Bob McGray; phony SEAL

| July 17, 2018

Our partners at Military Phonies send us their work on this fellow Robert “Bob” McGray who claims to be a Navy SEAL with SEAL Team 5 from 1960 – 1975 when he was injured in Vietnam;

The newspaper to which he wrote that missive, admitted that McGray was blowing smoke;

But lying on Facebook is totally cool;

The Navy agrees with the newspaper editor;

Bob’s Summary Sheet shows that he served less than 2 years of active duty in the US Navy and over 4 years in the US Navy reserves and discharged as a Seaman Recruit (E-1). He has no awards, was NOT a Vietnam Veteran, NO Purple Heart, NO Deployment, NO BUD/S, NO SEAL Command and NOT a SEAL.

Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures

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Haywire Angel



SEAL team 5 in the Viet of Nam? It’s always the small details that get them.


That ain’t a small detail.

It’s akin to saying you were with Delta when TR charged up San Juan Hill.


I want to see this AK-15 he says can be purchased in any major city.


I saw that too. Along with his claim that using one of those rifles for hunting would destroy the meat- I’ve never been hunting in my entire life, but I’ve got a strong hunch that’s some bullshit.

The gun-grabbers can have this doofus. I don’t want him.

A Proud Infidel®™️

I bet he’ll offer to show you the Luger he says he took from a dead VC in downtown Baghdad!

E4 Mafia For Life.

They are made by Glock and shoot 17 round clips…

MSG Eric

But The legislature made the clips illegal. so once all your clips are shot, you can never shoot it again.

Big John

The last Luger I shot didn’t use clips. Only magazines.


With 2 safeties.


And once they are empty you run out of them….. Because oblowme !!!


He says he was ‘Injured in Vietnam due to combat’. Unusual wording. I would have written I was WOUNDED in Vietnam due to combat. An injury is falling off a truck and breaking a leg. Totally different from a wound received in combat. Saw that and immediately threw the BS flag.


Perhaps his injury was the result of the toilet seat hitting his head as he was in the process of recovering corn for a later snack the morning after corn on the cob was served in the mess.
The head injury would also explain his achieving SR/E-1 in his short Navy Career.


Six years total active and reserve and he rocketed, rocketed I say to the lofty pay grade of E1 (SR = Seaman Recruit). I wish I had taken his career path instead of being an HM1 (E-6) quite some time before I had six years service. But, that’s me. This guy was high speed, zero drag. He’s also a posin’ PoS.


I’d love to see this guy’s Page 5, but I’m no PN, what do I know?

Or he could just be one of those proverbial “rocks with lips.”


The bullshittery is huge with this one.


Hers is 100% disabled at US Navy SEALS !!!
Or so hers FB says….


Norman Bates’ mom in the top photo?




Janet Reno.


See this hot Russian AK-47 has unprotected sex with this studley American AR-15 ( who says, in the heat of passion “sure Olga, I love your hot little commie ass”) Nine months later as a result of this torrid night, a little bastard “AK-15” comes into the world , which BTW can purchased in any major city….see.

Bill M

Thanks Dustoff. That explains it perfectly. I was a little confused there and for a moment thought Robert Lynn “Bob” McGray was a typical lyin’ POS. But I was wrong; he’s a Grade A lyin’ POS. And real hi-speed, making it all the way to E-1 in only six years!


Just run down to your friendly neighborhood gang member and he will sell you one out of the back of a van. Whatever you do don’t use it for hunting. A Vietnam Vet Navy SEAL told me that it destroys the meat.


There IS an AR-47. Simply an AR in x39 that has a magwell designed for AK mags.
I bet it goes through a gas tube every 2 weeks shooting dirty commie surplus ammo.


Another example of just because one can, doesn’t mean one should.


Much like Norinco making ‘M14s’ in x39. Blasphemy


“Check yor facts before you shoot your mouth off.”

How’d that work out for you, Bobby? Got room enough for both feet in that nasty cock garage of yours?


Robert Lynn McGray, aka, Bob McGray, phony Navy SEAL, said this:

I was in the Navy Seal team 5 from 1960 to 1975 when I was injured in Vietnam due to combat. I learned one thing in the military, before you make a statement, check your facts first before you shoot your mouth off.

Failed to go by the facts, then made the statement about checking the facts. If he did as he preached, he would’ve said this:

I was on active duty with the navy from September 4, 1962 to July 22, 1964, and spent the rest of my initial obligation in the reserve, when I rocketed to Seaman Recruit. I learned one thing in the military, before you make a statement, check your facts first before you shoot your mouth off.


Annnnnd…. what is with the totally ghey see-through shirt with the V-neck? Definitely would attract Julio, et al…


Fjardeson: Have seen men in the Phillipines wear that all the time. It is traditional and for comfort to keep one cool in the heat and humidity.

