| August 3, 2018

First, let me thank all of you for the amazing support.  I wanted to do an update because I get this odd feeling as if Jonn is gone and we are all just moving along as if nothing happened.  Although that is exactly what Jonn wanted us to do, it feels oddly disrespectful to keep going on without having a memorial service or something.

It will take weeks for a funeral at Arlington to be finalized.  The family wants a private memorial service of some kind as well.  There are many things going on in regards to the private affairs of Jonn Lilyea, we can all only hope to have a person like TSO around when we go.  We will have a memorial service at some point in the near future.  It will probably be in the DC area and we will post its time and location well in advance.

I am positive that Jonn would also want to thank all of you for your thoughts and prayers.

Jonn would be proud of the TAH family, of that I have no doubt.  He would also be so happy that the Dark Side of his fan club did not let him pass and simply ignore it.  I have saved most of their comments, web posts and emails and will probably do some kind of shadow box with them.  It is hard to explain the joy he received from their attention.  I was afraid that after Bernath turned himself into a Lawn Dart they might have lost interest.

I plan on leaving Jonn’s passing announcement pinned to the top of the page for a while longer.  We are still getting emails from people who clearly do not realize he has passed.   What little part I have in any of this is meaningless without all of you.

Best Regards,  your humble servant


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Doc Savage

Thanks you Dave, for the amazing work and continuity during this time….I dont think anyone expects you to fill Jonns shoes, and neither should they.

I personally dont think of it as carrying on as though nothing is missing; something BIG is missing, and we all know it…I am speaking for myself when I say it hasn’t really sunk in yet, and I still have to comes to terms with it.

I am a relative newcomer compared to many here, 5 years maybe? But I dont think anyone, new or veteran TAH poster can say that Jonn hasn’t had a positive impact on their lives ( unless you were a SV subject), and isn’t still wrangling with their own feelings on his passing.

But, those are my two cents.

Again, thank you for continuing to carry the torch.


Picking up and carrying on is what we all do after a loss.

It does not mean anyone does not care.


I think in this case, the fact that we are trying to carry on is a tribute to what Jonn set in motion with TAH. I think all of us have our different methods of dealing with and accepting what’s happened, but the fact that there are so many posting here in the aftermath is a pretty neat tribute to all that have stepped up in this time. Some of us are lurkers (me), but I think that we can all agree that we look forward to the wide variety of subjects that are put forward here, and I know that I for one truly appreciate the education that I get from many of you here on a great deal of topics.


Thanks for the update, Dave, and thanks too for stepping up. I’ll continue my (very!) small part here until someone tells me to knock it off, or I physically can’t type.

Wilted Willy

Thank you Dave and TSO as well, I’m sure Jonn is proud of you both? We carry on because that is what Jonn would have wanted. He was a wonderful man that none of us will ever forget! I know he made a very meaningful change in my life that will never be the same. He will be always remembered! Rest in Peace Jonn.


Thanks for doing what you are doing Dave.

2/17 Air Cav

We’ll see. As I mentioned before, the blog is property. It is subject to valuation and it can be conveyed, sold, or simply disbanded. As for the family’s private service, I am disappointed but were I in their situation I would likely do the same thing. In any event, that’s their call and theirs alone.


2/17 Air Cav, Brother though I do not know, I think I understand, at least in part why his family chose a private service.

Were it open to the public, with all of the twisted units out there who Jonn exposed and brought low over the years, it could be ugly to say the least.

Who would want sLuRpShiT666 or some equally dysfunctional turd showing up at such a solemn service?

But I could be, all wet.

Jon The Mechanic

If any of those that were angered by Jonn shining the light of truth upon them tried to show their asses at a service, I am confident in saying that any of us there would VERY quickly silence, and then shovel their remains into a ditch far from the Hallowed grounds of Arlington.

And the rest of us would chip in gas money.


I could be wrong, but I read this differently.

Jonn is to be buried at Arlington and I don’t think that was characterized as private.

