NRA is a terrorist organization says PAC
A political action committee founded by former Clinton staffer, Claude Taylor, has erected a sign in Pensacola, Florida that claims that the National Rifle Association is a terrorist organization, according to Pensacola News Journal;
Taylor, whose Twitter bio says he resides near Washington, D.C., said he’ll soon have an anti-NRA billboard up in Oklahoma and two in Texas. He said he personally stands behind the the message on the signs.
“The NRA is helping facilitate the introduction to the civilian marketplace of a broad range of military grade weaponry that is inappropriate, unsafe and unwise to have in civilian hands,” Taylor said. “And legislatively, the NRA owns the GOP.”
Um, the NRA is a grassroots organization with more than five million members. The NRA represents the 2nd Amendment interests of it’s membership in the halls of the legislature, just like every other grassroots organization. They don’t sell guns, they help teach gun safety to children and to adults.
But, Taylor isn’t known for his “truthiness”. According to the Washingtonian, he considers himself a “bomb thrower”.
“When all is said and done,” Taylor says, “I’ll be pretty comfortable if I hit 80 percent.” Of course, that would mean one out of every five of his reports is inaccurate.
Yeah, well, that’s how we got here.
Category: I hate hippies
Sounds like a successful libel lawsuit in the making.
Can libel lawsuits be class action?
If NRA members are considered a “group”, and if that “group” has been “injured” the same (if not similar) way/s, then it strikes me that a vast majority of NRA members would take exception to being referred to as “terrorists” or belonging to a “terrorist group”.
Hmm. Interesting concept – libel as class action.
Let’s see: $1,000 damages per injured member of the class times 5,000,000 injured members is . . . well, it’s likely far more than the combined net worth of this guy plus everyone else who ever contributed to his ridiculous PAC, let alone the PAC’s officers and employees.
Me likey idea. (smile)
Hey, I want more than a mere $1,000. I have stuff that needs to be done around here.
Should be. Then again unhinged liberal fake judges are so common these days the law doesn’t matter worth a damn any longer.
I think planned parenthood is the terrorist organization….look at the millions of babies they have murdered!! imho
The media keep letting people (pundits and politicians) say this blatantly untrue stuff about the NRA.
Imagine if someone put up a billboard that said BLM is a terrorist organization (to which it shares similarities)? Hell, it’s “racist” for Trump to say that Maxine Waters isn’t smart.
It’s obvious the MSM is now the propaganda arm of the DNC. Just look at how little attention the MSM is paying to how many Democrats in congress associate with and stand by Farrakhan. The man has literally praised Hitler, frequently calls for a race war, and thinks that Jews are satanic. And he can walk around the Democratic side of the aisle with no fallout.
If Michael Moore had a son.
First off, the dude is an idiot!, second, Military grade my ass, and third, good luck to him with those billboards in Texas…
This is not really about the NRA; this is him saying that five million law-abiding American citizens who happen to be NRA members are terrorists, and by extension the 180 million Americans who own firearms are also terrorists. Remember what he said come November 6th…
Five million and one- I just renewed my membership last week after all the silliness and bullshit.
+1, I did also
+2, so did I.
+3,, me too.
Self-proclaimed “bomb-thrower” calls nonviolent law-abiding Americans terrorists. Yeah, fuck this guy.
That is different because they are righteous and just – and shut up.
No one has asked this very important question. If that’s Claude Taylor in that photo, where in the Hell did he get that chicken salad shirt?
Whatta drip! He really knows how to generate money and memberships for the opposition, doesn’t he?
Hey, Wayne, are you going to call me a terrorist, you sorry SOB? How deep are your pockets?
Wayne? EEeeew! Not enough caffeine!
I meant CLAUDE. C=L=A=U=D=E.
I’ll go get more caffeine now.
The shirt? A skittle-farting unicorn puked on him.
Hey Shitbird taylor, maybe you should get a job altering and pressing pants. That kind of job would suit a Shitbird like yourself.
Saw this coming when Bloomberg announced he would do things like this last Fall.
He wants to buy him some more state elections. Just like he said then.