Looks as if he may be at his wedding (his Facebook picture with wife?), so it is probably formal.


Oh, that was a wedding picture. Oops, should have looked at the FB page first. Now removing foot from mouth. 🙂


Nah, no need to remove foot, because Bob needs to learn that…initially, that crossed my mind as well…and then I recognized the shirt…😉


No big deal, big dopey white guys shouldn’t be wearing that shirt

Hack Stone

Where does Hack turn in his shirt? That shirt is standard issue for anyone married to a Filipina.


Only if you married a ladyboi.


I’ve only been married to a Filipina nurse for a bit over 20 years, and don’t have one.

Color me cheap, when I looked at them and saw the price tag I ran not walked from that part of the SM in Cebu.

They did have them in my size (short/fat) but the price scared hell out of me. I understood why they rent them like we do tuxes for weddings.


Its a Barong Tagalog in the central part of the Philippines, I’m familiar with (Visayas)I believe the thread it is woven from comes from the leafs of the pineapple.

It is traditional wear at weddings.

2/17 Air Cav

On him, it’s a gayabera (pronounced gay-as-shit.)



Ironically, good ole Bob wrote:

“I learned one thing in the military, before you make a statement, check your facts first before you shoot your mouth off.”

Facts on SEAL Team 5 plus claims of being a Navy SEAL minus a missing mouth (because he shot it off) equals a NO-GO for good ole Bob…🤐🔫

Old Trooper

I don’t know how thing work in the Navy, but after 2 years on active duty; shouldn’t you be higher ranked than Seaman Recruit?

I’m just asking.


Yes. But one can be “awarded” a reduction in rate at Captain’s Mast. Which is most likely what happened here.


Possibly with a complimentary, matching admin discharge. I don’t think 22 1/2 month enlistments were the norm in the early 1960s.


Several times, apparently.

18 months to E-3, and if he wasn’t a total moron and/or a totally locked down rate, E-4 in 2-3 years would be perfectly normal, and E-5 if you had your shit wired halfway straight by the 4-year point.

But this guy? Uh, that’s a big fuck no.


100% disabled. From inbreeding.


According to his FB bio he’s a self-employed, 100% disabled sniper.

Seems legit.

Hack Stone

Does he fill out the IRS 2290 Form for each sniping job? And is his sniper perch handicap accessible?


Nah… being a butt sniper and juggling balls off your chin got Robert Lynn McGray, aka, Bob McGray 100% disability.


Useful information I learned today from Bob:

“You cannot use an AK-15, AK-47 or a fully automatic rifle for hunting. If you do, you will tear the meat up and you will not be able to use or eat the meat”.


Daisy Cutter

I’m guessing that Bob has torn up a lot of meat.


wearing that queer shirt most likely

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

I guess he knows the difference between full automatic and full semi automatic and I forgot the gas and battery operated bayonet chainsaws.

Cameron Kingsley

If you are a Jedi, you can have a complementary light saber bayonet or you if you want extra firepower, you can chain a bunch of AR/AK 15/47 semi-automatic assault weapons together in a never ending chain to your original rifle.


Because I loves me some deer huntin’, totin’ me a Ma Deuce.

What a fucktard.

Dave Hardin

Outstanding work by those fine people over at Military Phony Dot Com. Those guys are great and do outstanding work.

Its a fine day to expose posers, the sky is blue and the water is cool and wet !

Merica !

Oh, and God bless each and every one of you fine people.


“Oh, and God bless each and every one of you fine people.”

Thank you, Dave. I’d return the wishes, but fear of insulting your tender sensibilities.

Dave Hardin

Gee, you are such a sweet Pal. I just wish everyone would Pray for World Peace.

Remember, words can hurt too.

Love and kisses to everyone.

The Stranger

Ok, what are you on? And more importantly, where can I get some?

Dave Hardin

You got something against world peace?

I can see you are not a Blue Sky kinda guy.

I am trying to get on the band wagon, trying to join the joy train, you know…be a team player in the group.

How do I explain that water is wet and that is a good thing, but it can be made wetter.

Surfactants make the world a wetter, more better place.

Dave Hardin

LOL, I need that sticker. Just trying to stay on the Bright Side of things.

Blue skies
Smiling at me
Nothing but blue skies
Do I see

Singing a song
Nothing but bluebirds
All day long

Never saw the sun shining so bright
Never saw things going so right
Noticing the days hurrying by
When you’re in love, my how they fly

Blue days
All of them gone
Nothing but blue skies
From now on


Dave: Think this song may be better for you:

Dave Hardin

This is more my style, I am no Hippie like that Hobo guy.


Love it!

Dave Hardin

Thanks, me too.