In addition to the burial at Arlington, the family wants to hold a private ceremony. I take it this is a celebration of Jonn’s life type of thing, but again I could be wrong. This would be separate from the funeral, perhaps even on another day, and would have a different tone to it.

I think there were some sentences too close together and it perhaps created an inadvertent run-on meaning.


I think its the families memorial service that will be private, I don’t think Arlington will be private?


That’s my thought, as well.

2/17 Air Cav

I had the same thought, Sparks, that a public service would allow all comers to be present and, if those who were outted here or otherwise caught shit here appeared, there might be very ugly trouble.


Open carry is legal in Virginia.


I would sure hate to see TAH disbanded! It would be awful boring without this blog and the people here…to whoever takes it over, and I pray someone does…..OORAH!


Dave, LAWN DART!!!!!!!! Perfect! Thanks for the laugh and continuing to do a great job. Jonn would be pleased.




IMO, no disrespect at all, Brother. It’s just, in my view, like I commented in the original post. We are poorer without him, and over time, it starts to sink in just how impoverished that really means …

… and all you can do is Charlie Mike.

2/17 Air Cav

It’s true what you say. It makes me think of a TV show that loses its star. The star had a supporting cast, an excellent supporting cast, but folks tuned in to see the star and when he left the show, that was that. What we do, leave, nearly leave, or stay, is an individual determination. I have all ready noted the absence of several regulars. They loved Jonn’s blog, not just the blog, notwithstanding Jonn’s wishes, expressed by others.


Yeah, but some of the best SITCOMS have had even more popular spin-offs.

So, don’t jump off the ship ‘till the Captain says so!


It’s been a week.
I have no desire to beat my F5 key today.
The immediate shock is fading some, but the giant OUCH, has little dissipated.

Dave and TSO and Ex-PH2 and all, Thank You for staying strong and keeping TAH going these last 7 days when I know you have practically been on your knees, to say the least.

I am hopeful that we can continue on, different, but with the spirit of TAH that we had last Thursday.

Only time and circumstances will tell.

I pray that Jonn has a hand in continuing to be a little voice in our ears, guiding us and TAH forward, in whatever direction all of us and TAH may go.

Much love to all of you.
Salute to you Jonn. I hope your face and the banner above stay there for some time, if not forever. TAH is your baby and and your babynever wants for forget it’s daddy, nor to all it’s siblings, nieces, nephews, grandchildren and the like.

Have a decent weekend.

Jon The Mechanic

I agree with everything you said here.


And an amen from me too.


Agreed! Some of us still need this place and each other.


Thank you Dave. I look forward to your updates. When a brother falls, the best anyone can do is to ruck up, lift the flag and move forward. Thank you and all the others who have done just that. No matter what, our TAH family continues.


Best Regards, your humble servant


Dave Hardin? “Humble servant”? Did you just refer to yourself that way?

Dave, you feeling OK? (smile)

Seriously: you’re doing exactly what Jonn would have wanted, amigo – keeping on keeping on.

Carry on, Marine. You’re doing a damn good job.

Dave Hardin

You keep being the Stable Genius, I got the Bigly Humble thing down to an art.


Does your “Stable Genius” involve muck boots and a pitch fork?

If so, I’ve been a “Stable Genius” for quite some time. I think Ex can relate, too.


Indeed, I can relate to the “Stable Genius” term. I have shoveled and relocated an enormous tonnage of equine digestive byproducts in my time.


Both of you……


Thanks to everybody here for keeping this going. No apologies needed, I agree that Jonn would have wanted this to go forward. Our detractors would love for this site to go away, and for us to disband, so that they could go back to their old tricks.

I’d like to get my hands on some of those negative emails, so that I could do point by point rebuttals.

Bill M

Thanks Dave.


Appreciate the update Dave, and all that you do.

RIP, SFC Jonn Lilyea



Thank You.

