New York Times Editorial Board; With Kennedy Gone, Justice Must Be Won at the Ballot Box

| June 28, 2018

So, yesterday, Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement from the US Supreme Court and the Left has been losing it’s collective mind.

Chuck Schumer and Chris Matthews agree that the GOP Senate should wait until after the midterm Congressional elections to name a replacement. Somehow, that would be “revenge” for the Left’s loss of Merrick Garland as a nominee to the USSC in 2016.

But the New York Times editorial board, leading the way to Crazytown, says “what’s the point, all is lost”;

It is a dark moment in the history of the court and the nation, and it’s about to get a lot darker. Once President Trump names his second pick and the Senate confirms that person, you can forget about new or enhanced protections for gays and lesbians, or saving the last shreds of affirmative action at public universities. Longstanding precedents are now at extreme risk. Foremost among these is a woman’s right to choose to have an abortion under Roe v. Wade, which was preserved solely on the strength of Justice Kennedy’s vote.

Meanwhile, count on more rulings that, like Monday’s decision upholding racial gerrymandering in Texas, give states the green light to cut back on voting rights, promote the rights of corporations over individuals, further erode the wall between church and state and look the other way when states cut corners and evade constitutional requirements in order to execute their citizens.

So, the editorial board thinks that more voters in the midterms is the answer;

Do not for a moment underestimate the importance of getting out and voting in November. Four years ago, only 36 percent of Americans cast ballots in the midterm elections. Had more people showed up, the Senate may well have remained in Democratic control, Mitch McConnell would not be the majority leader and Judge Merrick Garland would now be Justice Garland. In the days and months ahead, remember this.

Yeah, and fewer voters would have resulted in different results in the November 2016 election.

The board has good reason to worry – I understand that the fix is in;

Category: Who knows

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Methinks the Left is about to have a second reason to thoroughly regret forcing the “nuclear option” change in the Senate back in 2013. (The first reason was Gorsuch’s appointment to the SCOTUS last year.)


The karmic wheel turns slowly but eventually turns full circle. Harry Reid didn’t quite think that option all the way through.


Nope. I think Reid figured the exception he wrote in for SCOTUS appointments would be respected. No idea why he would have thought that given what was going on at the time. When it came to a head in 2017 it was game over.


He may have, but figured Republicans were simply too spineless to pull the same trigger.

Dear Harry, uh, whoops.

Commissioner Wretched

The fact that there is literally nothing Senate Democrats can do to stop Mr. Trump’s pick – whoever it turns out to be – needs to be laid squarely at the feet of the man who caused it.

Harry Reid.

How’s that retirement coming along, Harry?


Typical leftist bullshit, just like the violence done by BLM and Antifa… they beleive the rules don’t apply to them, and that they can do whatever they want, but the right will never respond in kind (and they are often correct on that, probably the reason they’re so surprised when they’re wrong..) That being said, we warned them when Reid was thinking about the nuclear option, but he chose to ignore the warnings..


Spot on, Fyrfighter.

The thing that bothers me most about Never Trump (and I was in that crowd ’til some time in late October, 2016) is that they labor under the delusion that some other conservative would be different. That they would be treated better, and well respected, and get things done on a bipartisan basis.


Remember Bush? They burned him in effigy and demanded his arrest for war crimes. Remember Romney? They depicted him as killing a man with cancer and showed his VP throwing a disabled old woman off a cliff.

They would hate ANY conservative, and any attempt to push this country towards anything but full-on leftism. Any praise they hiss at the cucks, the Bill Kristols and Evan McMullins of the world, is only because they see them as useful idiots to help subjugate us to a leftist worldview.

Which is why, for all my apprehension, I have firmly joined the Trump camp. They shat on and besmirched our “nice guys”, our hints at bipartisanship, because that never interested them. Our nomination of such people was just an easy path to unabridged power for them.

