What Fools These Liberals Be….

| May 10, 2018

Ed Rogers posted an article in Jewish World Review, which was picked up and posted by the Washington Post and by my morning newspaper.  http://jewishworldreview.com/0518/ed_rogers051018.php3

In the article, he reports that Hillary Clinton whined that being a capitalist “probably” hurt her when campaigning against democratic socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., in 2016, that maybe she should have used the word socialist.

As he indicates, Republicans are chasing their tails, trying to avoid that ‘deer in the headlights” appearance and Democrats are wondering if they’ll have to answer questions about whether they support capitalism or socialism when 2020 campaign season comes up. He also takes a look at the current crop of millennials.

I’ve been wading through a biographical account of Ernest Hemingway’s involvement in spying for the nascent Soviet Union when he was a journalist in the USA and following events in Spain during the Franco Revolution, at the outbreak of World War II. It’s written by Nicholas Reynolds, (Writer, Sailor, Solider, Spy) a curator for the CIA’s museum (yes, they have one, but can you get tickets to it?) which follows Hemingway’s journey from the aftermath of the 1935 hurricane that whacked the Florida Keys and his discovery that War Bond soldiers who had been recruited to go to the Keys to do housing construction had not been evacuated, and almost all of them had died when the hurricane struck. He was outraged. He began to hate Roosevelt (a New Deal socialist if there ever was one) and was easily persuaded by the editor of The Masses, a Communist publication in the USA, to write articles for them – and later, to spy for the NKVD, the precursor to the KGB. At some point (I haven’t arrived there yet) he was also recruited by the OSS (pre-CIA) to work for them.

He spent time with the Castros during their ouster of Batista. He thought they were buddies. He believed Fidel when that goat told him he carried a copy of ‘For Whom the Bell Tolls’ in his backpack. It  was not until Fidel Castro confiscated Hemingway’s beloved home La Finca in Havana and kicked him out of Cuba, that Ernest Hemingway, the brilliant author, WWI ambulance driver, and hard-driving war correspondent, realized that he had been hosed.

While Hemingway was being led around by the nose, mostly because his contacts knew how to feed his massive, expansive ego, Josef Stalin was executing anyone he perceived as a threat to his position. When he’d gotten rid of Trotsky,  he turned on his senior Army officers, which included Massiliev, the most senior and most experienced of them. This comes from Robert Conquest’s ‘The Terror: a Reassessment”, which I have only glanced through. Twelve senior, experienced, loyal Russian Army officers were executed, while Hitler was just beginning his rampage through Europe. The mass grave was found near St. Petersburg a while back.

Conquest wrote the first edition of ‘The Terror’ based on eye witness accounts. When the Iron Curtain fell, when the Soviet Union was disestablished, he went to Russia to research those accounts and provided back up for them in the ‘Reassessment” edition.

I think it’s a good idea to have both of these titles on your bookshelves. They are thoroughly researched works.

Why am I writing about this? Because the mind-numbingly blasé attitude of the socialist side of the millennial crowd is that it wasn’t done right. It isn’t done that way.

Wrong, kiddies. Very wrong.

Stalin did it exactly right: eliminate any and all who may even vaguely oppose you, quickly and thoroughly. All he needed was unquestioning obedience, which he got through fear, mass murder, forced labor at gulags, and starvation. Thanks to his embracing Lysenkoism and outright mass murder, 27,000,000 people died of starvation, execution, hard labor in the gulags, and just plain freezing to death.  Hitler did it right, putting Germany first, and slaughtering 14,o00,000++ German and European citizens, just because he could.  Mao Tse-Tung did it right, letting 30,000,000++ Chinese people starve. Why would he care? They breed like rabbits, don’t they? You always need more laborers. Pol Pot did it right: get rid of the older generations because they knew too much and resisted him and his Khmer Rouge. Ask the survivors of his rampages.

Ho Chi Minh was a Communist. He blackmailed the French at the end of the French-Indochina War into forking over ransom cash for their 15,000 prisoners of that war. He knew exactly how to do it right. The Viet Cong meant nothing to him, so he used them. That spilled over into the 1960s and became our war when Kennedy sent advisers to the South Vietnamese government, and you know the rest of that story. But it wasn’t really over. When the NVA rolled their tanks into Saigon in April, 1975, the city was rapidly being abandoned because the South Vietnamese knew what they’d face if they stayed. And that is what it is: a Communist country, following China’s economic model. You can run a business and make a profit and they love tourists there. But if you speak out against the government in anyway, you will be sent to a re-education camp, so shut up.

