store or keep explosives in the “administrative headquarters” building?
Just how did the explosives “catch on fire during an inspection”?

Club Manager, USA ret.

You have to remember, most Palestinians are not the brightest light in the harbor, sharpest knife in the box, brightest crayon in the drawer, dumber than a bag of rocks, only have one oar in the water, are only running on three cylinders, have the IQ of room temperature, their pilot light has gone out, the lights are on but nobody is home, that elevator doesn’t go to the top floor, a few sandwiches short of a picnic and certainly a poster child for birth control. They let Yasser Arafat make them the stepchildren of that part of the world while he enriched himself at their expense. Now it is all someone else’s fault.


Dat’s rayciss to criticize the low IQ of your departed Pali-nazi. They can’t help it if they have no Neanderthal DNA (leads to lower IQ) and they are the result of 14 centuries of inbreeding through marrying muzz-cows who are their first cousins.


So now this guy’s all over the place, right?

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Ex-PH2 /Groan


Jeff LPH 3, 63-66:

You taught Ex-PH2 well.



He’s spread himself pretty thin.

Bill M

I got a bang out of that. Looks like he got a bigger one.


Inbreeding in the Muslim culture is the dirty nasty elephant in the room.

RGR 4-78

“A Hamas security source said he was trying to neutralize an Israeli munition.”

My guess is he was trying to salvage the explosive material for later use in a vest type garment.


He was holding a match to read what it said on the side LOL

A Proud Infidel®™

My first thought was that he was making an IED when it went kablooey blowing him and the room he was in to confetti without hurting anyone else making him what I refer to as a “Wile E. Coyote Bomber”.


That’s probably the closest to what actually happened as we’ll ever know, API.


The Whiz Wheel™® scores this as:

Abdel Rahim Abbas (SIRBLDAM*) resulting in DRT – 27 x 7 = 189

*Self Inflicted Raghead Bernathian Level Dumb Ass Move



2/17 Air Cav

“Gather in close, men, and our esteemed commander, Abdel Rahim Abbas, will show us how this is done.”

Club Manager, USA ret.

Hooookay, but first, someone light his cigarette for him since his hands are full.

Bill M

That’s what I thought. Started with a fire (from the cig) and then went bang.



After reading that the individual may have been accidently killed, your post reminds me of this (“Silence! I Keel You!”):




I love spolshuns!

I heard he had blue eyes!


Yes, one blew left and the other blew right.


Last thing through his mind?

His dental work.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

and that’s the whole tooth.


His goats!

A Proud Infidel®™

Along with his ass.



Roger in Republic

Any time a Palestinian terrorist dies, it is not an accident. It is the hand of GOD.

So did the fire cause the explosion or did the explosion cause the fire. Knowing explosives as I do, I vote for the latter


Awwwww. . . so sad.
[Wiping tear]


“I only show you dis onzzz!”


Shouldn’t this have been posted under feel good stories? Made me feel good. Another one bites the dust.


How about “Feel Good Stories” remain self-defense related and we use ”Warm Fuzzy Stories” for tales of self-inflicted/self-mayhem on the truly deserving?

I surmise the above Wile-E-Jihadi is pretty warm about now, and will stay so for a -very- long time.


Forgot to turn on my /sarc/light. Warm and fuzzy works too. AW1Ed, all of y’all Dave, Ex-PH2, thebesig, Poetrooper, Hondo, 2/17AC, Combat Historian, The Hippy Monkey Code Chick, The Chief, et al, (any I missed, Mea Culpa) have done one hell of a job not only keeping this site going, but keeping all of us going too. Even the ones of us that just kinda lurked around for a long time, we still felt like a family, Band of Brothers/Sisters thing. Y’all keep up the good work and know that us fellow dickweeds/eses gotcha back! O BTW; Go Army Beat Navy

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Does NIOSH step in and investigate the “accident”


How does a Muslim sex doll differ from others?

The Muslim doll blows itself up.


It looks like a goat.

A Proud Infidel®™️
Green Thumb



I love the smell of extra crispy ragged in the morning. Or any time of day.


Damn spell check. Raghead.


Translation. Terrorist killed while playing with bomb blames Israel.


…trying to neutralize an Israeli munition.

The Weathermen needed that excuse!


Ah, an early Christmas present in the Gaza Strip.

Hack Stone

Just fuckin’ great. Now all of the lower enlisted Hamas troops will have to attend mandatory IED Safety PowerPoint presentations. And as long as they are all assembled, the unit Hamas Relief rep is going to be hitting them up for allotments.

Stephen McCartney

Appears to be a hot menu item “Raghead flamb’e”

Psychological counselling available for any goat feeling abandonment after acute relationship loss.
Hamas providing free grain for life.
CAPT “Bones” USN (ret)