Richard Osborn-Brooks and self defense in the UK

| April 13, 2018

Earlier this month, 78-year-old homeowner, Richard Osborn-Brooks was awakened by intruders, Henry Vincent and Billy Jeeves. Vincent was armed with a screw driver which Osborn-Brooks managed to wrestle away and he stabbed Vincent with his own weapon. Vincent and Jeeves ran off, but Vincent stumbled and fell where the police found him when they arrived. The cops promptly arrested Osborn-Brooks on suspicion of grievous bodily harm, but those charges turned to murder when Vincent died.

Osborn-Brooks’ neighbors rallied in their support for the retiree, according to the Daily Mail;

‘He’s a nice man, nice to talk to. He’s an old man – it’s a shame really. I hope the law sees sense and let’s him off. I don’t think it’s right.

‘I don’t know his name. I just hope he gets off.

‘One of the police told me it’s definitely him that’s been arrested.’

Adam Lake, who lives near the scene, was also keen to defend his neighbour.

He said: ‘He doesn’t deserve to be punished for defending himself, and the neighbours that I’ve spoken to all agree that the priority needs to be to support him after everything that he’s been through.

‘He was just protecting himself after all.’

Neighbour Clem Williams, who has lived on the road for 20 years also questioned the man’s arrest, asked: ‘Why were the men at his house? The man has a right to defend his home. They should let him go.’

According to the Sun, friends of the dead crook have threatened to take their revenge on Osborn-Brooks;

And now a former acquaintance of dead burglar Henry Vincent says that the late crook, 37, has pals who “won’t rest until they get their revenge” for killing “one of their own”.

They told Mail Online: “I know that Henry Vincent would have killed the pensioner first if he could have got away with it, but they will act like he’s the victim in all of this.

“This poor man and his wife won’t be safe going back into their own home.

“Anything could happen.”

Friends of Vincent erected a shrine to him outside of Osborn-Brooks’ home to which neighbors took offense. One neighbor tore down the shrine;

Relatives of Vincent restored the memorial only to have it removed again, according to the Standard;

Earlier Elvina Lee, who said she was Vincent’s first cousin, called whoever had initially pulled the tributes down “scum” and labelled 78-year-old Mr Osborn-Brooks a “murderer” and a “lowlife”.

She said: “This is the best place for these flowers to be. I don’t know what’s wrong with these people (who dismantled them)… I think they’re scum.”

Regarding Vincent she said: “He was like a brother to me, he loved his family and his three babies. He wasn’t a murderer, he wasn’t a rapist, they’re putting (sic) him as a monster.

“Murderer? The murderer is over there.”

Osborn-Brooks has since been released by police, but him and his wife are in hiding because of the threats. They are unable to return to their home because they defended it from thieves.

Category: Crime

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And we’ve got idiots here that want to be like them (Europe)

A Proud Infidel®™

Libtards are trying hard to make California that way, ditto with NY.


definitely, moonbeam the moron gov. would love to see Kalifornia just like the ignorant freaking limeys!


So many stories throughout the years coming from the UK of victims being arrested for defending themselves.


I’ve watched enough UK cop shows now to get a grasp of their backwards ass legal system.

You can be arrested on suspiscion alone. Police don’t need probable cause for arrest and arrest does not mean you have been charged. It means police hold you until initial questioning. I also believe they’re allowed to seach your home based soley on arrest and don’t need toprove probable cause.


I had a former UK cop explain to me their warrant procedure. His supervisor (inspector rank I think) signs off on the warrants. No judges involved. Not even someone outside the organization.

The Other Whitey

In 1940, when the UK faced an existential crisis, a donation drive was held in America: “Send a Gun to Defend an English Home.” Sounds like we should get that going again.


and after the war I believe the Brits rounded up all those guns and destroyed them.

The Other Whitey

They were decent enough to send a few of them home. Sadly not all of them.


Supposedly the burglar was an “Irish traveller;” here in the US they mostly stick to swindling liking coming and painting your house with paint that washes off after the first rain because they thinned it down so much, etc.

The Other Whitey

We don’t have those shitbags in this part of SoCal, thank God. I’ll never understand how being an untrustworthy asshole counts as “culture.”


There is an enclave of them up by Mennifee. They are the ones swindling the old people in the trailer parks in the Hemet area. For a fee they will relevel your trailer. They then go under it, bang around for a bit and then take your money, doing nothing. They also sell that ugly lawn furniture made of sticks and boards beside the road. They have lots of scams, roofing, asphalt etc.

