Blue Falcon in Green Bay

| February 22, 2009

Dave Thul sent us this article from AP about Kristopher Walker, the poster boy of the Blue Falcons, but I like this article from the Green Bay Press Gazette a little better;

Spc. Kristoffer Walker, 28, was scheduled to board a flight at Austin Straubel International Airport in Ashwaubenon this morning to return to Atlanta, where he was scheduled to rejoin the 353rd Transportation Unit deployed to Iraq in October. Walker has been home on leave the past two weeks.

Lt. Col. Nathan Banks, an Army spokesman at the Pentagon, said Walker did not follow military procedure by filling out paperwork to list himself as a conscientious objector.

“His unit is counting on him,” Banks said. “He’s actually turning his back on his battle buddies. By just not reporting, you’re letting down your teammates. When you raise your right hand to defend the country, you knew there was a time you could possibly be deployed.”

How’s he letting down his team mates? Well, leave is granted on a rotational basis – so one of the guys he works with won’t be able to go home and visit his or her family. That makes him a Blue Falcon.

Walker did a tour in Iraq as an active duty soldier in 2004 and this tour he was sent with a transportation unit. He claims he’s not a conscientious objector because “the Army’s definition is a little different from mine”. Different in that Walker doesn’t believe war is immoral.

According to the AP story;

He said he now views the Iraq war as “an illegitimate, unnecessary campaign,” and he feels that by making him take part, the government broke the contract under which he agreed to defend the U.S.

“I feel absolutely justified in doing what I’m doing now based on their breach of the initial contract,” he said.

I don’t understand this at all. He was in Iraq during one of the toughest periods of that war in the toughest job in the Army. And now that he’s in transportation, he thinks the war is immoral and unjustified. He wasn’t even man enough to face the members of his unit to announce his intention to screw them;

Walker said he sent e-mails this morning to his company sergeant and commanding officer in Iraq, but hasn’t heard back from them. He said his wife received a text message from a member of Walker’s unit in Iraq so he knows the unit is aware of his decision.

UPDATED: Frankly Opinionated fixed the photo;

Category: Antiwar crowd, Phony soldiers, Terror War

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Dave Thul

This guy seems like he is just tired of being deployed rather than ‘disillusioned with the mission in Iraq’. But nonetheless he implies that we are doing evil in Iraq.
He came home on leave yet didn’t tell anyone he was deserting until the day he was supposed to fly back to Iraq.
I wonder if his phone is ringing from the IVAW yet?

Frankly Opinionated

He is surely Chickenshit enough to qualify for the IVAW. At one time in my life I criticized those who just didn’t enlist. Who were to sorry-assed to go into military service. Since, I have just shined them on as stinky hippies. But, to enlist knowing that this country has troops at war, and that any enlistee or re-enlistee could be called on to fight, then chicken out takes the cake. To draw the pay and refuse to serve, to draw the pay and criticize, to draw the pay and protest; giving aid to the enemy by those acts, takes the cake. Any yellow spined coward is free to make all the noise he wants, but to do it on one hand while having the other hand in the pay and benefits cookie jar is about as sorry as one can get, thereby qualifying him/her for the glory that is the IVAW. I would rather have a sister in a whorehouse, than a brother in the IVAW.
nuf sed


I hope he’s not still on the government payroll. I hope he gets jail time. He’s just using the rhetoric we’ve heard for the past eight years to justify that he’s tired of being deployed. Well, guess what, a lot of guys are tired of being deployed, and they haven’t deserted. Guess what else -there are a lot of people doing jobs they would rather not do, but they do it because they have contracts and obligations. Running out on responsibility is no way to go through life.

Glenn Cassel AMH1(AW) USN RET

Special Courts-Martial and a BCD sound in order.


I think that banner in the window with the star on it that’s behind this tool oughta be taken down. What an insult to those who serve!

Special Courts-Martial and a Howitser up the arse!


His family doesn’t rate the Blue Star now that he’s bugged out.

Blue Star means “family member in the service.” I’ve never seen it displayed as device to honor a veteran’s service, only active duty.


I remember it like it was yesterday, man. We was escorting a column of civilians out of this fort that had been turned over to the locals as part of our exit strategies. My detail was to scout ahead with my adopted father and his son, who had agreed to help with the evac. We humped it for about a mile when all hell broke loose. The locals was so mad at us, they decided to take revenge out on the former occupiers of their community. They jumped us in a clearing and took out half the column. I even seen one of them jump the CO and rip his guts out and eat them! We decided to save the womens and retreat as best we could. We knew we deserved all that hate, but we was too afraid to say it outloud.

PVT Jesse Joshua “Deerslayer” McMohawk
3rd Recon Scout Evacuators
Magua, Iraq 2002-2004


Call a Spade, a Spade. He’s A Buddy Fucker-Some poor Joe Missed a chance to go home because of his actions

Pissed off in Iraq

I’m actually in Walkers unit in Iraq right now….No one has lost leave…..thats bullshit…..
[I don’t understand this at all. He was in Iraq during one of the toughest periods of that war in the toughest job in the Army. And now that he’s in transportation, he thinks the war is immoral and unjustified. He wasn’t even man enough to face the members of his unit to announce his intention to screw them;] So what your saying is that Trans isn’t tough or hard…well first off Fuck off…..everyone knew what he was doing…he’s been working on being transferred out of the unit for months now…Why are we here again?? Can any of you all tell me?? To find weapons of mass destruction?? oh wait there were none….Oh oh to find bin laden….no thats not it..wrong country….why then?? can anyone tell me??