Your post reminded me of this Classic song that never gets old, because it is true:


USMCMSgt (Ret)

I’m in the DC area, Dave. So if you need any help with anything, drop me a line.

I don’t know what the future holds for the TAH website, but I can’t think of any other tribute than to have a platform where Jonn’s important work can continue, and to have a place where friends and associates can regularly meet, share stories, and have a few laughs.

I could be wrong, but it strikes me that Jonn may have wanted it that way. I could easily be wrong – but whatever eventually happens, I will respect it.

Dave Hardin

Thanks, we very well may need some help with a few things. S/F


Thanks for the updates, Dave. And for all the excellent work here from you, ex-OS2, TSO, AW1Ed, Ex-PH2 and all the others who are contributing.


Took the words right out of my moth and off the keyboard…


Thank you both, means a lot.


What everyone has said, thanks for everything you folks are doing.


Took the words right out of your MOTH? You let a moth speak for you? lol


Yes. I have seen this MOTH myself in the wild. It is a giant Cecropia. It speaks for all MOTHS and occasionally for others.


Thanks Dave, and all your minions who have been pitching in. We will get there and TAH will survive, perhaps even stronger after everyone has sorted out how they fit into the new TAH that continues what Jonn started.

Jonn’s family will make the decisions which are best for them, and most of us completely support however that might go. A small private service with a public memorial service following at a later date is not unusual.

Prayers continue for Jonn’s family as their journey takes the inevitable twists and turns along the way.

charles w

I lurked long before I ever commented. This is my daily read. Jonn was one of a kind. The folks here are a treasure to me. The posers would love nothing more that this place to go away. Jonn would not want that. Thanks to everyone that stepped up to keep the lights on. RIP Jonn.


Amen! Would be a shame for this repository of fakery to go down. Look how many started back up with their BS after the old POW Network shuttered.


Dave Hardin is simply having the delayed reaction that sometimes hits people when the reality of a loss like this sinks in.

It hit me yesterday when I put that piece together but everyone needed it. That was the reason for doing it. Give yourselves time, and it will become less a blow than a way of moving ahead.

Dave Hardin has carried the ball quite well on this. He deserves all the thanks and help we can give him.

That is all for now.

Dave Hardin

Ahhh…that was almost sweet. I haven’t been told to STFU in days. Its getting kinda weird.

Even the Soviet cooked dinner all this week.


I love you, too. I will stop leaving your e-mail in the gay bar restrooms from now on.

Dave Hardin



Oh crap! now some on here will have nothing to read! 😉

2/17 Air Cav

Dave. You spent years creating a persona that has been annihilated in one stinkin’ week. Must suck.

Dave Hardin

I have no idea wtf you are talking about. If it floats your boat to be an ass, have at it.

2/17 Air Cav

It was a joke, meaning that the impression created is that you are hardboiled and crusty, but have been anything but over the last week. I meant no offense. If I did, I would be more direct.

Dave Hardin

Sorry, the last week really sucked for me, I know it did for a lot of people.

I will be back to my normal asshole self in bit.

My humblest apologies. I took that the wrong way.

2/17 Air Cav

No, it’s fine. I all ready had told myself that the hrs you have been putting in here and behind the scenes have been rough, not to mention the reason for it: losing Jonn. If I had more wise than wise ass in me, it wouldn’t have happened.

Dave Hardin

You are being overly generous, but thank you. Probably best you did it than some poor innocent bystander. I obviously needed that check. S/F

2/17 Air Cav

Let’s stop the foreplay. Motel 6 good with you?



2/17 Air Cav

What Jonn would have wanted or did want in the event of his passing is something that the next owner of the blog will, presumably, consider. I get this sense that folks think that whether they stay or go is the thing, but it’s not, not if the new owner–whoever that may be–makes the decision to go, to fold tent, or to change directions entirely. Yeah, I know. I’m Debbie Downer…or Reality Rick.

Dave Hardin

Jonn made it very clear who the next “owner” as you say would be. I hear rumor that that person believes we should just keep on keeping on.