So they’ve played this dirty and dishonest game for decades, and it’s now time for us to do the same. Don’t like Trump? Good. You should fear him. The time for niceness and mercy is at an end. Nominate and confirm Don Willett, repeal Roe v. Wade at the earliest opportunity, and push the closeted communists back into the Stone Age.

Y’all think it’s dark now? Well, it’s about to get a whole lot darker. Buckle up.


Only way I would alter your sentiment is that they don’t just hate conservatives, they hate anyone who is not them. They are willing to try to destroy anyone who is not them.


“Remember Bush? They burned him in effigy and demanded his arrest for war crimes.” CPT

Bush was a fool. He didn’t fight back against the baseless allegations against him. The result was many people believed the lies. At the same time he tried to be friends with the progressives. He worked with the murderer Ted Kennedy on an education bill; giving Kennedy virtually everything he wanted. As soon as Bush signed the bill into law swimmer Ted went before the cameras trashing Bush.

You can’t make friends with scorpions. They will sting you every time.

A Proud Infidel®™

“You can’t make friends with scorpions. They will sting you every time.”

Ditto with Vipers, and they’ll bite you.


They pilloried St. John McCain when he ran against Obama, and he’s the R they say all R’s should be like. I don’t forget how nasty they got, and they like him.


My wife use to work for him and we know his family well
Something happened in 2007-9 and nobody has ever spoken and it
But like they say it’s easier to get a dirty dog to do your bidding
Then a clean one
It’s nice when you pull the strings at the DOJ


That’s a bit too cryptic for ol’ Poe to fathom, Skippy. Could you explain a tad more for us foggier brains here?


Damn I accidentally reported you and my reply
In late 2006 Reid was under investigation for taking bribes
Everything went away when Obama was elected the LA times even ran a story about it but poof it went away


Poe you can still find the info
Here on the web from
Lame-stream outfits that people saved before they were bought out and made to tow the line
I met him many times before
He went off the reservation
What he became was not him


What are you trying to say?


Reid’s balls didn’t belong to him anymore Lol..
like Mendez of NJ
if you cross the brother
They smack you down


All they have to do is turn one of the two female RINOs (Mirky-Cowski or Suzie Collins), and reportedly that may not be hard to do esp if RvW is on the line…


Imagine the pressure McConnell will bring, along with Trump, and personal assurances from Chief Justice Roberts. They will cave. If not both, VP Pence will break the tie. Again.


There are Dems up for re-election is states Trump won that may vote for a Trump nominee. One progressive news outlet estimates Trump has as many as 54-57 ayes, dependent on the nominee. Even with McCain out with cancer and Flake an unknown, I think this is in the bag.


Unfortunately, Flake is not an unknown, he is a flake! He has stated that he will vote against any and all nominees of the President, because he got his feewings hurt… Thank GOD that POS is gone in Nov!


AMEN from an AZ resident!!!


And given the ages of other members of the SCOTUS, perhaps a third and even fourth.

The only thing from keeping the left from tasting gun oil right now is an 85-year old woman who can’t even manage to stay awake through an hourlong SOTU address.


If Trump gets four picks leftist heads will actually explode. I’d say there would be “brains everywhere” but I don’t think that is a factual statement.


I believe Ex-PH2 addressed that earlier.. something about green toxic goo…

A Proud Infidel®™️

Kinda like the Martians’ heads exploding in “Mars Attacks” whenever Slim Whitman music was played?

A Proud Infidel®™

The Martians’ heads explode like those of TARDOs do when you say “President Trump”:


No damned few brains if you as me, in fact maybe only one, as they all share one tiny brain!


Go for it! Get the appointment made ASAP. The whiners on the Left will never be happy no matter who the nominee is.


Chris Matthews and upchuck Schumer agree? That’s impossible, the two embeciles share 1/10 of a brain!!


The argument of the American Left sounds like this to me.

1. I want free shit
2. You don’t want to give it to me
3. Therefore–nazi
4. Scream and yell like a spoiled 3 year old because feewings.

Am I missing anything?