Just re-joined myself; membership lapsed when I moved last year..
Heard that NRA has acquired 500,000 new members since the latest nonsense… now +1 more!
I was not going to join any organizations really but that guy just talked me into the the NRA.
Same here. Joined last week because of all the bullshit going on.
So when do the arrests of NRA members begin? Surely there must be evidence of some terroristic actions or threats. Should we all turn ourselves in to the local PD?
Don’t tell them, but the NRA has infiltrated most of the nations’ PDs in a preemptive move to protect NRA members nation-wide.
One of the LTC-holding ladies in my church actually got reprimanded by a local LEO when he caught her not carrying.
Well veterans are already suspect according to the last administration’s own guidelines so fuck ’em let them gig me on both my vet status and the fact I support the NRA with my money.
Nothing like opinion stories from a self professed liar to make things even more entertaining.
How quickly would he be sued and censured by the liberal media the moment he said the same about say, CAIR? Claude Taylor has given us another fine example of how liberalism is a Mental Disorder.
He is just putting into practice the dictum that a lie told often enough and loud enough is accepted as truth.
And the MSM – a group who is slowly losing it’s economic viability – is quite willing to provide the microphone and echo-chamber for folks like this.
As CH said at 9:58 am: it is not really about the NRA. They hate the average American citizen. They hate us, and wish to destroy us.
“If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself.”
“A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth.”
– Joseph Goebbels
Sounds like the modus operandi of today’s liberal snooze media while they remain sniveling lackeys of the DNC.
That is the dictum to which I was referring, API. Thank you for providing the precise reference.
That Claude Taylor & Co.’s heroes and role models include “regular Joes” such as Joseph Goebbels and Joseph Stalin is, IMHO, significant.
They hate us? Fine. There are numerically more of us than there are of them.
I suggest giving them their own plot of acreage, such as Gov. Moonbeam’s 245,000 acre ranch in CA, and wall them in. They will have to be completely self-sufficient, but the place will be heavily guarded by people with guns to keep intruders out… or Them in.
Meantime, we’ll go on about our business and Make America Great Again!
Question: What do you call an anti-NRA billboard?
Answer: A target :>))
Especially in Texas! Yee-Haw!
They will probably both be in Austin. Wouldn’t last long anywhere else.
Shut Up, they explained.
Essentially this is a way of saying “SCREW YOU!” to millions of law abiding gun owners and American citizens.
How did that work for you in November of 2016, dumbasses?
What’s that saying? “Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.” Keep it up, morons.
Queer bait.
Pensacola Florida, where maybe six people could give a crap about the stupid billboard.
My new favorite person, Dana Loesch.
She’s all talk. She recently packed up and moved because liberals said mean things to her. She’s part of the NRA brand machine. Don’t be fooled these people play a part to enrich themselves.
I’d hit it.
Who wouldn’t?
This is more along the lines of the response I was expecting. NRA haters gonna hate on the NRA, I suppose.
For the record, I contribute to SAF, too.
Are you talking about a case where she was the victim of doxxing? That’s a little more than “liberals saying mean things to her.”
You may consider her to be “part of the NRA brand machine” – but another way of looking at it is that the NRA is attempting to show that women can (and do) have fun shooting. Not an unreasonable goal, IMHO.
Don’t get me wrong, I do not think the NRA is faultless. I personally do not like Wayne Pierre or his MO. I get tired of the constant pleas for more money. (I am a Life member of the NRA – made that move during one of 0bama’s moves against the 2nd Amendment.) Most of their rhetoric I find as entertaining as a root canal.
But overall the NRA is much more than that – and I have little to complain about concerning Mrs. Loesch’s role in the PR campaign.
American gun owners deserve better than the NRA. It was only weeks ago they were advocating for the ATF to redefine terms in order to ban shit. Are you fucking kidding me with supporting these fudd cucks?
I suppose, FC, that to an “all-or-nothing” mindset, a nuanced reply such as I attempted to provide to you is incomprehensible.
Forgive me for presuming to have an adult conversation with you.
Her whole family received death threats. That isn’t a good reason to “pack up & move?” It was a lot more than “mean things.”