2/17 Air Cav

Well, tie me up and call me doggie. That’s encouraging.

The Stranger

*Gets a rope*


Didn’t know you were into that. Seems odd to me, but whatever floats yer boat.

2/17 Air Cav

I say “owner” because someone owns the blog, as distinguished from most of the blog’s content.

Daisy Cutter

At some point, we need to bring all of our collective legal minds together and have a meeting of the TAH Barracks lawyers.

You know, so we can pontificate and stuff like that.

Daisy Cutter

Ah, the old days… rolling quarters for beer and discussing our legal options after getting disrespected by the Gunny.

Daisy Cutter

Sorry 2/17 Air Cav – I meant that to be a separate and distinct post unrelated to yours. I only had the black reply at the top of the screen and it must have been on your post.

I wish we could get like 3-5 min to delete or edit once we post. *sigh*

2/17 Air Cav

Not a problem. I just had to apologize to Dave for something unintended. Cripes.


“Pontificate”? crap, now I have to get out the dictionary again! 😉

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

I’m a newbee on this site and not familiar with all those Mil. acronyms and other Mil. talk that I read on the comments so I just stick to my corny yolks and puns when I see a chance and do try and make serious comments on the phony posers. Hope everything works out Dave.


BTW, keep clicking links for the advertising to help pay for the blog.


Great reminder, clamsgotlegs.

However, I just was never one to click on the “Spandex” ad that showed up here awhile back.

However, if Dave Hardin post links to pink bathrobes & cycling shorts, I’m in! (grin)


LOL! The cycling shorts and one shoe picture is still making my stomach queasy. :p


Let me chime in with the others.
I’ve been here for almost four years now;
a lurker for awhile and now an occasional poster.

With a fresh pot of coffee perking and coffee in hand, most mornings (and evenings) you can find me crouched over my monitor enjoying this blog.

TAH is not just a gathering of people who post about stolen valor & posers,it has also taken on the persona of a family. It has become our home and the collection of individuals here, our friends and family.

It has become a daily reunion of like minded people. Whether Jonn intended it for it to become this way is unknown to me. But the fact is, this is what it has evolved to.

If this blog continues on, that answer remains in the future. I truly hope it does and I’m willing to assume, so do many others.

To TSO, Dave Hardin, AW1Ed, Ex-PH2, Hondo and any others that I have missed, thank you for continuing on!

I’m not very articulate (I was a grunt, after all), sentence structure is not my strong suit and snappy comebacks can be elusive, but if there is anything that I can do to help out, please contact me.

I still have the e-mails from Jonn when he and I had corresponded a number of times. So in closing, allow me to repeat Jonn’s usual closing comment to all of you TAH Dickweeds:



Same to you, Skyjumper. Stick around.


I will, Ex-PH2.

Besides, I haven’t tried all of your delicious recipes yet, and I’m looking forward to seeing more.


Thanks, Sj. I know the words “Honor” and “Privilege” are overused, but that is exactly how I feel about being a small part of the place.


Charlie Mike.


I’m having a tough time clearing out Jonn’s texts from just a few weeks ago where he was asking me if I’m okay. Him asking me. Straight to the feels. Dave, when you can, hoss…hit me up so I can get an idea if you want me to continue contributing my sophomoric DUmpster dives every Tues. Semper Gumby everyone.


Can’t speak for Dave, but by all means keep up with the Tuesday with Claymore posts. As hard as they are to read, its good to keep up on the loony left.

2/17 Air Cav

Your re-titles alone are worth the cost of admission here, Claymore, and your wit is priceless. It is a mind-numbing job to wade through the morass of moronic missives at DU each week as you do, but the result, Tuesdays with Claymore, is a treat and a half. I hope your piece continues but, if not, your work and contribution have been greatly appreciated.


I used to participate on very large (8K+ people) online software development groups. After a while it became a “family” as I got to know the various personalities so it evolved beyond a cold, online reference system.