The point is that they ALL knew how to do it right: get rid of any people with opposing ideas, independent thoughts, etc., and squelch the rest through Pure Terror. That’s how it’s done right  (I can hear someone squawking now!) Ask Vlad Putin about it. He was the head of the KGB for a very long time.

As you’ll see when you read the article linked above, the millennials who belong to the Bright Idea Club all have these wunnaful-a, wunnaful-a ideas about things like a monthly stipend for everyone and guaranteed jobs – all things you get in a Communist world – but all cooked up with no idea where the money comes from to pay for these things. What they need is a harsh lesson in the reality that it creates. When have any of them gone hungry, frozen or exhausted from hard labor – ever?

When I watched the demise of the Soviet Union, when Mikhail Gorbachev was quoted on the news as saying “We can’t do this any more. We are broke,” and he dissolved the Politburo, I realized that there would be future generations who never had to face the possibility of missiles launched from Cuba toward their homes in the northern Midwest. And they would take this safety for granted.

Sometimes, I detest being right.

Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves"

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The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela was doing it right, then the bottom fell out of the oil market and they ran out of other people’s money.


Even at $30/bbl, they were raking it in hand over fist and should have had plenty.

As of today it’s over $70, yet they’re on the verge of collapse. Care to guess why?


Oh, I think I can figure it out. Seems to me to profit on oil production it helps to have the infrastructure and expertise to actually produce it.

A Proud Infidel®™️

“The problem with Socialism is that you eventually run out of other People’s money.” – Lady Margaret Thatcher




History is rife with examples of how progressivism leads to mass murder yet this fact escapes so many. I’ve often wondered if that were purposeful or not. I believe that one of the reasons why President Obama attempted to befriend the despots of the planet was that he was slightly envious of them.


Does history have any examples of a Communist regime that did NOT lead to either mass murder, mass imprisonment, or both?

And yes: a Progressive is merely a Communist who has not yet achieved political power – or, alternatively, is someone whom the former Soviets would have termed a “Useful Idiot” (or perhaps a “Useful Fool” [polezniye duraki]).


And ALL of those examples start with the confiscation of firearms! Listen up liberals!


At the same time they nationalized all the oil equipment in the country. Oil companies pulled out and their employees left. Oil production dropped at the same time prices were going down. It was not just the market, it was the results of their theft coming home to roost.

Technip has equipment for Venezuela stored in a warehouse in the port of Houston just waiting for them to pay their bills before it will ship. It has been sitting there for 6 years.


I think it’s people’s natural inclination to like it when someone else takes care of your problems for you. Got an issue, let government fix it for you.

Anyone who’s worked in government will attest that the government is good only at creating more problems. For some will say government can fix things, but for those it’s just job security and self preservation. Only the most starry-eyed moonbats who have worked in government will actually believe that government can fix things.


Broadly speaking, perhaps. Those of us working for the DOD* may have a slightly different opinion.


*one of the few government departments with a constitutional mandate.


I’d agree that the military is necessary, and by far the most functional of the federal-level agencies. However it still has plenty of bureaucracy, ineffective leadership, and fraud, waste, and abuse.

2/17 Air Cav

Gov’t is a problem and it’s everywhere and in everything. It’s just that some gov’ts are worse than others. For every tyrant of the Left, there is one of the Right. I prefer small, local gov’t and state gov’t representatives who don’t live a thousand or more miles away and actually have a job.


Yup, I’m on a first name basis with my city’s mayor, have been to his house even. I have had coffee with my state reps and senators and know where they live. Beyond that? They’re just a bunch of pseudo celebrities that have little accountability since they have the support of one of the major parties.

I will also say that the smaller and lower the level of government, the better it is run and at dealing with issues of concern.


You mean?…you mean?..when they say “I’m from the government and I’m here to help!” that they really don’t mean it? gully Vern!


I’ll just leave this here.
It brings me great joy.


Safe spaces and cry closets, I’d say.

A Proud Infidel®™

Where have all the snowflakes gone?
Bawling in their closets,
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?


Never gets old.

A Proud Infidel®™️

Oooooh, sweet, sweet Schadenfreude!!


Is the voter card the first step towards the “Mark of the Beast” where no one can buy or sell?