These are the same shit-flinging howler monkeys that cry about my “free” healthcare and my retirement benefits. Fuck off. None of it was free. I entered into a legally binding contract with the government of the United States, in which I would provide certain services, and in exchange I would receive certain allowances and benefits. Military retirement is not free. Welfare is free to the recipient. SOMEBODY paid for it. Go get a job and get a life.


You missed:

– It should be free for everyone in the whole wide world and we should let them all come here and give it to them and even more stuff.

And the moral code that needs to be court ordered:
Guns = Evil
Gangs that traffic in humans and drug misery =
Religion = Evil
A system without morals = Good

I could go on and on.


I disagree. If they want all that free stuff, there is more room for them in Australia. Australia has less than 10% of the total population of the USA and hands out all sorts of freebies.

Let them go there.


I’m waiting breathlessly to see who gets Ginzberg’s seat. 🙂

I like that response twitterpated to the doom-and-gloom weeping soul: ‘there is no WiFi at the death camps’. How true. How sad. How much funnier can you get than that?


How much sadder is it that there probably is wifi at the camps? I’m sure there’s hundreds in the Health and Human Services department that think that Internet is a human right.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

The folks over at Democratic Underground are all talking imminent destruction of all that is America…

You certainly have to give them points for consistent histrionics.

To your point Hondo I think they’ll regret running an uninspiring status quo candidate in a change year for a long, long, time.

They run any other candidate besides HRC and perhaps Trump is still in Trump tower New York or Mar a Lago as just another foot note of history.

In any event Kennedy retiring should be good news for folks who were looking for someone more in tune with reading the Constitution as it was written as opposed to how they think it should have been written.


Take heart, VOV. I got the paper this morning, and aside from the usual things, the good news is that the newly=remodeled and upgraded Shanty to the north of me is not just bigger and better, but still has the same ambience and really good food, and plenty of more parking than before.
Also, two local kids were busy in a logrolling contest on TV and won. The Farmers’ Markets will be going on all summer with all sorts of good stuff available, and county fairs will be springing up here and there to celebrate the season.


Hell, as far as I’m concerned, anything that gets the idiots at DU acting like they’ve got sand in their vagina, MUST be a damn good thing for the country!



Like reading an article yesterday that BMW, Mercedes, and all the Japanese car manufacturers are upset about Trump’s tariffs. Well, foreign companies are the ones profiting through unfair trade practices, so…. Yeah, if they don’t like it, I suddenly find myself liking it more!


Jonn, I see what you did. With Mark and his Selfie. Great choice for Kennedy’s replacement.👏👍👌

That said, DB is probably rolling over in his grave..”Give me back the Hotdog suit!”



It’s so important to restore the rule of law in this country..
but as always the dumb ass Republicans are asleep at the wheel
I’ve never seen so much given to a group of clown and all they
Do is blow it. The mid terms will determine which way we go as
A country, mark my words the left wants a fight it’s time for the silent
Majority to give it to them.
And seriously why is it so damn hard to hold people in DC accountable
The greatest crime dynasty this country has seen for n the last half of the 20th
Century and the beginning of the 21 has been the Clinton family but no worry
The they are dirty Democrats they get a pass


They can’t be held accountable because they’ve always got “we’re going to fix that this term! But you have to elect me and everyone who believes like me. If you don’t, then America will become Nazi Germany!”

Fear and the slim hope for a better future are about all most candidates can offer.

Herbert J Messkit

Well there goes my summer of hearing open border nonsense all day.


Bernath Bucks on display. Awesome “picture”.

All this winning is getting old. Not!!!!


Dark? It’s not dark for me.

Enjoy your crime ridden shithole, NYT.

Carlton G. Long

An ironic stance for the NYT…in that liberals typical attempt to force via Courts what they could never win at the ballot box.

Mike Kozlowski

…Exactly. It may have suddenly dawned on them that legislating through Federal courts will be a lot tougher for the next decade or so.

