Corpsmen get pre-deployment training in Chicago

| March 15, 2018

According to the Wall Street Journal, Navy corpsmen training for deployment with Marine Corps units are getting that training in Chicago hospitals;

For so long “the first time a corpsman got any trauma experience was when they were deployed, and some would just freeze up,” said Captain Paul Roach, a U.S. Navy surgeon at the Lovell Federal Health Care Center north of Chicago. “We don’t want that to happen anymore,” said Capt. Roach, who heads the program in the Great Lakes region.

The Navy is working to formalize a pilot program that has been tested here for three years, rotating newly enlisted hospital corpsmen—the combat medics for the Navy and Marines—and those needing a refresher while they are back home, for six to eight weeks through Stroger Hospital’s trauma center. The 14-bed unit treats over 6,000 trauma patients yearly, many of them with penetrating, life-threatening wounds akin to those on the battlefield.

In fact, more Americans have been shot in Chicago, that stellar example of Draconian gun control laws, than on all of the battlefields worldwide combined. According to the Chicago Tribune, as of March 12th there have been 414 shooting victims in Chicago so far this year.

For Corpsman Poplawski, who grew up in suburban Michigan, it was his first time seeing anyone with a gunshot wound.

The experience “has prepared me to deal with worse things out in the field,” he said. “I’ll be the only one out there, so I’ll have to learn from this.”

Category: Navy

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What a shithole.


Just goes to show, what the liberals, dumocraps, leftists get when they get their ridiculous “gun control”…how’s it working for you IDIOTS!


Slow weekend in Chiraq, only four dead and 14 wounded. Baltimore grins.


Holy Fukk! Chicago is our “training war”!


This actually make a lot of sense, IMHO.

It used to be (and may still be true) that in Houston, for a penetrating wound Ben Taub Hospital was the place to go. They would get several knife-to-the-heart cases a night on the weekends – and had a very high survival rate.

Training in places where these things show up often, with people for whom these events are routine, cannot help but improve the skills of any Corpsman, Medic, EMT or Paramedic.

If these idiot gangs are going to shoot each other, may as well get some good out of their volunteer efforts to provide real semi-live victims!


Yes indeed – going to where they will get some practical training experience makes a bunch of sense. A busy trauma center seems like the only place to do it.

What a concept. Get trained and provide actual aid to real victims in the process. No downside.


I hope they will be receiving combat pay. Taking someone out of America and inserting them in Chicago must surely rate some extra bennies.


“his first time seeing anyone with a gunshot wound”

Just wait until he see’s a severed head on a pike. Chicago is bad. Real bad. But gunshot wounds are the norm there. Corpsmen deal with a lot more than bullet holes and they have my greatest respect for doing so.


A MVA can do many things to a human body. The trauma centers deal with them, as well. Pick up someone who has wound up under the car or through the windshield, and it gets real quickly.

Dealing with family members of a DRT after an MVA can also put a lot of stress into the equation.

Aggravared Mopery

There probably isnt anything, an employee of Cook County Hospital (now known as Strogers or St. Rogers) has not come acoross after 5 years in.



I remember the Navy doing this back in the early 90’s… they were sending people up to LA to work at one of the big hospitals there. Same comparisons were made then – they saw a lot of trauma patients from the ghetto/barrio and got a ton of experience in treating them.


I was in LA in the mid-90’s, and IIRC, it was USC Medical Center.

The Other Whitey

Saw a kid on the news who said that if guns are outlawed there will be no more murders. Have him spend a week in “gun-free” Chicago and see if he still thinks that, assuming he survives.


Or DC, Baltimore, Detroit, LA….




Our Q-course students have had 2, 30 day rotations as part of their training for decades.

I’ve seen this sort of thing fall in and out of favor for FMF Corpsmen as long as I knew what the FMF was. Hopefully, these men are getting elbows deep and the practice continues.


“In fact, more Americans have been shot in Chicago, that stellar example of Draconian gun control laws, than on all of the battlefields worldwide combined.”

Illinois has tough gun ownership laws and Chicago is even more tight-assed about it. But the statistics make it plain that tight gun laws do NOT stop gun violence, period.

It is so bad in Chicago proper that real estate agents are now carrying weapons with them when they go to show property, especially after working hours.


I’d hate to be a female real-estate agent. I hope those with whom I dealt in Houston were packing and practiced.