Americans love Hanes underwear.
Made in Viet of the Nam.
Ladies, check the tag on that blouse.
JC Penney and LL Bean are happy to sell you goods made by slave labor under a brutal communist regime.
Here are culprits that screamed “recognize Vietnam”:
Charles Robb, John Kerry, Bob Kerrey, Larry Pressler, Tom Daschle and wait for it…………John McCain.
I’m one of those old guys that Pol Pot would have silenced because I remember.
Young Bernie supporters have nothing to remember…yet.


Teachers unions will see that that never happens.


I suggest the douchebag “yutes” of today bust open their parents old albums and listen to, “Holiday In Cambodia” by the Dead Kennedys.

Personally, they need to live it a few months as well.

A Proud Infidel®™️

I wonder how much those politicians got in kickbacks, I mean PAC contributions from all that?


You forgot “Hanoi Jane”!


The names mentioned are all esteemed Senators. They appeared in a political cartoon from the Arizona Republic by an author signed -TMS 1/94. I purchased a copy suitable for framing and it resides on my living room wall under a “rubbing”
of Scott F. Andresen, taken from the “wall”. Titled “Viet Cong-ress”.
I would love to scan and post it for all to see but I do not have that authority.

The Other Whitey

My in-laws were told “To keep you is no benefit, to kill you is no loss” every day for years. The communist bastards who raped my Mother-In-Law mocked her with that phrase every time they forced themselves on her.

Why did the communists do this? Was it because my Father-In-Law was a US-trained veteran of the Royal Cambodian Army? Was it because he had taken up arms against Pol Pot?

No. It was because my Father-In-Law is half-Chinese, because he was fluent and literate in two languages (Khmer and French; he learned English later), and—worst of all—he was committing the unspeakable Crime Against Socialism of teaching others to read. That’s communism for you. And a socialist is just a communist who hasn’t gained power yet.

Bill M

“And a socialist is just a communist who hasn’t gained power yet.”

Truer words have never been written.


“And a socialist is just a communist who hasn’t gained power yet.”
Consider this stolen.

The Other Whitey

I offer it freely.


The millennials have no memory of any of the previous disastrous/genocidal communist systems, and they certainly haven’t been taught anything adverse about them in school.

“We’re smart enough to make it work this time.”


Or maybe have the millennials explain the virtues of communism/socialism to a former resident of the Deutsche Demokratische Republik who had a family member shot and killed by the DDR Volkspolizei while trying to escape the communist Utopia of East Germany.

I’m sure that that would make for a very interesting conversation.

A Proud Infidel®™️

Or any of TOW’s In-Laws!


Or……make them do a long ass roadtrip in a Trabant.
They will become insta capitalists


Although….Unser Sandmannchen was WAY cooler than the West version.

2/17 Air Cav

“At this point, I’m probably going to take a gap year and I’m sure I’ll eventually find the right place for me. “Right now I’m more focused on changing the world and the future of America.” David Hogg, America’s Most Famous Under- 20 Pencil Neck

The “gap year” he referred to is the gap between high school and college. He wanted to go to California schools but the four he applied to said, ‘Sorry. No can do.’


When I was his age a “gap” year was spent in Vietnam.

A Proud Infidel®™️

That means I’ve done gap years in Korea, Afghanistan and Kuwait! Google “bony eared assfish” (Safe) and you’ll find a deep water ocean fish that resembles David Hogg, it’s all head/mouth and almost no ass, it slowly swims around waiting for its next meal to fall from above, kind of an anorexic Blobfish!

Perry Gaskill

Hogg needs to take time off now and then in order to get instructions from the mothership…


Via alien anal probe…


The folks who gather here at TAH have done far more to change the world than David Hogg ever will.

The Other Whitey

I find it hilarious that he calls his rejection from various UCs “their loss.” My SAT score was over 100 points higher than the one he brags about.


I have used the one right off the I-95 exit when I pass through Bangor. Was always crowded and service was fast.
They rebuilt it two years ago to the new motiff and now it is empty with three employees and very slow service.
Nobody wants to work.
I asked the lady at Walmart why all the auto check out aisles and she replied “nobody wants to be a cashier”.
Probably because young-uns don’t use cash…or know how to make change.


No it’s because they can’t make change unless the cash register tells them, when, how, and how much….give them the right amount of change to go with a bill and they look at you like you have two heads!