I just love when someone can take a classic and make it their own.

Frankie Cee

I started to watch a video yesterday, of a guy fishing with “one of those Russian women”. She was catching the fish and he was filming, and my pacemaker just couldn’t handle the thrills. My laptop seemed to sense this, and stopped streaming the video, (it may have been that Mediacom was over loaded), leaving me wondering how it all turned out. That Russian was a lot better looking than that Putin guy.


There I was, taking a peaceful nap, thinking that all was okay. And I wake up and find that Dave Hardin has been out sniffing the clover on my lawn again.

There is no hope any more. none.

Dave Hardin

And in the naked light I saw 10,000 people…maybe more

No one dare disturb the sound of silence


napping in the clover
sniffing the lawn of nakedness

this is all getting too deep
for silence

or not
tho weird can be peaceful

Dave Hardin

She sniffs her piles of laundry to ferret out the cleanest dirty shirt.

Cat people…go figure.


There is no hope … without dope.


Standing on the corner, watching all he girls go by. I can remember kids doing dowop on street corners and in high school back in the day.


Gerbel Molester

The Stranger

Bob McGay, I mean McGray is an A#1 shitbag!


Bob McGray is a sewer rat molester

Green Thumb

This dude may not be a SEAL, but he is definitely a turd.



A Proud Infidel®™️

Wino taint-sniffing dingleberry!

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

I think that he is the second Seal poser for the start of the week. As I’ve said in the past about these phonies is never let your mouth write a check that your ass can’t cancel.

Carlton G. Long

What…him worry ?

Hack Stone

Don’t be busting on Alfred E. Neuman.

Speaking of Mad Magazine, way back in the day, while Hack Stone was serving his first sentence at Marine Corps Communications Electronics School, he noticed some reenlistment posters in he classroom, and thought to himself “Gee, those drawings look like they came from Mad Magazine.” Sure as shit, it was a Mad Magazine artist, but can’t remember if it was Jack Davis or Paul Coker.


Nah…Sergio Aragonés rules.


Hack Stone

I see your Sergio Aragones and raise you a Don Martin.


Old School MAD Magazine = Mort Drucker and Antonio Prohías…



I’ve seen that woman somewhere


Hopefully not the morning after

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

I got a suspended bust in rate while in the Philly Yards dry dock for not checking the low pressure air compressor down in the boiler room. We were still on cold iron watch with the dock flooded. I checked the log book for any machinery changes when I had the A/C & R watch and the compressor was still listed as not in service. Skipper didn’t give a shit when I mentioned that. MM2 Bob B. From upstate NY said that he told me to check the compressors but till this day, I never heard him say that. He got a suspended bust also. I remember the skipper telling us that if the ship had more sailors like us on board that we would most likely be at the bottom of Hampton Bays. The way he said it made me want to bust out and laugh but I held it in. Years later, I called up Bob and he still brought up the incident. Even with that incident in my record, I was still asked if I wanted to ship over. A Gang took care of every piece of auxiliary equipment from the ships whistle to the compressors down in the reefer flats. For all you young un’s, reefers are refridgirators. Reefers are also what they called bridge coats which were long in length. No , you didn’t smoke the coats.


We still used the word “reefers” in the 1990s to reference refrigerators. They were on the reefer deck. :mrgreen:


Madness! 😀


Nope. My fridge repairman referred to my fridge as a reefer. Water dogs use it, too.


Folks still use the term for trucks, cooling units for buildings and such as well.

or so some say

(as long as we’re going all arty this evening i choose minimal punctuation and no caps)


Back about 2008 a fellow VA employee overheard me speaking with another old timer and using the word reefer. Later that day a self righteous, pompous ass from the crystal palace asked me about my marijuana. After I figured it out, and it took a while b/c he had the communication skills of some of the dolts who are busted on TAH, I had some fun with him, finally promising to never do it again. I then let him in on what us old geezers called a refrigerator. He was pissed, but I already had my retirement papers in and I had done nothing that would warrant termination. He left in a huff. I later heard I had been ratted on by a holier than thou employee who saw evil in all people not of her ‘persuasion’. She just saw me as another step in her rise to the top of the food chain. I retired the following year. Not soon enough.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Forgot the “Reefer” Deck. That’s where the chow was stored and also used as a temporary morgue back in 1965. The reefer flats were down on the 6th deck where the Reefer compressors and bilge were. A-Gang had the keysfor getting ice cream at night for the Engineering watches down in the engine room and Hole (Boiler/Fire room)Got eggs and hard boiled them in the A/C filter cleaning room’s deep sink with the steam line running to heat it up. Great with mayo, salt and pepper.


Hard to beat a hard boiled egg sandwich, mayo, salt, pepper.

