Military Religious Freedom Foundation vs. U.S. Naval Hospital Okinawa

| June 28, 2018

Little Mikey Weinstein and his misnamed Military Religious Freedom Foundation have set their sights on U.S. Naval Hospital Okinawa’s “Missing Man” table display which happens to contain a bible, according to Stars & Stripes;

The dispute over the display began when a group of sailors, Marines and Department of Defense civilian employees stationed on Okinawa reached out to MRFF, asking for help get the Bible removed, according to Mikey Weinstein, founder and president of the MRFF.

“A group”, huh? Yeah, I believe Mikey-poo.

MRFF lawyers then sent a complaint to [Rear Adm. Paul Pearigen, Navy Medicine West commander], citing the First Amendment’s Establishment Clause. The lawyers argued that the First Amendment not only forbids the government from establishing an official religion but also prohibits government actions that favor one religion over another. They also cited DOD and Navy regulations.

Pearigen refused to remove the book. Weinstein and MRFF asked that Pearigen reconsider and asked that holy books of other religions be displayed.

The official Navy or Defense Department stance on Bibles being included in POW/MIA “Missing Man” table displays remains unclear. However, a report on the Navy’s website from 2014 describes the Bible as being an official part of the display.

I’m waiting for Mikey to explain how “religious freedom” means interfering with some folks’ expression of their faith.

Category: Navy

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E4 Mafia For Life.

Give a big fat schlong to Mikey. He’ll eat anything.


To pathetic, ignorant Mikey, I pray God’s largest warrior angels, force this clown under his table begging for his worthless life…also in the meantime, change the name of the IDIOTS club to Mikey’s Freedom FROM Religion cluster group!!

A Proud Infidel®™

Apparently Mikey WHINEstein the hateful little jailhouse cum dumpster thinks that “Religious Freedom” means erasing Christianity from the public eye. I wish for him to go try his shit in a muzzie country with sharia law!

jim h

exactly. I always just *love* when these shitheads equate “religious freedom” or “separation of church and state” with “erasing Christianity.” and it works for the same reasons PETA doesn’t throw paint on hell’s angels bikers but do throw it on upper east side types – they know which groups will take it and which ones won’t.


While “one nation under god” is likely to stand up in court, the inclusion of solely the bible, is likely to fail. The fact that DoD policy dictates it does not mean isaid policy isn’t a violation of the Establishment Clause. The inclusion of the bible in an official display is not the same as expressing one’s faith in a private display, say on one’s desk or office. Military will lose this one if it goes to court and Mikey doesn’t need more money. Just remove the bible.

jim h

you are probably correct on the outcome, but not the means. neither the government nor the military are mandating the prescription to a singular religion, which is what the clause was written for. you (you in general, not you particularly) are free to practice whichever religion you prefer without the government prohibiting it. the clause does not mean all must be placed on the same pedestal, only that you cannot be compelled to practice the religion du jour. this was set in place to prevent a religious theocracy from taking over, NOT to make religion the same across the board.

Sonny's Mom

That language was actually included to prohibit “establishment” of an official state religion like the the Church of England, where the titular head of government, the current reigning monarch, is officially “head of the Church”.

Old Trooper

In line with your thinking, then every cross on every headstone in every national cemetery needs to be removed, also. No chaplains of any faith on any military installation or serving in the military. That’s the next logical step in following the train of thought that is being put forth here.

I do have one question, though; how is it that the military survived for over 200 years with having religion involved day in and day out, with no one losing their mind over a bible, cross, etc. being displayed anywhere on a military installation?

Is that bible causing people to spontaneously combust upon seeing it? Is it jumping off the table and chasing an atheist down the hall and threatening to force said atheist to read it? Is it staring menacingly at those that walk past it? If someone is truly bothered by it, then they are probably not mentally stable enough to be in the military to begin with and I say they should be tossed out as the pussies they are.

My personal opinion is that little bitch Whinestein has lived his life as an attention whore and he, along with like minded individuals, can’t function properly unless they are having people cow to their every whim.


Amen Old Trooper!



Mikey reminds me of cockroaches, mosquitoes and flies…no matter what one does, they are difficult to eradicate…


The problem with cockroaches, isn’t how much they eat. Its what they track through and f*** up for the rest of folks.


Mikey reminds of that last bit of dogshit you can’t quite get off the sole of your shoe. No matter how much you scuff your shoes through the grass, the aroma is still there.


Attention-seeking behavior again? Does he have nothing to do but make a nuisance of himself?
Okay, you solve this problem by including a copy of the Torah in the Missing Man display and tell him to shut up.


Ex: You shared this about Weinstein:

“Attention-seeking behavior again? Does he have nothing to do but make a nuisance of himself?”

Have you seen this interesting article?


They need a large book with nothing in it and an atomic whirl on the cover as well. That will get them all fixed up.


Is everyone with the last name of Weinstein a dickhead?


Nah, I worked with a 1LT Weinstein once. Good Officer but a bit of a nerd. Awesome IT guy.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

My Mom’s friend was named Weinstein and she used to give Mom cake recipes but their was always an ingrediant left out. The son Joined the Army back in the sixties and when he got out, he got married but his Mom wouldn’t attend because she didn’t like the bride.


Now if it were hollowed out and contained a 1911A1 with a war story behind it……….


