The Truth Is Out There
Where’s Mulder when you need him?
This is nothing new. This has been going on since before the Lubbock Lights were photographed and the photos appeared in Life magazine in the 1950s.
I doubt very seriously that it’s either Russia or China, because we know what they do and don’t have, even if they think we don’t. Of course, we’d never tell them that we know what they have, because if they knew that we know that they know that we know that they know that we know what they have, there wouldn’t be any need for them to try to hide it, would there?
Seriously, the Soviets couldn’t even get nuclear stuff going unless their German spy guy Klaus Fuchs funneled stuff to them from the Manhattan Project, never mind the Rosenbergs, and later on the Walker family selling stuff to the Soviets, so that they could patronize strippers and buy expensive booze. And just because they got Sputnik up in an Earth orbit while we were on vacation in Wisconsin, it does not mean that we were behind. We were just being more careful. And besides, they were getting our stuff funneled to them.
Really, come on! If the Russians actually had an aviation vehicle that could nose dive from 60,000 feet and stop on a dime and hover at 50 feet, wouldn’t we have had it first? Our Germans were always better than their Germans, anyway. Ask Albert. Ask Heinlein.
And just think about the physical impact that kind of maneuvering would have on a human pilot.
This WaPo article is almost like an hysterical teen seeing his/her/its first real UFO, and not much more. UFOs have been around for centuries, even millenia. Ask the NASA engineer who designed an aviation vehicle based on a local guy’s description of one in the Book of Ezekiel in the Old Testament. His conclusion was that yes, it could fly if you could figure out the propulsion system. His book was titled ‘The Chariots of Ezekiel’. The primitive mind is quite literal about a lot of things.
But I digress.
The videos in the article are interesting things, but someone who spent a good deal of time investigating such things in the 1970s, with a rather dim view of silliness, came to the conclusion in his book ‘Earth Lights Revelation’ that they are most likely either animate objects generated by piezo discharges, or they are an unclassified lifeform that needs further investigation. Their ability to move about at will, as indicated by those videos, and move both independently aind in groups with at-will control of speeds, suggests a previously unclassified lifeform.
A piezo discharge, FWIW, behaves a lot like it’s alive, but it is not. It is sometimes referred to as ball lightning, and the majority of it occurs in quake-prone geological areas like the Deccan Traps in India and the Cascades up in the Pacific Northwest. And remember now, the astronauts have recorded electrical discharges generated by the Earth, just like Jupiter does, called elves, red sprites and blue jets.
It is a strange, but normal and interesting Universe that we live in.
And the ‘wow’ signal from 1977 picked up by the Big Ear? Well, that’s supposed to be hydrogen gas emissions from comets instead of alien attempts at communicating with us, because comets do emit gases in the hydrogen spectrum. Many of us do the same thing, but we usually apologize for it if we’re in a crowd.
But what if the hydrogen spectrum is the way an alien race sends long distance communications?
Now, there’s a thought.
I have to go. I think an alien species has engaged in a gas attack in my yard. If I’m right, I know what it looks like: it’s black with a white stripe down its back. I should probably report it to NASA, right?
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Mulder? Mulder, answer the phone!
You want to go down a weird rabbit hole check out the group the author of that article is part of.
The credentials of a lot of the folks in the organization are pretty solid and they are investigating UFOs.
Not sure if I need to buy stock in tin foil or if their collective cheese has slid off their crackers…
The truth is out there….but the WaPo wanted a dollar for me to read it…so I passed.
Speaking of NASA *waves*….
(Dons NERD cap)
SO, think of this and do the “maths”.
Because I have been on this project for almost 20 years and my mind was blown over and over…this is my favorite….
Go to this page….
On the right is a pull down menu.
1. Pick either (Galaxies) Hubble Ultra Deep Field 1 or Hubble Deep Field 2.
2. This will scroll over and then zoom into the photo and images that Hubble took over a 7-10 day period of a tiny spot in the “dark” sky about a fraction of a degree of the space around us.
Imagine holding a grain of rice at arm’s length. That’s about the arc degrees of the sky that was photographed
3. Hold your mouse button and scroll back all the way out then all the way in. (To get a sense of dimension of space you’re looking at.