Jus Bill

Same situation in Baltimore. And the REAs have to fight the State Police to get a permit issued. Seriously FUBAR.


If the citizens in these shythead communist leaning states would just MOVE, leave the damned state a ghost town, maybe when their wages and ability to steal from the coffers stops, the moronic politicians will change or GET OUT! imo


If I ask an agent if they feel the need to carry, and they say yes, then it’s time to find a property elsewhere.


Think about it this way – if you are an agent meeting strangers to go into an empty house, regardless of the neighborhood in which the property is located, you are in a vulnerable position – isolated from help.

I don’t care if it is a neighborhood where the houses start at $50 Mil, an agent – especially a female agent – is in a risky position.

A Proud Infidel®™

Chicongo, a stellar example of what Gun Control Laws do to crime rates!


My neice’s husband (nephew-in-law?) is a going through Independant Duty Corpsman training for duty on submarines. He’s been at a hospital ER for several weeks now.


It’s status quo for IDC students to do hospital rotations. Unfortunately, a lot of general duty Corpsman have to also operate alone at times that can be emergent. It has been difficult to get that point across to BUMED so they would buy off on getting other corpsmen such experience even if they won’t be doing procedures as complicated and/or invasive as what is expected of an IDC.


Hopefully these corpsmen will get combat pay.


Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

As I posted in the past, I get the Incident Paging Network texts on my cell phone which I subscribe to and between chicago and baltimore, the shootings are all day, every day along with the FD activity which is the main reason for subscribing after 30 years in the Volly Fire Service. If I was computer savvy, I would transfer these shooting texts to the TAH site so you can really see the shooting/stabbing activity that goes on there.


Jeff LPH 3 63-66, I know what you mean about computer savvy. There are lots of things I would like to do but don’t have a clue how it is done.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Steve1371; The computer savvy tech stuff is hard for me and that’s why I cough up fifteen bucks extra to AT&T for tech support BUT, with my hands, I can install RJ45 ethernet plugs onto it’s 8 wire cable along with RJ11 Phone plugs, F connectors to cable wire, High Standard .22Cal. Victor rebuild, plus Hamilton, Elgin, Waltham mechanical pocket watch fixes. It’s just the tech stuff that you have to use the old brain is what is hard for me to grasp.

E4 Mafia For Life.

Go here:
Real time stats and very detailed info on Chicago crimes against the person broken down.
Shot clock
30 Day Stupidity Trend
Shot Placement (chalk outline graph)
2018 Carjack-O-Rahm-A

Old 1SG, US Army (retired)

The training may be great but what a crying shame that it’s come to this.

Yes, trauma centers in large cities have been used for years for training doctors, EMTs, and other emergency providers. This included a wide range of trauma and of course shootings and other sometimes horrific acts, probably not to the level of Chi-town.

The can start an adverting campaign targeting medical schools, military, police and fire academies promoting their readily available realistic training environments…

Travel brochure…

“Why travel to exotic places to meet interesting people and kill them? Come experience the action first hand and up close in one of our Nations melting piss-pots.”

“Disclaimer: Flak jackets and Kevlar provided – sorry, weapons are not authorized during your stay”


Yeah, I spent many weekends in the inner-city ERs when I was in EMT training. Stabbings, shootings and accidents, oh my.
Not that it was particularly shocking, at that time, my department ran Emergency Units staffed by police officers, there wasn’t much I saw in the ER that I hadn’t already seen on the street. It was great training.

stephen mccartney

The downside is that the Navy corpsmen do not get to train as a unit ( as per the L.A County General Hospital experience. Also, the rules within the hospital largely restrict the participation and broad roles that an FMF corpsman would perform in wartime. Good to have more urban exposure but remember the injuries in OIF/OEF were blast/thermal injuries and high velocity gunshot (7.62mm and .50 cal). Also, FMF sailors are well trained after Great Lakes Corps school at either Camp Pendleton or Camp Lejeune in a superb several week training package. Not many, if any “Quad zero” sailors are put in operational billets with USMC.
CAPT Bones USN (ret)


The majority of Corpsman do their sea duty with the FMF and not the fleet.


I lived in Chicondo for over 20 years and can attest that there are a HUGE number of 7.62 weapons, have seen and held a number myself (I take the 5th), 50 cal, well now not so much….they will get all the “training” they can handle…. some will suffer PTSD before ever deploying overseas….