2/17 Air Cav

He’ll sell a few books. How? College professors who make the book purchase mandatory. In 20 years, his name will be bless-ed. There will be a David Hogg Day, a Federal and state holiday. There will statues to the boy who changed the world. Or he’ll start college, quit after two or three semesters, run for office, be defeated, and wonder where he went wrong in trying to save the world.


2/17, you left out the “…and move into mom’s basement and live on disability” part.

Or is that “inability?”


Even the muslims will celebrate “Hogg” day lol……………..


We are on the threshold. Welcome to Costco, I love you.


Brawndo! The thirst Mutilator!


It’s got electrolytes!


Its got what plants crave!


Like out the toilet?!


I swear they put a little bit of toxic waste into everything they ship. It all turns to powder when exposed to the sun.
Paint, plastic, metal etc. It’s all contaminated with the stuff.
Pretty clever way to dispose of it.


yeh, contaminate America and Americans with it!


What’s even better is once you’re done using those imported goods filled with rare earths and toxic chemicals they get loaded onto ships headed back to Asia by “recyclers”. They are then stripped of anything useful by essentially slave labor in deplorable conditions.

I really think the lefties truly believe that everywhere is like America, with clean water, indoor plumbing, stable electric grid, trade unions, labor laws, and all that.

A Proud Infidel®™️

COMMUNISM only killed 120-150 million people throughout the Twentieth Century and liberal snowflakes just wanna give it ONE MORE CHANCE. Liberalism is a mental disorder, liberals perpetually prove it via their words and deeds, just look at how they do all they can to spare the lives of convicted murderers on Death Row while crusading for the wanton killing of Unborn Children. I bet a certain UC Berzerkely snowflake who got himself banned from here has gone to his screech and cry closet over this thread!


Right, it didn’t work for all those people, but now we’ve made every mistake. So we just need one more chance now that we know what don’t work. /sarc


I believe they would soon be eaten.


. . . Nicholas Reynolds, (Writer, Sailor, Solider, Spy) a curator for the CIA’s museum (yes, they have one, but can you get tickets to it?) . . . .

Unfortunately, no. It’s located on the CIA compound, which is not open to the public. One would have to request permission to view the exhibits (it’s my understanding that things in the museum are declassified and that compound access is the “long pole”), and that’s very likely problematic for most.


However, the NSA’s equivalent museum – the National Crypologic Museum, located at Annapolis Junction, MD, is in fact open to the public and located in an area allowing public access. The address is given in the linked Wikipedia article.



I’m 38 so the Cold War is a fuzzy memory but what I can tell you is my recollection of the Berlin Wall falling on the news. After my father scolded me for suggesting it was ‘no big deal’ he affirmatively told me that it may just be the biggest event in my life. I’d hate to say it, but the old man was right.
I’m a huge fan of history and it’s weird ability to repeat itself, or at the very least, rhyme like a mo’ fo’. Truths I’ve learned: the Chinese love silver, the French like to revolt every 20-25 years, the Ottoman love to conquer Europe, the Soviets need to underhandedly get into Free countries and destoy them from within using strengths as weaknesses. Nothing novel here but the situation at hand.
Given lens the public comments of KGB TTPs by Yuri Bezmenov and the illiberal actions of so called ‘progressives’ there is only one conclusion to reach. The wall that restrained the Union of Socialist Republics from fleeing also kept it confined, like a dam. When that wall fell, all of our Freedom got all this shitty red goo all over it.
One big lesson to be learned from history that is all too often overlooked: We, the human race, don’t f**cking learn. In proper time this war of ideology is going to have to be fought. I’d RATHER it be fought in the Free Market, but with the restrictions of Conservative speakers on College campuses…yeah.
The worst part about this train wreck is that it is slow moving. Like Bezmenov said, it may take a generation (or two) but it starts with the schools, with swaying of the demos against the individual self-interest in self-determination and individual rights.
Screed over. I ask you to check out a movie that I bit off the logic from, The Enemies Within by Trevor Loudon. The dude is brilliant.


As Mr. Twain said: History doesn’t repeat itself- but it does rhyme.


Or as Mr. Truman said: The only thing new under the sun is the history you don’t know.


AS King Solomon said “There is NOTHING new under the sun”!


I recently over heard a conversation where one young person stated “Vietnam was a small war in a tiny country”

Fortunately, my dad pointed out communism to me at an early age. It is indeed in our schools and other institutions just as Nikita