That would be worthy of a round of beers to to hear the telling.


As the (or a) token atheist/agnostic ‘round here I want to echo the call for this guy to eat a bag of d*cks.
What I’ve learned from Christians, that I’ve definitely taken to heart, the importance of humility.
Like the Southerners say, Bless your heart, Mikey.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

You ain’t alone in your heathen ways…there’s a couple of us floating around.

Weinstein is an asshole and people like him are largely why I don’t identify myself as an atheist…I just tell folks I’m mostly a non-believer in much the same way most Americans don’t believe in Ganesha…

I hate to say it this though, in this instance he might actually be onto something. If the Navy MANDATES a bible as part of the display and no other religious material(s) they might run afoul of the establishment clause as the Navy is clearly part and parcel of the US government.

Used to be StillServing

I am an atheist. I have no problem with other people exercising their religious freedom. I could care less if there is bible or other religious book on the table.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

No disagreement here for my personal opinion, I’m not offended by the bible or a cross.

I only mention there might be a case here because the government entity specifies a single religious article from a single faith…which might be considered an establishment clause issue.


Which single faith? Jews revere the OldTestament, Christians both, Islam considers both Abraham and Jesus major wise men… name another single book important to so many faiths and sects. If you can only have one book, what other could fill its role?


I’m pretty sure if someone went to the table and put another text next to the Good Book, as long as it was appropriate, not a f would be given.
Regardless, Mikey should focus on PT and less blue falconry.


There they go again! “If the Navy mandates the Bible”! NO where does it say that, and if it did, this world would be ONE HELL OF A LOT BETTER reading the Bible than the lying news media! or listening to the ” wine stains”! imho


Mikey is a sad little man. I almost feel sorry for him. Almost.


Mikey was a “Pink Panther”?

“In 1973, Cadet Fourth Class Mikey Weinstein was a member of CS-36, the Pink Panthers.”

Where’s Inspector Clouseau when you need him.

May lightning strike your sorry ass…..soon.


The MRFF must be short on funds to support Mikey’s 6 figure salary. They always seem to slither out from under their rock and do something to attract the attention of their donors…

sgt. vaarkman 27-48thTFW

Oh for crying out loud this asshole again

This whinerstine dude is like a tick



A Proud Infidel®™️

He always comes back like a vase of Herpes!


Still would like to see a list of all of those foible at a static missing man display… he always says he has received multiple complaints. Would like to see who complained and verification he didn’t make up the complaints out of whole cloth. He always has identical phrasing, a dead tip-off of a repeated lie.


Foible? Damn autodistort. “Few pissed at a Bible”.


Can’t wait until he has the opportunity to take on the muzzles. Crickets. Got for those least likely to burn you alive.


My problem with MRFF? They’ve got a gov’t subsidy. Sure, it’s called a grant, but it supports a belief system. Pisses me off. Gov’t shouldn’t subsidize beliefs, show’s support and that isn’t their business.


Could someone complain under the separation clause? Oh, that would frost Mikey’s cookies.


Can’t speak for the other services, but the Air Force at least has addressed it.

Google this – AIR FORCE PAMPHLET 34-1202

Starts on page 71.


Mikey needs to eat a fat bag of dicks and choke on the last one.


Non-practicing Catholic.


Muck Fikey Whinestein. That is all.


Well put, Hondo…



When Obama won the 2008 and 2012 elections, did the people on the right cry as much as these lefties cried for Hitlary?


All the way to the bank if you held Sturm Ruger™ etc.



Is that a rhetorical

If not, what do you think is the answer to your question?

A Proud Infidel®™️

Funny you should mention that Yef, I don’t remember even one single episode of Conservatives rioting, looting, or threatening liberals with violence after President Trump’s predecessor got elected and re-elected nor do I remember any episodes of violence, drugs, rape, looting or anything else like that at any Tea Party Rallies and at the ones I attended all LEO’s present acted like they didn’t mind being there because we treated them with respect and got along with them!

The Other Whitey

Speaking only for myself here, but when Obama won, I just said, “That sucks,” double-checked the emergency ammo stash, and got on with life.


[…] – Problematic Horse, Oppressive Bell, And Non-Heathen Leadership This Ain’t Hell: Military Religious Freedom Foundation v. U.S. Navy Hospital Okinawa, also, Thursday Morning Feelgood Stories Victory Girls: Laura Ingalls Wilder No Longer Acceptable […]

Mark Lauer

I could do a doctoral theses on the religious connotations of every military symbol, and every military ceremony there is. Each has meanings that are taken from mythology, each has a special significance attached that, on closer examination, has no real logic to support it. But we use these things as a way of adhering ourselves into a single force, and establish a brotherhood of warriors with a single purpose, and a simple goal.
If we were, therefore, to take Whinebucket’s argument to it’s full conclusion, we would have to remove every symbol, every ritual, every ceremony practiced in the military, and basically have a group of men wearing matching track suits, standing in a circle, waiting to do something.

Sonny's Mom

Those familiar with the Catholic rite and prayers of exorcism do say that when a person has an exaggerated reaction to religious objects, it may be a sign that said person is “under the influence” of the demonic. However, exorcism is only undertaken if the individual seeks such help, once mental illness has been positively ruled out.