4. In those two photographs, there are estimated to be (Imagine the Milky Way Galaxy as 1 ea.) 10,000 galaxies. At a grain of rice at arms length. In like .05 degree arc of sky (Or whatever the math is, I can’t remember)
Now, if that “tiny” spot was 10,000 GALAXIES at that spot, imagine that 360 degrees in all directions around the Earth.
*mind blown*
gazillion, trillion, googleplex infinite galaxies out in space?
Yeah, we’re all alone and the only things that inhabit the universe.
And Donald Trump is going to be elected President. 😀
Oh, wait.
Sorry I ruined the rest of your day!!
Have fun
I’ve seen those images. They are mind blowing. With the untold numbers of galaxies in this vast cosmos, it’s hard to believe that we would be the only intelligent life. I think the greater question is, are they visiting us here on earth? Imagine the advanced level of technology it would take to zip from one side to the other of our own galaxy, let alone from one galaxy to another. If we are being visited – and that’s a big if – it’s more likely that we are nothing more than an archeological find to the alien race in much the same way we observe primitive tribes in the deep Amazon. “Oh, look at the primitives. Observing them may be able to tell us something about how we advanced.” I would seriously doubt they would see us as peers.
Have you read the Sci-Fi book ‘Roadside Picnic’ or seen its film adaptation ‘Stalker’? Its premise follows that line of thought and reaches the conclusion that if hyper-advanced aliens were to visit us, they would pay no more attention to us than we would to ants if we were having a picnic. The ants might consider the trash we leave behind (half-eaten food, water, etc.) as invaluable gifts from the gods or the destruction we cause (lighting a fire, emptying the ice box, noise from a radio,etc.) as a supernatural punishment. But in reality, we never even would have wasted a moment’s thought on or noticed them (unless they crawled onto our plates).
So if space-faring aliens do exist, we might not have heard from them because they don’t even consider us worthy of their attention.
The real question is ‘why would they want to visit us in the first place?’
Indeed. Other than a pit stop along the way to bigger and better places or morbid curiosity, I don’t see many reasons to visit us either.
I absolutely love that stuff. I loved the “surprise!!!” factor when that massive 1/2-mile long shard of rock (probably a piece of a long-dead planet) came through a couple of months ago and used the Sun’s gravity field to change directions.
But as much as we squabble with each other about the dumbest things, it’s a wonder anyone would want to stop here for more time than it takes to order lunch and have a cold beer.
If anything, Heinlein had it right in “Have Spacesuit-Will Travel”. And there may be a cop on patrol in our neighborhood just keeping an eye on the place.
It’s ALIENS! I saw it on the History Channel – I swear it’s true.
You can tell it’s them. Their eyes glow in the dark.
Oh, wait – is that the neighborhood coyote?
“…it’s black with a white stripe down its back.”
Wow! UFOs with racing stripes! Where can I get one? No, I really don’t want one. We have plenty around here, though they are rarely seen. But we can tell when one has lost a battle with the more ubiquitous monolithic metal beasts that roam the land.
I’m telling you, the stench was STRONG with that one last night. Either it was mating, or fighting another one over a bug or a worm it found for dinner.
He’s French. His name is Pepe’. Just looking for love in all the wrong places. Keep Miss Punkin Squawky Pants inside for a few days. Offer her a bottle of good Merlot and a towel in the back sink.
First thing I thought of when I saw my first Gamma Goat at Ft Riley….”It’s from another world”.
