Veteran cemetery vandals identified

Residents of Adams, Massachusetts were outraged that vandals were tearing up flags placed on veteran headstones of the Bellevue Cemetery according to the UK’s Daily Mail.
Adams resident Mark Paquette told News10 he was watering flowers at Bellevue Cemetery last week when he saw broken flag poles on the ground.
ADVERTISINGAt the bottom of a hill, he saw that flags were missing from all the veterans’ graves, with the poles either left in their holders or broken and discarded on the ground.
‘Who would do something like this? And what would they be doing with the flags?’ Paquette said.
‘I was concerned that it was vandalism.’
The vandalism turned out to be the result of the local groundhog population.
Then, on Tuesday, a woman finally saw it occur with her own eyes at Bellevue.
‘They saw the woodchuck jump up on a flag and pull it right out of the holder,’ Mark said.
The Paquettes say that they’re thankful it wasn’t a cruel act of vandalism.
‘I’m glad to see that the veterans are respected the way they are,’ Mark said.
I’m sure that the local constabulary will issue a statement soon that there is no connection between the vandals and radical terrorists.
Category: Who knows
Even though the groundhog was yelling Aloha Snackbar, we do not think it is related to terrorism.
Could have been those dreaded Amish groundhogs.
The Varmint Cong!
Who knew we still had the VC fighting us, even after death, in the graveyards.
It was the dreaded WC! “Chuck” for short.
Now I’ve almost seen everything
Absolutely crazy
Well I’ll be dipped in dog shit, don’t that beat all?
Boy Howdy, I mean.
Leftist Antifa-types are training groundhogs to do their bidding now?
Shoot the little fuzzy bastard as an example to other rodents!
5.56 is about perfect for Chucks.
Just sayin’…
Reminds me of this, 😀
No relationship between the groundhog and raccoon terrorists.
If a DNA test were done on the groundhog, it may result in that the Groundhog is a descendant of a 1776 era Tory Groundhog.
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Now we know, and it’s always in places like this.
At least there were none of those raccoon gangbangers from Roselawn squaring off with the woochucks.
Although, that would be pretty funny. Would they be wearing different color bandannas? Throwing Racoon Gang Signs?
Probably, and gang colors, too. Some of those Roselawn raccoons are known to weigh up to 60 pounds.
I was going to ask, “How many flags will a woodchuck snag, since a woodchuck can snag flags?”
Hah!!! I have to remember that.
WHAT IF those were wooden flagpoles that the Woodchuck was chucking?
Snipers up! Take up a position and nutralize those rodents.
Another six weeks of long summer days.
Does that include Gorebull warming?
Is that hot air in my area coming from politicians again?
Nope, not glowbull warming. It’s hot air coming to your area from South America and the tropics, Central America, the Caribbean, and up through tornado alley.
Unfortunately, no wall is going to stop that movement.
‘…Et tu, Punxatauney Phil…?’
Groundhogs, Meh. If any of you have ever seen the results of having them take up residence in a freshly sprouting soybean field, you would understand why we would road hunt them for the $1.00 bounty back in northern Indiana.
Besides that, they make an excellent protein supplement to hog feed when tossed in the pen shortly after killing.
Find the entrance hole and pour some gasoline in it. Toss a match from a safe distance and look for the other hole.
When he comes out…blam.
There’s always the Carl Spackler solution.
Furry little bastards will chew the cedar siding off a building as high as they can reach. Porcupines are just as bad.
Porcupines will eat the tires off a tractor. They can still do tire damage as roadkill.
Clipped a flat one with the edge of a tire once and the quills penetrated the sidewall.
9:00-16 8 ply NDT. Needed a liner after.
Seem to recall Adams and the area have more than their fair share of stank-ass hippies, so you never know if that shit rubs off on the wildlife.
Somebody needs to call in this guy:
A .22 bolt action rifle, subsonic HP ammo and a suppressor will take care of that problem
Commie Hogs?!
You spelled Hogg wrong.
Oh, you were making a joke.
This is a prime example of the kind of stuff that happens in Massachsuetts. The little rodent probably has a Kerry for POTUS literature in his burrow.
Westboro wooodchucks. We’ve seen their kind before.
It’s time to bring out the big guns. Dynamite
Little bastards were chewing my neighbors vinyl fencing all to hell a while back, since we live in the PRoM firearms were out of the question as a solution…I used an old school trapping system that took care of the problem rather quickly, and for the ones I couldn’t trap my sister-in-laws dog got the rest for me…neighbor has been a lot less of a pain the ass since helping him.
I still want one of these solar dancing gophers for the dash of my car.
Wife wouldn’t buy it and continues to deny me the joy of a gopher constantly dancing to Kenny Loggins.
I shot a woodchuck and fed it to my dog.
I want any woodchucks looking in to keep that in mind next time you’re out in a cemetery.
They are Massachusetts woodchucks. That explains it all. Commie bastards.
I live in one of the few right leaning towns in Mass. Our groundhogs don’t steal our flags. Just sayin’
Groundhogs of Peace?