The Other Whitey

Yeah, dealt with them a decade ago when I worked there. Yet another reason why I hate that place. Luckily, I don’t live in Riverside County.


They used to be good at the paving your driveway scam back when I was a civilian LEO in the 90s. That ad the paint scam. Never knew the crews that ran through SC to be violent or try burglaries. Glad this dick got sent to his final reward instead of the homeowner.




‘Travellers’ are worthless, thieving shitstains much like their continental Gypo trash cousins.

They had a wonderful Gypsy management strategy in the 40’s


Plan 7.92 I believe….


I tend to think that rounding folks up for a quick Zyklon shower, then turning them into smog, is rather blatantly barbarity of the first order.

No matter which tribe becomes soot.

Or are you really OK with that whole 40s thing? Did I miss a /sarc tag?


It came with a healthy dose of sarcasm.
However, ‘traveller’ and mainland gypos have claimed that “Romani-borrowing” (i.e. theft) is just part of their culture.
This aspect of their “Culture” is as abhorrent as Sharia and FGM.


That ‘no right to self-defense when attacked’ law was passed some time ago. It was a lunatic thing then and it’s even worse now.

I can’t think of worse places to live right now than Chicago, certain CA cities and the UK.

Herbert J Messkit

I think the British theory is that you have to let your attacker stick a knife in you and twist it a few times before you respond. Where that idea came from I have no idea.

The right of self defense and the means with which to perform it.


This is why the Brits must revive and master the deadly art of Ecky-Thump.

BlueCord Dad

Dealt with the Irish gypsies back in the mid to late ‘80’s. They’ve got a good line of shit. One was chatting up my Dad when I rolled up in my radiocar. Paddy was gonna “seal” my dad’s driveway. The plan changed pretty quick and he disappeared like a fart in a windstorm


The British are why we have a Constitution.


BAMMO! And that whole “consent of the governed” thing. Which one would reasonably infer includes the means of revoking that consent, if necessary, given “… being necessary to the security of a free State…”.


“…-That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness….”

Declaration of Independence


That’s it. AW1 Ed wins the internet for today. Everybody pack it in and go home.


And also why we have a Republic instead of a monarchy.


In writing, with a Bill of Rights-also in writing.


And the ignorant limeys wonder why “the sun never sets on Brittania anymore”!


Just wow
Took the criminals own weapon away and use it in self-defense
It doesn’t get any more clear than that
They should be giving him a metal instead of charging him with a crime


Maybe -we- should give him a medal.


Or a few/many pints of his favorite Lager for saving the hard working taxpayers of Britain several hundred thousand Quid, or something like that…!!!

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Just another reminder for me about why there’s nothing about English government that interests me beyond using it as a cautionary tale for those who would remove the constitutional protections from our rights.

But the English government has always been overbearing and deaf to the rights of the individual, that’s the very basis for our Revolution here.


And just when I start thinking parts of America are too un-American, I’m reminded how much more backward the fully-civilized western nations are. America should always maintain some of its unrefined edges–they come in pretty handy sometimes.


He should have called the police and waited for an unarmed female to arrive and talk to the stabbing victim. If that did not work she would call for the nearest Taser equipped officer and wait forty five minutes for them to arrive. next the Taser will not work as advertised and the armed police will called in, two hours later the armed police will arrive and put up the crime scene tape around the dead subjects. And the Mayer of London will Tweet out #NotMyReliogon.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

On the news the other day that London has more homicides utilizing a knife than NYC. Just think that if the Colonists at Concord and Lexington did not have rifles, the same thing that happened to Mr.Brooks could have been one of us TODAY.


London has more -homicides- than NYC.Tey have been trending upwards for over twenty years. NYC has trended downwards.

Also noteworthy: the Brits apparently only count a crime when they have obtained a conviction, not merely on a report of a crime.

Think about home many -unsolved- random mayhems an murders are not being counted in London and elsewhere.

The Brits are keeping a stiff upper lip and all, but basically are trying to imagine they are still a civilized society with a functional criminal justice system. The reality is they are about to discover what “ the sack of Rome” was like, because they have apprently decided that it is not Cricket to smite barbarians anymore.

Barbarism is what you get when you cease rewarding civilized virtues and cease enforcing civilized rules. Imports are not required. Barbarism springs up like weeds in any marginally fertile soil.


The more I learn about other countries the more my admiration grows for our Founding Fathers.


I will second -that- comment.