Of course, OTOH they want to dismantle the Electoral College, so their definition of ‘winning at the ballot box’ may be somewhat different than ours.


Don’t forget, looming in the background is the movement to, in effect, throw out the electoral college. The idea is to give all of a state’s electoral votes to the winner of the popular vote, regardless of how the state’s voters actually voted.
This will eventually end up in front of SCOTUS, and the left wants their justices on the court.


Decade? Try about a quarter century or more, especially if Trump gets reelected in 2020.


Sounds like the NYT is saying that elections have consequences. Ya think?


“It is a dark moment in the history of the court and the nation, and it’s about to get a lot darker.” NYT

To progressives interpreting the Constitution rather than rewriting it by fiat means our nation is endangered. Classic.

Forest Green

Poor Matthew K is literally in tears

Forest Green


Don’t forget the level of hypocrisy about waiting for an election. While many probably are stupid enough to not understand the difference, especially in a situation like this, between a Presidential election, and a mid-term election, a good percentage of of these assholes, as usual, are lying through their teeth.


True, Elena Kagan was confirmed in a mid-term election year. I don’t remember the dems telling Buh-rock that he couldn’t nominate a Justice in that mid-term year.

jim h

“you can forget about new or enhanced protections for gays and lesbians”

uh huh. so much for that whole “equal protection under the law” thing…


Yup. Why should anyone get “new or enhanced protections”? Everybody gets it or nobody gets it.


The entire concept of “The Biden Rule” is flawed. There is no official rule, just a 1992 speech by then-senator Joe Biden, arguing that if a Supreme Court seat became vacant during the summer, President Bush should wait until after the Presidential election to appoint a replacement, or else appoint a moderate acceptable to the then-Democratic Senate.

In other words, appoint someone they like, or wait until they control the White House and appoint someone they like. It’s a ploy, and McConnell was right in using it against Obama, and also is right in ignoring it now.


I agree with you AW1Ed, except that in both of the previous cases, it was a Presidential election, and this being a midterm, it’s entirely different, and I think they know it!


The Dems would invoke The Biden Rule over a long weekend, Ff, if they thought it would help. Too bad McConnell is going to jab them in the eye with it as son as Trump selects a candidate.

Still winning!


Damn right! I didn’t for a second mean to imply that the dims would ever use logic, reason, or the rule of law to guide their actions, I was just suggesting that we tell them to go pound sand up their 5th point of contact, and explain why, for those few people that still vote dim, AND have the capability for critical thinking… it shouldn’t take much more to get them to cross over…

A Proud Infidel®™

I LOVE hearing liberal heads explode, IT SOUNDS LIKE VICTORY!!! A number of reports have come out lately that the GOP continues to woo Blacks and Hispanics toward its ranks, two groups the D-rats have taken for granted these days. All I’ll say to libs is just Let the Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder (TARD) flow from you to where you continue to be Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder Operatives (TARDOs)!

Doc Savage

It kinda sounds like bubble wrap under a Armored vehicle…music to my ears.

19D3OR4 - Smitty

I don’t know who Stephen is, but that reply tweet is hilarious.

Doc Savage

I don’t even know who “MatthewK” is….but he really sounds like he need a tissue,or a reality intervention.


He needs his diaper changed.

A Proud Infidel®™

I don’t know but I heard RUMOR that the alleged concentration camps will be in closed K-Mart stores due to the abundance of them in populated areas, it MIGHT end up being a rumor on farcebook as well *HINT*


That, or those empty Toys R Us stores will do.

A Proud Infidel®™️

Ooh, a CONSPIRACY between the two chains shutting down like that!


Well, API, Montgomery Ward fell on hard times, and Sears & Roebuck became Sears and is slowly descending into anonymity. And then there’s Macy’s, which bought up Carson Pirie Scott, and is now struggling. What used to be is fading away.

I can only think of a few chains that are doig okay: Walmart, of courses, and Blaine’s Farm & Fleet. A local True Value store that has been in business for 50 years is closing because the owner (a repairman) is retiring. These things are passing, and K-Mart and Toys R Us are just part of that slow slide away from the Big Store theme.

