Another Four Return

| August 26, 2018

DPAA has identified and accounted for the following formerly-missing US personnel.

From World War II

MM1c Eugene K. Eberhardt, US Navy, assigned to the crew of the USS Oklahoma, was lost at Pearl Harbor, HI, on 7 December 1941. He was accounted for on 20 August 2018.

PVT WIlliam A. Boegli, US Army, assigned to L Company, 332nd Infantry Regiment, 81st Infantry Division, was lost in the Republic of Palau on 30 September 1944. He was accounted for on 17 August 2018.

From Korea

PFC Kenneth B. Williams, US Army, assigned to Heavy Mortar Company, 32nd Infantry Regiment, 7th Infantry Division, was lost in North Korea on 2 December 1950. He was accounted for on 17 August 2018.

From Southeast Asia

Col. Richard A. Kibbey, US Air Force, assigned to Detachment 5, 38th Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Squadron, was lost in Vietnam on 6 February 1967. He was accounted for on 13 August 2018.

Welcome back, elder brothers-in-arms. Our apologies that your return took so long.

Rest easy. You’re home now.

. . .

Over 72,000 US personnel remain unaccounted for from World War II; over 7,600 US personnel remain unaccounted for from the Korean War; over 1,500 remain unaccounted for in Southeast Asia (SEA); 126 remain unaccounted for from the Cold War; 5 remain unaccounted for from the Gulf Wars; and 1 individual remains unaccounted for from Operation Eldorado Canyon. Comparison of DNA from recovered remains against DNA from some (but not all) blood relatives can assist in making a positive ID for unidentified remains that have already been recovered, or which may be recovered in the future.

On their web site’s “Contact Us” page, DPAA now has FAQs. The answer to one of those FAQs describes who can and cannot submit DNA samples useful in identifying recovered remains. The chart giving the answer can be viewed here. The text associated with the chart is short and can be viewed in DPAA’s FAQs.

If your family lost someone in one of these conflicts and you qualify to submit a DNA sample, please arrange to submit one. By doing that you just might help identify the remains of a US service member who’s been repatriated but not yet been identified – as well as a relative of yours, however distant. Or you may help to identify remains to be recovered in the future.

Everybody deserves a proper burial. That’s especially true for those who gave their all while serving this nation.

Category: No Longer Missing

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Welcome home.

2/17 Air Cav

The name is the Southeast Asia entry should be Col. Richard A. Kibbey.


Welcome to your home, Warriors. I am truly humbled by your sacrifice.


Welcome Home Troops! Thanks again Hondo & 2/17 AC. Was Col Kibbey lost on a SAR Mission?


“Lieutenant Colonel Kibbey was a member of the 38th Air Rescue and Recovery Squadron. On February 6, 1967, he was the co-pilot of a Sikorsky Sea King Search and Rescue Helicopter (HH-3E) trying to extract a downed American pilot 5 miles from Mu Gia Pass near the border of Laos and North Vietnam. Once the pilot was aboard the helicopter took off and was hit by ground fire causing it to explode and crash. His remains were not recovered. His name is inscribed on the Courts of the Missing at the Honolulu Memorial”.


Thanks for the info and the link. Damn, shows how @ that point in time there were still field grade officers willing to get their hands dirty. “No greater love”.


Welcome home.


Welcome home Brothers. Rest in peace in your home soil now. God be with your families.

RGR 4-78

Welcome Home.


Welcome home, men. Rest in peace.