Roger Giese to be extradited

| June 15, 2018

According to the Orange County Register, Roger Giese, who skipped out right before his trial on charges of being a tickle monster, will be extradited from the UK to face those charges.

He was a choirmaster who molested boys in the choir for years – and oh, yeah – he pretended to be a member of the elite Delta Force;

Prosecutors said Giese befriended the boy’s family in 1998, attending church with them and inviting the boy and his brother to his house for overnight visits.

Giese pretended to be a member of the elite military unit Delta Force and molested the teenager under the pretense that the boy could join the unit by providing samples of bodily fluids, prosecutors said.

He was arrested in 2002 and released on bond. He appeared in court until March 2007, shortly before his trial in Orange County Superior Court. Giese cleaned out his bank accounts, authorities said, and fled the country.

He is facing charges including lewd acts on a child under 14, penetration by a foreign object, and oral copulation of a person under 18, with a sentencing enhancement for substantial sexual conduct with a child.

It’s funny (odd funny not ha-ha funny) that so many of these valor thieves are child molesters.

Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures

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You oral copulation ehh. You will love prison where can enjoy it several times a day except you will be the one doing it orally.

Combat Historian

“…Giese pretended to be a member of the elite military unit Delta Force and molested the teenager under the pretense that the boy could join the unit by providing samples of bodily fluids…”

You have to provide spooge samples under covert scenarios to join DELTA? Damn…(sarc)

A Proud Infidel®™

Here’s hoping that Bubba, Thor, Julio, “Mr. Tiny” and the rest of his cell block PAINFULLY break his cherry and loosen him up before he gets “rented out” as a prison fairy on a regular basis!!!


“It’s funny (odd funny not ha-ha funny) that so many of these valor thieves are child molesters.”

It is much easier to deceive kids and steal a little credibility and respect since most kids are taught to respect the military.

But Delta? Sheesh, I can count on one hand the number of guys I have met there were actually in Delta. I haven’t even met a faker and I’ve met two fake SF’s and three fake SEALS.


Don’t know whether I’ve met any or not. Suspect so, just figuring the odds, but don’t actually know that I know any…


I think I met two, on different occasions. But like you said, I really can’t be sure and besides that, I’m not supposed to know.


Nine years in the Reserve components and active duty, four of it in SF Groups, and I only met one Delta dude, Charlie Beckwith. Met several who claimed to have served with Delta, but after about three or four questions, I knew they were phony ponies.

chooee lee

Words escape me. Well maybe I can just add I hope he enjoys being Bubba’s Bitch.


Is that DNA sample taught at 00R school?


well, he is going to be in “Delta Force” now….

Cell block delta forcing him open that is.

Brown Neck Gaitor

“He was arrested in 2002 and released on bond. He appeared in court until March 2007, shortly before his trial in Orange County Superior Court.”

5 years.

Way to be in a hurry with that case, California. Were you hoping the victim gets his Amac membership card before he gets justice?


It’s almost as if they gave him ample opportunity to escape prosecution. And kept at it until he finally took the hint.


Bloody hell, this bloke’s a f**kn monster.


Yeah, Sick Fuck.


“under the pretense that the boy could join the unit by providing samples of bodily fluids”

Ew, just ew. This does help the new diet, because I just lost my appetite.


He has that “deer-in-the-headlights” look, down. For all the good that it will do him in the slammer.


Worst of the worst. Disgusting. And some people want to make this sort of thing legal – they believe they have the right to rape children. Beyond reprehensible.


Hollywood keeps giving awards and standing ovations to a convicted pedophile.


I thought judges in the UK covered for pedophiles?

Combat Historian

Only if the pedophiles were mozzies…

2/17 Air Cav

Or MPs.

A. Young

Piece of shit.

Cpl/Major Mike

There is only one cure for people like him.


I remember this cocksucker (literally) from when I was living in CA.

“Giese’s case was renewed last year when U.S. officials launched a new extradition bid under the guarantee that he would not face civil commitment if convicted.”

Sentence him to life without parole. Problem solved.


So they will return him to face charges but only with the explicit condition that he not get medical treatment (civil commitment)?


No idea what that means, but hope it means that he will be in solitary confinement except for 2 hours each day in the yard with the meanest mothers around rotating through and no guards around. I want the exclusive rights for betting on how long he lasts before his cell becomes available for other inmates.


Civil commitment refers to the fact that under some states’ penal codes a convicted molester can be sent to the nuthouse after he serves his prison time if shrinks say he is incurable and likely to re-offend because he is a head case.


May Bubba, leading the whole cellblock, go in dry.

sgt. vaarkman 27-48thTFW

castrate the bastard with a dull knife and a hot poker up the arse, that would be justice for this jerk off

Stephen F. McCartney, M.D.

I recall in 1968 a guy who worked at a nursing home with me when I was 19. He said he was in Viet Nam, a former Army Captain and was shot in combat. Showed me his abdominal wound. I left the job for school but was invited to one of their parties a year later. It was a going away party for this same guy before he went to boot camp ..he had been drafted !! He never had been in the Army. His inebriated wife told me that the abdominal scar was from a prior appendectomy. So these guys are not a new form of low life. He has likely cycled through TAH over the years and I missed it CAPT Bones USN (ret)