Amazon isnt’ driving them out of business, either. Amazon gives storefront online space to 3rd party retailers. Just a different business model.

Maybe we’ll slowly return to the craft people like things used to be before the department stores came along.


“Maybe we’ll slowly return to the craft people like things used to be before the department stores came along.”

It is possible, if you are thinking of the craft people that are using 3D printers to do their craft.

More likely though, stores will start appearing online that sell you 3D blueprints for whatever you need, and then you print it in your home, like

Eventually even Walmart will go down, and all the retail business will move online with next day drone delivery and/or home 3D printing.

The digitalization of the economy is unstoppable and in the end it will be a good thing.


Anchor stores in many malls, including Sears, would do well for housing. Sears is circling the drain, along with Kmart, which for some reason Sears bought a few years ago.


2 scoops
2 genders
2 Supreme Court picks
2 terms


The potential for five SCOTUS picks exists, given a second term.


If Trump wins a second term the Dems will be hauling Ruth Bader Ginsburg into court on a gurney and propping her up with a two by four up the back of her robe.

Even after she’s dead…


You mean she isn’t, now? Hard to tell..


She certainly looks worse and more dead than Bernie did in Weekend At Burnies. I think they might already have started.


Why does “Weekends at Bernies” come to my mind after I read your comment, Poetrooper…😉

Who knows…the Dems might have done the same to HRC after that 9-11 Memorial incident with her, because after, she has been spotted wearing a brace on her back. You be the judge:


Coming summer 2021: Weekend at Ginsburg’s. Watch a political party pretend a Supreme Court justice still is alive in their never ending attempt to pervert justice to undermine the republic.


It’s like election night 2016 all over again.


Right around midnight, when the results were released. I simply could not stop grinning.


BEST night/early morning EVER….


And then all the Hillary supporters crying? Man, it felt like we won twice in one night.

USMCMSgt (Ret)

This morning, the radio played a sound bite of a discussion between CNN’s Chris Matthews and some other failure.

They were talking about when the civil war would start.

Fuggin’ dumbasses – all of them.

A Proud Infidel®™️

Yeah, their side talks about starting a revolution when the vast majority of them can’t even start a lawnmower!


Let’s see now, the gun haters versus the gun lovers? Gee, I wonder how that revolution will go?


They are confused by which shitter to use, and they are seriously thinking of starting a war? Immature bastards.

sgt. vaarkman 27-48thTFW

They want to have a civil war, but yet they’re afraid of guns ???? Yet 1/2 of them can’t even decide which sex they want to be or were born with as if they should have had a choice after the fact..??? boggles the mind. And we all know how well it will turn out for those lefties, before the war even starts, that’s one way too eliminate the liberal pox infecting our nation, bang bang boom boom besides were all better trained at making warfare than the fags and anarchist, they only know how to soft toss rocks to break a few windows and have temper tantrums.

I’m sure I speak for many: I’m sic of these spoiled limousine liberal
fudgpacking carpet munching out of the closet candy assed in your face with their abominable lifestyle assholes!!!!
their parents should’ve used a condom or pulled out before it was to late. For some maybe their parents should’ve aborted them, such as Schumer, Pelosi, Maxine, & Hillary for example, it would’ve done us all a great public service.


Thanks. Thanks a LOT.
I was just reading the post and scrolling down and scrolling down, and scrolling down until I got to the last photo…..

Now I am using most of a box of tissues for Fresh Iced Tea Boogers…..

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Those last two shitbird females that were appointed vowed to uphold the Constitution during the interviews but after getting in decided like most shitbird liberals that they would interpret the Constitution in their own way. What ever happened to the night of the Long Knives??


Honestly, both of them had long and clear records of shitting all over the Constitution, and anyone that believed they would change, and were actually telling the truth during their confirmation hearings was either delusional, or a democrat.. (yeah, I know, same thing..)