We had a guy that became disgruntled and decided to bomb the listserv with the digital equivalent of War and Peace. It kept emailing out and pinging around until it overloaded the server and individual emails. The mailing list owner couldn’t block him because he threatened to sue. This was before the term “denial of service attack” was coined. He threatened to sue if he could not be a contibuting member of the group. We thought it was BS but he managed to intimidate the higher education institution the mailing list was hosted at.

The point is, it was a challenge. It was like picking up the pieces after a hugh natural disaster. I had a few emails from some people and eventually people cobbled together and designated a new meeting place.

Point is, the “family” concept stayed intact and we eventually found a new meeting place for a while until new rules could be established at the old meeting place. It was good as new in a couple of months and it was kind of cool finding out what people did during the digital nuclear holocost.


Warning-Philosophical content ahead:

“The future mercifully is concealed.”

I don’t know the source of this quote but I heard it first and most often from my father. I don’t know if my father was a smart man but he was wise, wiser than anyone else in my experience. What we don’t know about the future is complete-100% is unknown. Moreover, we CANNOT know the future: It isn’t for mortals to possess.

What’s next for TAH? I trust it will be close to what it has been, and for that I thank everyone involved, as I thank Jonn for hatching this friendly, crusty dinosaur cluster.

DOUG out


DougOut: I was curious about the phrase after reading it, so I did a brief bit of checking.

The phrase appears in an 1891 novel by British author Mabel Collins titled Morial the Mahatma.
It appears on page 30.


Can’t say for certain that’s where the phrase originated, but I couldn’t find anything earlier.


Thanks Dave, and all, for taking the baton.
I plan on lurking as long as the joint stays open.

It occurred to me that Jonn got the supreme WELCOME HOME! last week…..


Standing by in the corner … doing very little as usual.

Thanks Dave!


I’d say leave it pinned on top for at least a year.

Dave Hardin

Ok, but when I die leave it there for 3 days…even Jesus moved on after three days.


Yeah, but look at how long his admirers have talked about it since then.


Jesus Christ! BOTH of you. LMFAO.


Chip, I’ve been trying hard to get back to our Lord. I’m trying VERY hard. I’m struggling but I know I’ll get there.

I have a lot to make up for and it’s killing me internally.


Dave, when we pass no one at this site will know. Three days seems excessive.


Yeh, but Jesus came back! is that a warning? 😉

Non Cedo. Ferio

So glad that You are picking up the torch and running with it. Though Jonn casts a giant shadow . And his death. Leaves a profound void in our hearts. The blog hasn’t missed a beat. I’m glad it’s here to stay for a good long while.


It was just a month or so ago that the “bill” was paid forward for a year. Seems like that is the cushion the folks who will ultimately make the decision have before this place is under threat of disappearing.

No hurry for anyone to make any hasty decisions. At least that’s how it looks from over here in the peanut gallery. Given the circumstances, it also looks like the face of things around here is pretty normal. That speaks volumes for the amount of work somebody is doing behind the scenes and how well those pulling the load are working together.

I appreciate that most things look as they should. The banner is appropriate and can stay that way for a very long time as far as I’m concerned. Same for the pinned first topic.

It only took me about 24 hours to adjust to those silly buttons and learn to ignore them! If I can adjust to them, the rest of you should have no problems getting used to whatever minor changes happen ’round here.

Count my vote in favor of keeping as many things as possible the way they have always been for as long as they can be left that way. While we are all in the raw grief stage, it is comforting even though we all know that nothing will ever quite be the same as we go forward.

Dave Hardin

EX-Ph2 keeps wanting to change the background to butterflies and rainbows, we have thwarted those attempts so far.

She has been so wonderful during the past week or so. That hurt a little to say, please don’t tell her I said something nice.


Don’t think anybody was listening, so your secret should be safe.


I’m ok with the like/dislike thumbs, but… if I start seeing unicorns that fart rainbows and shit Skittles in the background here, I’m done.