The Stranger

Add a dash of Frank’s Red Hot and I’m there!


WTF, Shit bag That’s all….


I’m pretty sure this clown stole one of my grandmother’s blouses


Another one of Bob’s letters to an editor (he sure likes to talk about himself as well as cut and paste his favorite expression about his mouth..*Yawn*):


LOVE the editors final sentence:

EDITOR’S NOTE — This letter was edited to remove several statements that came from fake news sites.

Dude can’t even steal truthful information to support his arguments.

I wish dummies such as this would stop supporting the President. The MSM and leftist assholes do enough harm to him w/o this guy’s attempt to argue on Trump’s behalf.


Take another look at that letter. “Creditable” ??
WTF?? Is he suggesting none of the people he mentioned have good credit? Next thing you know, he will be operating “Crazy Bob’s Previously Owned Auto Lot”…..In house financing, and we tote the note, regardless of past credit problems. “Special Deals For All SEALS” Is Our Motto. Come on in and let’s talk shit about combat stories. You can leave with a nice ’57 Pontiac station wagon, complete with LaBamba dice hanging from the rear view mirror. Hardly used at only 260,000 miles on it. Only $500 down and payments of $75 per week for 120 months.


Undercoatng. Throw in the undercoating and it’s a deal.


WTF like that big red nose wouldn’t give a teams postion away at 0200 in the morning on an enemy beach head.


That nose is sponsored by New Amsterdam Gin, for those with a discerning palate

Hack Stone

Is that Gin an ingredient in a Dutch Rudder Cocktail? Hack has plans to stop by the Slash Run and order a Dutch Rudder Cocktail. If the bartender doesn’t know how to make it, you find the cheapest alcohol available, fill a glass 1/32, and serve with a catheter tube. Enjoy.

The ghost of Daniel Bernath’s Bunghole

That or an enema insertive….bottoms up!!!

Dallas Wittgenfeld’s Bunghole

Make it a double!!!

A Proud Infidel®™️

The Dutch Rudder Cocktail is made with rubbing alcohol flavored with antifreeze, garnished with a lead paint chip and chased down with T-bird which is also useful as a floor stripping compound!


If you find yourself short of floor stripping compound, you can always get some from Yef. He is TAH’s resident expert for all things having to do with floor maintenance. Be careful, though, he’ll sniff that stuff if he gets a chance.


Well, this really does it. Guy can’t even make up a believable piece of pseudo-fiction.

What IS the world coming to when some fake SEAL can’t even come up to the level of manatee?

I do wish these twidder-pated dorkwads could come up with an original idea and leave the aquatic mammals alone.

Keepin' It Real

You think that shirt has big baggy pirate sleeves?


At least he has the good sense to wear a camisole under it.

sgt. vaarkman 27-48thTFW

Imagine that ? another fluffer nutter imaginary seal that never deployed and discharged an E-1 with a less than honorable discharge. What a jerk off


Hey, war hero. How do you plan to explain all this to your children and grandchildren? Sucks to be you but you brought it upon yourself. Eat a bag of dicks, dimwit.


See his picture over on Military Phonies. This is not only a SEAL impostor, but with those long mutton chop side burns I’d say he is also an Elvis impersonator. Keep an eye out for him in Bakersfield.


Looks like someone’s old lesbian aunt


Finally after all these years somebody else agrees with me on Aunt Hepzibah. Always I heard nothing but excuses when mentioning her excessive facial hair. Just like the picture at the top of the page, she always wore her blouse buttoned all the way to her neck. Often I could see through the ultra thin blouses, and more than once thought I saw chest hair. Not to mention little bitty tits! She always had that same “Elderly Woman” smile, but man she was a real bitch. She’d get pissed over nothing. Once she threw a bowl of Corn Flakes at me and popped me smack in the middle of my forehead…just because I refused to get up and get the sugar for her. She dipped Red Man quite often and had teeth that were as rotten as Vietnamese women who had chewed beetle nut all their adult life. She’d get to drinkin’ and turn into a dyke ranting with a story about having been the only female SEAL who served in RVN. If anyone argued with her about that not being true, she’d call you names that would make a Sailor (even a SEAL) blush. She was so damned hateful that once she threw hot bacon grease on her neighbor for calling her McGay by mistake. Yeh, Aunt Hepzibah, she was full dyke by the time she hit 50. Glad to see she eventually went overboard with her B. S. stories.


I bet this guy has torn up a lot of “Meat Whistles” with his mouth…


Bet he has. Probably learned to hum Yankee Doodle Dandy while he played skin flutes.


Maybe he knows the Admiral of the Morongo Basin Militia and Yacht Club (he lives in Yucca Valley, CA)?

Timothy M. Demers

His lies are still up on FB. Stolen Valor…you Suck Bob!