OK help me out here. You guys are well read and versed. A number of years ago I saw an amazing movie where the U.S. had captured an alien and it’s ship (Roswell?!) but this was in the recent past, not the 40s & 50s. The alien was being held and studied by the military and civilian scientists. It was dying and needed to get back to it’s ship and go home. It had (apparently) telepathic abilities and contacted this female scientist who, after the occurrences, befriended a military officer (Lt Col, Col) I think, played by Scott Bakula (I could be wrong there) and I think it was a Sci Fi channel movie or show. Anyway they both “talk” to the alien telepathically and they try to escape with it to get it back to its ship and get it home. Alas, I think I remember that the alien didn’t make it. There seemed to be a romantic vibe between the female scientist and the military officer (obvious) and once they were inside the ship (SPOILER!) the Officer is standing there before some kind of two fingered control panel and he makes the split “v” (Star Trek Spock) hand and fits his hand in the control panel. All at once the unbelievably fast and complex pattern appears on a view screen…moving and flipping and scrolling and then you can see it’s some kind of complex electronic “Tree” as in genetics or DNA? it begins to slow down and you then realize it’s neither, but it is a very extended Genealogical data tree and then it slows and slows and then breaks down further…further…further and then it slows……The female scientist and the Military Officer…… they are the base pair for the alien they rescued, and, now, you obviously realize that it wasn’t an alien at all but, an earthling from the deep future that had returned and for whatever reason, trying to save or improve Earth, etc, had happened to contact, what were its great great (many times) grandparents…..scroll credits…. Any clue? I’d love to watch it again but it… Read more »
I saw something in the sky once and had no idea what it was until I called the tower at BGR. Guy said it was a KC-135 refueling a C-130 at low altitude because the 130 could not transfer fuel between wings and they were balancing the load so he could land.
Don’t see that too often.
UFO’s ? they’re everywhere.
Anyone remember the UFO that flew over the WH back in the early 1950’s and Jets were scrambled to try and intercept the object. How years ago the Betty and Barney hill abduction which happened when they were driving at night and when questioned about it, Betty gave investigators a slip of paper which she drew the star system that the Aliens said that they were from and years later, an astronomer used the map as an overlay on some system and there was a match. Ex Pres Clinton saw a UFO in his younger days and got into the UFO forum where he met the same types of peeps and when he got into office, when .some of his UFO friends asked him to get the truth, he was informed by I think it was the NSA or CIA that the info was on a need to no basis and Mr. Pres, you do not need to no.
Sometimes I daydream about becoming president, only for finding out about all the classified stuff we have and things we’ve done in the past. I imagine I would be pretty pissed if someone told me, as the commander-in-chief, that I could not have access to everything. Is there any provision in our laws that gives someone else a higher access level to state secrets than the president has? I would imagine that would pose some issues for archiving and maintaining that knowledge.
Jimmah Carter promised to release the “files”
on UFO’s if elected. When later asked about it he said there were no files.
“Blowjob Willie” Clinton made that promise as well.
“The best argument there is intelligent life in the universe is they haven’t tried to contact us.”
Paraphrase from Calvin and Hobbs.
This is my story and I’m sticking to it…
I saw an article on the History Channel (aka The Hitler Channel, aka The Bigfoot Channel) that asked the question of which was greater, the number of grains of sand on the Earth or number of stars in the universe. Using calculations that were well beyond my understanding, they concluded that there were more stars in the Universe than grains of sand on Earth. How they concluded that I don’t know. It surpassed my understanding by a wide margin. Think about that. When I think of that, my question is how can there not be intelligent life elsewhere in the universe. Why would they come here? Same reason we would visit them … curiosity. Think how little we know of what is available to be known! How is it we could even begin to travel the vastness of space. At the speed of light, which we are not even remotely close to be able to capture, it would take years to get to the nearest star. At our primitive speed it would probably take tens of thousands of years to reach the nearest star. I’m baffled and fascinated by these concepts. I’ve said here before, my ideal ‘job’ would be on a space traveling ship, a ship that left earth with no intention of ever returning. It would be of sufficient size to have onboard a number of personnel to be self sufficient. Doctors, dentists, scientists, horticulturists, teachers, clerical personnel, security personnel, military personnel and the list goes on and on forever. Reproduction would be a necessity as well, making it necessary that IDC SARC be aboard. The options are limitless. I can’t think of a better ‘job’.
The Russian and I have seen a UFO. Several years ago at night while traveling East on I10 we saw a light several miles in the distance that was stationary. We initially thought it was a helicopter, but it was too bright. Over a period of several minutes the light did not move. We began to think it was a stationary light, perhaps a cell tower. Again, though, it was too bright. We approached for several minutes and we began to think it was a star, but as we approached, it got larger, unlike a star. Finally, that thing took off at a tremendous speed, right to left, and had traveled a distance of several miles within a few seconds. No way it could be something of this earth. We have no doubt it was otherworldly. I would have enjoyed a ride.