According to poor Mathew that was last night. Are you practicing your goose-step or are you going to just turn yourself in at the Death Camp. (Keep in mind no Wifi at the death camp)


An interesting article that argues that in the most recent term, Justice Gorsuch’s voting record was more liberal than Kennedy’s –

Gorsuch was an excellent choice, and so far comes across as a justice who rules on the basis of law, not ideology. President Trump has already stated that his choice for Kennedy’s replacement will come from the same list of candidates that he chose Gorsuch from – all well-respected legal minds, not a right-wing bomb-thrower among them. We may well get someone who’s not much different from Kennedy or Gorsuch.


I think that that comment about Justice Gorsuch don’t understand the concept of a strict Constitutionalist… It means that they will rule according to the Framers intent.. It should not be a surprise that some of these rulings will upset conservatives, and some (a lot more) will upset leftists… And that is as it should be!!! I want Justices that adhere to the Constitution!!! Anyone that gets upset when they do that has two choices, STFU, or change the Constitution!!


Yes. Some people were confounded when Justice Scalia rendered opinions that supported the rights of criminal defendants, but they didn’t understand that for Scalia it wasn’t liberal vs. conservative; it was the Constitution as he understood it. Yeah, I hope we get another Gorsuch, or Scalia.


Need to start a rumor that Trump is going to ban all travel out of the US, and encourage the snowflakes to get out now while they still can…

A Proud Infidel®™️

Speaking of which, what’s up with all of the moonbat TARDO celebrities who promised to leave the USA if President Trump got elected and they reneged?


Haven’t been this happy since election night when almost all MSM was on suicide watch.


Best night EVER! 😁

A Proud Infidel®™️

OH, the sweet, SWEET taste of Schadenfreude!!! 😀😀😀


Re the NYT editorial, the Wishful Thinking Ship has already sailed. Stick a fork in it, this is done.


Here’s hoping that Trump has a nominee that is young (for a member of the SCOTUS) and serves on the court for 25+ years….

A Proud Infidel®™️

Ditto that, and I hope he gets to appoint one or two more after nominating Justice Kennedy’s replacement as well!


Someone please remind me who said “Elections have consequences”


As the t-shirt said,

“I bet you’ll vote next time, hippie!”

A Proud Infidel®™️

I bet that many a mainstream media TARDO is already rehearsing their rants against whoever President Trump nominates.

2/17 Air Cav

I’m late to the party, and I see it’s in full swing. That’s great. Like youse all (that’s either a northern Alabama expression or a southern New york one) I am ec-freakin-static. The fact that the Left is wailing over Kennedy’s departure is proof positive that the Supremes are policy setters and lawmakers. Kennedy gave us same-sex marriage, somehow finding that it is a constitutional right. He also favored less restrictive abortion laws. Remember abortion? So, I’ll be on the line to hold the door open for him as he departs. Aside from putting our military into combat, no power of the president is greater, in my view, than the nominating of a Sup Ct justice. And it will not be easy getting any Trump selection through the Senate, that’s for sure. Somewhere out there is another Scalia, a person who understands that the Constitution is what it is and should not be expanded through a few lawyers’ fanciful interpretations to supplant the powers of the chief executive and Congress.


I shudder to think of where we would be if Hillary won. With Kennedy replaced and Iceberg in the doorway we would be done save the last no vote.

2/17 Air Cav

Absolutely. I was hoping hard that Trump’s immediate predecessor would not get to name another and, as for Wide Load, there’s no question but that greater damage would have been done to the Constitution if she got a selection. Thankfully, somehow, things usually work out. I really do believe that most conservatives are more attuned to the role of the Supremes than we ever were. I am grateful for that. too. Picks sometimes change stripes but they do so in one direction: from conservative to more liberal. Off the top of my head, I can’t think of any liberal appointee who later joined the conservative camp.


Think Kennedy, Breyer, O’Connor….


I think maybe you misunderstood. None of those were a Stevens or anything but they were generally swing voters.