Feinstein’s leak
I first read about Dianne’s Feinstein’s leak of classified drone flights in Pakistan from McQ at Blackfive then again this morning at Gateway Pundit.
Here’s the video;
Of course, the media is just calling it a “likely embarrassment” to Pakistan. From a tiny article on the incident from USAToday;
For months, Pakistani leaders have criticized the use of Predator-launched CIA missiles against Islamic extremists along the northwest border.
The California Democrat’s remarks came during a Congressional hearing in which she expressed surprise over Pakistani opposition to the use of the missiles.
“As I understand it, these are flown out of a Pakistani base,” she said.
Philip J. LaVelle, a spokesman for Feinstein, said her comment was based solely on previous news reports that Predators were operated from bases near Islamabad, the newspaper reports.
I’ll remind you what Dianne Feinstein said about leaking information in a previous incident;
Such intelligence, and the sources and methods necessary for its acquisition, are critical to our national security. The decision to invade Iraq illustrates the essential role of intelligence, and the deep consequences when it fails.
It is especially disturbing to learn that the intelligence was being leaked to influence public opinion. Intelligence material should be used to inform decisions, not to manipulate the American press.
Category: Liberals suck, Politics, Usual Suspects
With her and others of her ilk in Washington, our enemies don’t have far to go to dig up things to cause us problems. Do we no longer have laws against traitorism? I know that she is California, and all, but fer Chrissakes, even this wench knows better. This was no slip of the tongue.
Yep, the Dhimmicrats won the election and now have all 3 branches of Government. The Loser? America. What the dhimmicrats don’t have anymore is a scapegoat to blame for all the dumb things they are doing now. Ol’ COB6 said it well, when, at his blog, he said that we should hope the the Dems win the presidency. Now they are totally culpable for the trainwreck that is going on.
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Whats wrong with being honest? We get attacked by the Pakistani government for attacking their country, and it makes us look bad to all the middle eastern and muslim countries. This way they know that we’re not acting alone!
Southern DumbPhuck- Being honest is very good, especially in things political. But that is not a Democrat trait, not at all. And in this instance, it is not being dishonest to not mention where they are. That we are trying to find an ally in Pakistan in that region of the planet is difficult, and ol’ Stretchface’s statement is not of any help here. If you knew anything of things “secure”, you would see the damage this can bring to our attempts to keep Pakistan as much “on our side” as possible. Go warm your latte.
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Whats wrong with being honest?
Nothing when you’re dealing with your parents or dealing with your friends and such, it’s a laudible trait.
The problem with Feinstein’s leak is that it was about classified military information. We shouldn’t be letting our enemies know of our secrets and our strategies. Feinstein has railed against the leaking of classified military information in the past, and now she did it herself. BTW, these leaks quite often get soldiers and/or intelligence operatives killed, not a good thing.
Nothing wrong with being honest…
Plenty wrong with throwing an allied government, that is providing you a base to operate the weapon most likely to cause riots within its capital city, under the bus.
Most Pakistanis have picked the Predator as a particularly offensive tool, especially with the fact that it is viewed as violating Pakistani sovereignty. Good call on causing trouble domestically, and making our supporters over there realize they really can’t count on us to provide cover while they do us a huge favor.