The genius they had, all of them to work so hard to build something that would succeed far beyond their wildest dreams.
If you believe in a Higher Being/Power/God/Intelligence you might feel, as I do that when the right people are needed, God puts those people in the place they are supposed to be.
The coincidences are much too numerous to ignore throughout history.
Juan Williams constantly says that they were all slaveholders and had deep seated racism so their views don’t count…
And that is why I rarely watch anything on FNS with his ugly ass in it…
And I am so glad I live in the Greatest country on Earth !!!

Perry Gaskill

There are some holes in both the Daily Mail and Sun stories:

What, for example, did the cops actually say about the situation? There is no indication any contact was made with the police other than using routine quotes from a police statement.

It seems to me a competent reporter would have been asking not only how long Osborn-Brooks was in custody, but also what made them take him into custody in the first place. If the cops decline to answer those questions, it’s also good journalism to indicate the questions were asked but not answered for whatever reason.

The Sun doesn’t mention it at all, and the Daily Mail buries the fact that British law is somewhat different but still allows a homeowner a measure of self defense. The difference to the U.S. is apparently a more stringent interpretation of what constitutes excessive force. It wouldn’t be a surprise if there was something in the initial interview with Osborn-Brooks that might have indicated a need to drag him in for detailed questioning.

Too, it could be the police are not giving up a lot of detail about the story because the other burglar, Billy Jeeves, is still in the wind. Reveal too much, and what could be a potential accessory murder case against him is put at risk.


Thank God Canada is coming around on self defence. I will be declaring refugee status in Buffalo if our laws become as retarded as our ‘Motherland’
We have had several recent successful court cases that have established firearms use in home defence.
Like the Sask farmer who put down a drunk, gun armed native thief with a high speed 86 grain lobotomy.


Get that man a beer…oh, wait.

John Seabee

Interesting comments about the Travelers. I spent 20 years in my agency’s Intelligence Squad and one of my primary jobs was fighting the Irish, English and Scottish Travelers, the Romany, plus the Yugoslavian and Romanian store diversion thieves. I put many of them in jail and prison for their criminal activity. Many agencies have detectives who are very well educated about these mutts.. other agencies…well not so much. California has an excellent investigative unit called SWIFT that combats illegal construction related crime. For several years, my county was viewed, by these criminals, as being too HOT to mess around n…and thanks to my replacement, it still is.


I liked when my agency got a reputation for being tough on crime. Proactive not just reactive. Loved hearing “I’m never coming back here.” To which I’d reply “The city weeps for your absence.”

Nothing made me happier than to hear that people of questionable repute were driving around my city. 🙂


Right on bro


“1. Never trust a fart.”
“2. Never waste a boner.”
“3. Never trust a guy with two first names and no last name.”

Yup, that’s rule number 3 in MrFace’s tome of knowledge.



If only we had waited a couple of centuries to rebel, we could have saved a lot of time and effort; wave a gun at them and they would piss themselves trying to get back to dear old Blighty.


Once again Americans are reminded that the UK shouldn’t be it’s supposed “closet ally”.

MSG Eric

So, not only can you be arrested for defending yourself, someone’s “friends” can say they’ll kill you and your whole family and nothing happens to them?

No wonder we rebelled. The founding fathers must’ve seen this kind of stupidity coming and didn’t want to be a part of it.

Imagine the relief of the many nations formerly a part of the British Empire who can read this story and say, “thank fucking God!”


They are travellers or as we call them pikeys. They trash places where they travel to and invade and leave garbage and mess behind them. Not Irish or Romany. Not that many Romanian immigrants are any better and arrive to pickpocket and indulge in organised crime. I consider UK as a collapsing democracy and I live there. You probably won’t like me saying it but I have a Russian wife and Russian life is better. Most Brit expats feel that relationships with Russia should be built and not destroyed and it is a vast country and with many ethnicities who are also not popular in white Russia. It has an immigration problem too. Most folks also feel the old man did a good job. I know of another case where they picked on an 80 year old ex SBS soldier in the streets to mug. He ended up a bit bruised and bloody but kicked arse.


Don’t forget the pikey/gypo shitbags that pimp out their own children and produce/distribute Kiddie Pr0n.
They do MUCH more insidious things for a buck than sub-par furniture and “home improvement” scams.


Although….. I hear that Gypsy Tears prevent AIDS.
(according to much respect Kazakh journalsman)

Hack Stone

That should read “When the police and courts will not protect…”. Hack Stone Publishing regrets the error.


“Yer Honor, he needed killin’.”

“He did indeed. Case dismissed.”