Jonn wrote: Nice try, but that IP address didn’t come from Iraq. Or anywhere even remotely close.

Frankly Opinionated

Go easy on “Pissed Off In Iraq”, as he most likely is/was Walker’s Bunk Buddy, and missing him has him thinking of Iraq, and Liberal Yellow Spine that he is, you should know that thinking it and actually being there are almost the same. Poor Fella………
nuf sed

Southern Democrat


How can we know that his IP address didnt come from Iraq? You should just be saying that to discredit his comment and make it easier on all of you to bash a soldier who felt like he was doing the right thing.

Or…could the Army be rerouting internet connections in order to keep soldiers locations safe??

Jonn wrote: The same way I know all of the names you use on this blog. You really don’t want to continue along the lines of this discussion do you?



I’ve witnessed the same thing that “Pissed off in Iraq”, “Southern Democrat” and “Fox News Zombi” are doing here on TAF, on other blogs that I post to and it was an affliction that was limited to the lefties. I termed it the “Imaginary Friend Disorder” (IFD). What’s funny is when they slip up and lose track of which “Imaginary Friend” they’re posting as… =))

Do you hear voices as well, Southern Democrat?

Dave Thul

Let’s see.
Guy deserts and stays in Wisconsin instead of going back to Iraq.
Pissed off in Iraq defends said blue falcon, claiming to be in Iraq.
Blue Falcon is not in Iraq.
Pissed off is not in Iraq.


John, any chance you can tell if the IP address came from somewhere near, say, Green Bay, Wisconsin?

Jonn wrote: No. it didn’t. But I have a Google street map to where it did come from.


Dave Thul asked:

Jonn, any chance you can tell if the IP address came from somewhere near, say, Green Bay, Wisconsin?

Just use “traceroute” and then the IP address:

How do I run a traceroute on Windows XP?

Running a Traceroute on Windows XP:

1) Go to Start (start button on the lower left of the desktop)

2) Choose ‘Run’

3) Type: “cmd” (no quotes)

4) This should bring up a DOS prompt. Once there, type: “tracert” (without quotes)

This should result in a series of hops from your computer to the server you are tracing to.


Well – on the original subject – I saw the dipshit in question on the TV news whining about his feelings that the war was this and that… and I thought – does this mean that the military is now asking enlistees to decide whether to continue in service based on their day-to-day assessment of the ‘rightness’ of a particular duty?
“I dunno, Sarge, I just don’t feel… you know… right… about burning the shitters today, I just think it’s sort of, you know, earth-unfriendly, with that smoke and stuff.. so I think I’ll hit my hootch and snooze, OK?”

WHY are there no more firing squads??? WHY is this crap tolerated??????? The ONLY upside to it is this:
one of the REAL soldiers in Iraq might have accidentally had to trust this gutless bastard to cover his back… and ended up dead when this little muffin decided to abandon him ‘cuz the heat was on.
“Eewww… they’re SHOOTING at me… widdle Kwisty might get HURT…widdle Kwisty must run run run from the bad man!!!”
I feel like puking.
>>> JONN —
If you have the ISP addresses for people like Syph Drippin’s (SD) and others who appear under different names, why not lsit the names under which they post, so we can all have a laugh? Just a thought.


PS to Deerslayer – you didn’t happen to shoot a young English officer who’d been taken captive by them eye- rackies, did ya?

Pissed off in Iraq

Hahahahah……Hey John you can go fuck yourself because I am in Iraq sittin in my fucking CHU… if I’m not in Iraq where the hell am I? Arizona….I knew it was a conspiracy, they must have just flown me around for 14hours and landed in Arizona and told me “your in Iraq”. And whats my name…Oh wait you don’t know that either….I can’t believe I’m wasting my free time talking to you stupid fuckers..oh wait not like I can go out to the bar or anything like you all…i mean i am in Iraq…or am I?? According to John I’m not, but what the fuck does he know….apparently not a whole lot…bunch of Neo Conservative ass holes can’t get shit through your head and you believe everything everybody tells you

Pissed off in Iraq

Hey asshole just looked up my IP address…guess where it comes from….United Arab Emirates…Thats pretty fuckin close to Iraq….See the UAE is in the middle east. It boarders Saudi Arabia which is at the southern boarder of Iraq….thats pretty close if you ask me, but you might want to ask John…see John Now days they make these things call satellites you got that? They are launched to orbit earth. Satellites are used for research, communications, weather information, and navigation…here is a web site for you to look at just in case you don’t know how they work; So maybe this big ass dish on the roof of my CHU picks up signals from this satellite that gets it’s signals from the UAE….see how that works John….weird isn’t it…fuck you…now I’m sure you gonna come up with some other bullshit to talk shit about…but whatever…just me knowing that your full of shit and you have to lie and make shit up to raise your self esteem makes me happy and builds my moral.

airborne injun

Dearest Pissed off in Iraq….I dont know a damn thing about the internet or I.P. adresses or any of that shit,okay.But please let me know if you have been shot in the fucking head in the last 24 hours because methinks your I.Q. and literary skills have dropped off by about 50 presous points.Feel free to point out my spelling and grammer mistakes, but this is your language not mine!


I has a satellite question for Mr. Pissed…or is it PVT Pissed? If I pointed my substantial penis in the direction of the UAE, could you bounce your IP signal off of it and direct it into space? I’ve always wanted a signal bouncing space penis…from space.


Hmm, builds my moral? Uh, why don’t you use spell checker if you’re so computer literate you can bounce shit off walls or satellites and stuff? PO’d will be right back, after mom takes his dinner downstairs to him.