Keep on keeping on, Dave.


Okay, okay, I will send you 8 Perdomo cigars and the cheapest rum I can find.

Some people just don’t appreciate the artistic flair that butterflies would add to TA.


Jonn just might say,”Shit!! I leave this place for a week plus and you dickweeds are fuckin’ up the TAH mojo!! No. butterflies!”


Although if the hippie code chick can figure out an “edit” buttton for those who comment, my typos would me ‘way less embarrassing. Plus I for one would light candles to her…


David…understand where you are coming from…but look at it this way (glass half full)…

Some of our writing “errors” end up being pretty funny.

If I recall, on one WOT, IDC-SARC wrote, “FIST!” instead of “first”…

And read what ChipNASA accidently posted today on WOT…

Other times, we may post without thinking things thru (I know I have)…but we end up learning new things from other folks and visa versa…


MSG Eric

Don’t try to take away our extra humor!


I’m happy to edit posts, but will only do so if specifically asked.


I assume that typo was intentional. To highlight the lack of an edit button.


Add disqus comment app. All the cool kids do it.


Late to the party today, still depressed over our loss. I AMEN, concur, agree, appreciate, ditto, and even “Like” all of the above and previous posts. I also was a daily lurker for several years, being entertained and educated by The TAH Family,stepping into the slide zone, remembering the good times of my past service, the whole Brotherhood Thing. Appreciating what Jonn and all the other “back office” folk were doing, especially on the stolen valor front. For a long time there I thought I was the only Veteran, 1971-1974, who wasn’t a Force ReconGreenBeretAirborneRangerNavySEALMarineSniperDoorGunner. I never even joined Meal Team Six and missed the horror of Nacho Grande. My idea of the Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day Services was going out into the country side and finding those Troops buried in the Family or small Church Cemetery, placing a small Flag, raising a beverage, and rendering The Hand Salute. I had enlisted, served honorably, and survived during a time frame when a lot of others either did or didn’t. To me SFC John Lilyea epitomized the Drill, Platoon, and 1ST SGTs that trained me and that I directly worked for. Men like that, well their memory will survive in the hearts of every person that came into contact with him; He is not only pleased as tickled pink punch that others have stepped into the breach, dressed the lines and carried the colors on, He knew it would happen. Dave, TSO, Ex, Aw, MCPO and monkey code hippie chick, et al, Thank you all, keep the Pin as 1st Post, and for sure keep the header. God Bless us all, Every One.

MSG Eric

You all are doing great and we’re glad to have you here to keep on truckin’.

Thanks for doing what you do.


Jonn would consider the success of this blog going forward the greatest form of flattery and love he could receive from us. I so want this blog to continue. You really don’t know the pleasure I receive reading what others have done on AD, where they have been, their ‘this ain’t no shit’ stories, etc. Also love to read about the outing of the posers, although I do have a little sympathy for some of them. So, let’s all pull together; send Dave or whomever articles you feel could find a home on TAH. Thanks to all. Especially thanks to Jonn. You’re free of that wheelchair and Bernasty’s constant harassment.


Thank you Dave for keeping the fire burning!


It’s so refreshing to see and feel that same familiar TAH spirit, and that y’all can still make me laugh (sorely needed at this time, both here and IRL).

We’ve lost our “commander”, but the mission goes on.
As PFC Conway says in “Sands of Iwo Jima” after SGT Stryker (John Wayne’s character) is killed, “Saddle up!”


Crap! Sorry about the Army rank abbreviations vice USMC.

A Terminal Lance Coolie

Dave, you and the rest of the staff here have done a phenomenal job of keeping this place running.

Something tells me it’s what Jonn would want.

farmgirl with a mosin nagant

This civilian thanks y’all – for the update, for the work, for the stories. And thanks to Jonn and his family for letting us in on it all.

Inbred Redneck

Not much to add, as you fine folks are much better with words than I could ever be. Thanks for keepin’ this goin’ and I hope to see it for the rest of my years.