Nice pic of her on the front cover of her Hands of my gun book.
If the NRA are terrorists what does that make all of us that won’t bend the knee like the NRA routinely does?
Answer: Your fucking nemisis, Liberals.
What the fuck are “military grade weapons”??
Does that mean they’re made out of special materials that are harder than regular materials? Do they shoot different kinds of ammo? Do they have secret compartments that carry flame throwers and tanks??
They have high capacity magazine clips and shoulder things that go up.
Don’t forget the bayonet studs. You can attach a chainsaw to one of those.
Shoulder-thing that goes up? You mean the thing the Predator had?
Oh no, much worse than that.
Yea, and how does one hold a 40MM bofor’s clip fed AA gun. Maybe with a shoulder sling?
I let that marble roll around my brain pan as well Mark. To no good resolution I might add. There is not much, if anything, the military carries (the Grunt or the High Speed Operator) that I cannot buy in whole or parts. With the exception of a full auto unless registered before 1994. Even if I wanted a full auto, which I don’t because I don’t have Uncle Sam’s ammo budget, I really don’t need one.
They also like to use the phrase “high velocity weapon.”
So I’m guessing anywhere between 10 feet per second to Mach 7.
If I turn my Glock sideways and push the gun forward while pulling the trigger, it makes the bullet go more faster.
“Military grade weapon” means that you paid 10 times what it’s worth, ran 4 years past production time, rusts and was manufactured in the home state of a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee.
And provided by the lowest bidder.
That’s what I took it to mean. “Military grade” to me means it is cheap, reliable, easy to palletize and/or sling load, and comes in any color you want as long as that color is olive drab.
I generally like to buy better than military grade. Anyone else remember us getting ready to go to Iraq in ’03 with a PLGR? Military grade GPS unit that was ten times the price with a fraction of the features and usability of a COTS GPS unit from Cabelas.
Hell, my free Grid Nav phone app worked better than the Blue Force Tracker and the Plugger.
High velocity weapon. That’s so true. When I shoot at the range, the wall fan pushing the smoke and gases down range also push the bullet at a faster speed. The definition of fast is that I had a friend whom could turn off his bedroom light and be undressed before the room got dark. Now that’s fast.
Some examples of “military-grade weaponry,” designed solely for the purpose killing people on a battlefield:
– Any good-quality hunting/survival/utility knife
– Pick-head ax
– Crossbow
– Longbow
– Recurve bow
– Longsword
– Shortsword
– Billy club
– Slingshot
– Tomahawk/hatchet/hand ax
– Pike pole
– Sledgehammer
– Javelin
– Shotput
– Hands
– Feet
Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!
Brown Bess muskets and Kentucky Long Rifles, too.
Shovel/entrenching tool
SOOOO disappointed you left out the various grades of cast iron skillets with long handles, and large pots for boiling oil.
Sorry, Ex. Was going for implements originally designed as weapons. The pot and skillet, while effective, were invented with other uses in mind.
“The state may declare that 2 + 2 = 5. Sometimes they are 3. Sometimes they are all at once.”
Winston’s antagonist O’Brien. -George Orwell, 1984
Tip of the hat to Hondo.
Had never seriously considered joining the NRA. Am currently rethinking that position.
Military Grade weapons, huh? Alright, where’s my Davey Crockett manportable atomic rocket launcher?
Wish my family had known, who were all NRA members…….and to think the US Navy
allowed me to serve anyway and to hold clearances.
A list of military grade weapons should include the following:
Medium-sized bags filled and tied, carrying the contents of the cesspits or portapotties
Full contents of the catboxes, bagged and tied
A set of catapults and/or trebuchets, w/crews
Hookers who are confirmed to have truly noxious diseases and sticky fingers to attach to maps, orders, etc.
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A, OK. I see why they put that there. This is near one of the main drags into Pensacola proper. They put it there because a lot of the military traffic coming from Corry and NAS comes down that street. Strategically placed to try and piss off people. It’s in a pretty shitty part of town, just a couple of blocks from the Sheriff’s office. I don’t go that way unless I’m headed to the airport or the dentists office.